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Will You Accept the Findings of the Muller Probe?

Will You Accept the Findings of the Muller Probe?

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The ********* that is the Mueller report.

Collusion isn't a crime. Conspiracy is. The report does reveal that, in secret, members of Team Trump(Manafort certainly) working with Russians(Kiliminik) and trading information in an effort to influence midwest Democrat votes. That seems like a conspiracy to obtain the presidency to me.

Several outlined instances of Team Trump straight obstructing and influencing what witnesses will say.


If Donald Trump were Joe the Plumber, he'd be drawn and quartered. Why isn't he?
Because Mueller agrees with the longstanding DOJ view that a president can't be indicted. The section of the report regarding obstruction of justice reads to me as an invitation to begin impeachment proceedings. Which aren't likely to happen because congressional democratic leadership are a bunch of baby back bitches.

The Mueller report doesn't matter. No one is changing their opinions. Both sides are incapable of seeing beyond their own beliefs.

The end.

Can't we just talk about how great Seinfeld was and share favorite scenes?

I personally liked the scene where they burnt Trump tower to the ground. Didn't you?
If the democratic leadership thinks refraining from impeachment actually helps their chances in 2020, then they’re even more clueless than we thought. They were elected to HOLD TRUMP ACCOUNTABLE. They weren’t elected for green new deal or universal healthcare. Besides, they won’t get those past the senate either.

If Dems can’t show a backbone now when facing an existential threat like Trump, then there’s really no point in having the DNC anymore.
Never was a fan of Seinfeld. I tend to like comedies that are, you know, funny.
Never was a fan of Seinfeld. I tend to like comedies that are, you know, funny.

I've never reported someone, but this has gone too far. How can you live with yourself when you talk about Seinfeld like that? Have you no morals? No common decency? We live in a society!!

OK, for real, how old are you? I find the younger generations don't understand Seinfeld.

I'm in my mid thirties.
If the democratic leadership thinks refraining from impeachment actually helps their chances in 2020, then they’re even more clueless than we thought. They were elected to HOLD TRUMP ACCOUNTABLE. They weren’t elected for green new deal or universal healthcare. Besides, they won’t get those past the senate either.

If Dems can’t show a backbone now when facing an existential threat like Trump, then there’s really no point in having the DNC anymore.
Wellllll I would say that issues like health care and education and to a lesser degree environmental concerns were at least as important to D voters as Trump/Russia. Certainly those issues were brought up more often by the candidates themselves.

That said, I agree that Democratic voters do expect a Dem controlled house to at least make an effort at holding Trump accountable.
I've never reported someone, but this has gone too far. How can you live with yourself when you talk about Seinfeld like that? Have you no morals? No common decency? We live in a society!!

OK, for real, how old are you? I find the younger generations don't understand Seinfeld.

I'm in my mid thirties.

Mid-fifties, never thought it was more than occasionally funny.
I've never reported someone, but this has gone too far. How can you live with yourself when you talk about Seinfeld like that? Have you no morals? No common decency? We live in a society!!

OK, for real, how old are you? I find the younger generations don't understand Seinfeld.

I'm in my mid thirties.
48. Never found it funny other than Kramer from time to time. Found it boring more than anything else.
Wellllll I would say that issues like health care and education and to a lesser degree environmental concerns were at least as important to D voters as Trump/Russia. Certainly those issues were brought up more often by the candidates themselves.

That said, I agree that Democratic voters do expect a Dem controlled house to at least make an effort at holding Trump accountable.

Can’t we walk and chew gum at the same time? We can hold trump accountable and still make propositions that will get little media coverage and will quickly die in the senate before they even come out of Committee.

I’m struggling to understand why Dems think that dragging Trump’s name through the mud for another year to 18 months through impeachment hearings would be bad for them. Especially when they were so recent victims of the trumped up smear campaign against Hillary Clinton.

Why not make a show of Trump and his criminal dealings? Why not impeach him in the house? Why not set up senate republicans into deciding whether to side with their party or side with the law? It would be brilliant politics to smear republicans with this. Mueller gave us the blueprint, why don’t we follow it?

And let me be clear, I believe trump is a malignant tumor that should’ve been cut off a long time ago. His conspiracy and then obstruction not to mention all of his other political failings demonstrate clearly that he’s not fit for president.

But I feel like if we can’t get rid of him now, then let’s pummel him so hard over the next 18 months that he’ll be hemorrhaging too much to win in 2020.

If trump isn’t worthy of impeachment, who the hell is?

Clinton, who lied about receiving a BJ? Nixon? Who tried to cover up a burglary? Andrew Johnson???
If Dems don’t make the next 18 months about Trump, what will they be about? Certainly none of their ideas. It’ll be the media finding juicy trash tabloid information that’ll only serve to make their candidates less attractive. You’re already seeing that. Just look at how much more attention Buttigeg’s gay feud with Pence and Biden’s kissing and Kamala’s interracial marriage have received far more attention than the weekly plans Warren is cranking out
Have you ever been diagnosed with some kind of disorder?
Not trying to be negative about you @LogGrad98, but firegirl, he hates things that are generally well regarded. Said Takashi wasn't very good and recommended another sushi place, when I tried to go there it had gone out of business. Takashi has a line out the door every day. Says Red Iguana isn't very good, again, a place that has a wait all day every day.

If a lot of people like it, LogGrad don't.