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WWIII, The Mother of all Oil Wars, Shaping Up


Well-Known Member
Yes, I confess. I was listening to the radio. Some guy in NYC with a one-hour gig and claiming to be a former anti-Terrorist task force agent, with friends.

Says Biden call Putin bad names. Says Russia recalled its Ambassador. Says China talked back to Americans in Alaska. Says Soros owns a Ukrainian oil pipeline. Says Ukraine is "massing" 300 tanks and 10000 soldiers on the front with the rebel Russians in two eastern districts. Says Russia is moving 1000 tanks and loading planes with paratroopers. Says the US and allies are planning war games over the Balkans and the Black Sea, 25000 troops playing. Says Biden threatened sanctions on EU contractors building Russia's natural gas pipeline to Europe.

So the US Corporate Fascist Junta....../ ya know, George Soros, Bill Gates, et al, are willing to go to war for the oil cartel...... ya know, all of Biden's backers, including Liz Cheney "the War Monger".

I've been seeing a sort of stiff America First line in Foreign Affairs, the Brit/Am political trumpeteer rag. The real Trump wasn't going to play war. Now we have the War Mongers in full "control".

Mark Levin, a sort of war monger himself, might bristle and wonder whose war this is, but his opinion of Putin is about the same as Biden's. Putinj is public enemy number one for the CFR, because he talks openly about the operation, questioning The New World Order as Law: "It's not New Law, it's No Law." Thus he calls out the US/West Establishment as thugs who won't abide any agreement or respect any boundaries. Both Russia and China have gone "rogue" so far as the old order of things. We will have to fight to hold our own here.

OK, so if you read the LaRouchies, WWI, WWII and the UN are Brit geopolitical products for keeping the Brit merchants in the global top drawer. We did WWI when central europe was planning to "go around" the British Merchant Marine by building a railroad to Asia. That was why Russia had to be knocked out of the market with a revolution. We did WWII for the same reason, to stop the same menace to Brit trade monopolies. And Oil.

So here's your man of the hour: Joe Biden. Protecting his son's oil gig in Ukraine.

I confess, this is a mess. Googling around, I see a lot of Soros references regarding Ukraine. seems inconsistent with Burisma interests. Lots of references to the Greens wanting to sack the Russian pipeline, Greens with Soro's backing.

So let's get this straight. There is plenty of gas. John D. Rockefeller would as a matter of habit, buy competitors and just shut them down, then raise prices. That's why oil companies bankroll greenies generally. That's why the West shuts Russia out of the deal. That's why Huntsman didn't get his foot in the door in the oil business there. Nobody says it, nonoby is allowed to say it. but we have to keep Russia in the boonies jand off the the stage. Freeze them out of development funds. They have more oil than the rest of the world combined. They could collapse our prices and shut down our businesses, if they could get our technology.
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I might do another thread.... Abiotic Oil.

what got me going here was the Coast to Coast program last night with a guest named Olsen. I have to admit, he's not a scientist, and gets some things mixed up. He believes in abiotic oil, generated from nuclear fission within the earth. He believes we should do Thorium nuclear reactors, and natural foods.
I just think the carbon and hydrogen are naturally abundant enough in the universe there's no way we don't have abiotic oil to begin with.

But he is right about this. Oil is much more abundant than we have been told, and probably there is more abiotic oil locked up in our geology than fossil oil. Most of it is methane, which forms compounds in cold and under pressure and gets stored under ice and in muck on ocean floors.

But it's still, historically and economically, the stuff of wars.
Googling things like Russian tanks, troops massing on borders and such...... a lot of old stuff, almost every year.

I see definite bias in CFR materials, consistent with US/Brit geopolitical supremacist visions.

Shutting down our pipelines means we force prices up around the world, and give Russia a competitive edge. Bad idea.

That guy Olsen clearly is messed up about CO2. Says it "cools the earth". Idiot. But then, he drags up some real stuff about cycles in nature.....

We really don't know there won't be an Ice Age because of those factors and others we are not realizing. Scientists have recently revised the Earth's heat output from 44TW to 52TW. Still relatively small compared to the Sun, like everything else. And CO2 and other polyatomic gases do store heat . Lessee...... moving from .032 % to 0.042% at the surface, some kind of altitude gradient. You could calculate atmospheric heat storage for a 1 C temp change as well, but atmospheric is very small compared to oceanic heat balances, and land mass heat as well. Never been convinced anybody has the equations right.

But fission and fusion are the energy we need, and burning stuff is stupid. Who is gonna own the real energy when we wipe ourselves out over oil.
So, probably, if there are no real "rogue" nations scheming to break out of the system or overthrow it, the UN will stand well enough over time.

There is a historical antecedent in the Aztec realm, where the Lords and Ladies of the kingdoms enjoyed war. They would set up a bowery for shade, furnish it with suitable treats and drinks and slaves, and then summon their various armies to the filed below. War was a sport, really. The combatants would play out a drama probably directed by managers and scripts. Advance, take some prisoners. Retreat, let the adversary have some Prisons. Then one side or the other would ceremonially retreat. Each kingdom got new slaves and new sacrifices for their gods. The Lords and Ladies enjoyed the show.

So it is with UN wars. Probably Soros will get his natural gas pipeline. Probably Putin will finish his. Probably some important folks related to Biden will get some tens of millions of dollars. Maybe Obama too.

The jets will fly, the boats sail, the tanks roll, a lot of munitions blown up. Some thousands of soldiers dead. And some kind of deal about who gets to sell oil to whom.

And better prices for all. Suppliers, not customers.
I've got to say Babe, your understanding of foreign politics and geopolitical chessmatches are pretty impressive. Have you read "Tragedy & Hope" by C. Quigley by any chance? Fascinating book, especially if you want to know your enemies.

You think the Ever Given just lodged itself sideways in the Suez? That's a LOT of money sitting in those ships, not moving.
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Where does all the demand destruction play into this? Kinda ruins the old oil conspiracies.
I don't see Oil as a simple monolith exactly. John D. saw too much oil as the main problem with his business. He is the master monopolist. Some years ago, I visited a neighbor, a geologist consultant for Chevron in Utah. He had a large office with maps all round the room, showing all the oil development information. My reason for going to see him was I bought a significant oil right and wanted to know about such things. He was very nice to me and taught me how to negotiate with oil companies, telling me what I needed to ask for my oil.

Upstart companies want to get into the action and will explore and develop and drive prices down if they can get past the guvmint guard dogs to do it.

John D. was not stupid. His idea of national oil policy is "Use Theirs First". A great foreign policy that will help America be the last man standing on the Oil Hill, but the fact is Russia has more oil than we do by an order of magnitude, and it will take wars to keep them from developing it until we can run the tables there, too.

That's what globalism is all about.
I've got to say Babe, your understanding of foreign politics and geopolitical chessmatches are pretty impressive. Have you read "Tragedy & Hope" by C. Quigley by any chance? Fascinating book, especially if you want to know your enemies.

You think the Ever Given just lodged itself sideways in the Suez? That's a LOT of money sitting in those ships, not moving.

I haven't read that book. Heard about it.

I think it's a basic reference for many. William J. Fulbright wrote a book called "The Arrogance of Power", which most people would not actually understand any more than Oscar Wilde's "The Importance of Being Earnest". I've known many Chinese folks very well over the years, enough to sorta git the gist of the Yin/Yang thing and the Confucian teachings. I rarely take things at face value as they are publicly presented anymore.

I think the West got a leg up on the world with the Magna Carta, perhaps one of the few concepts of limiting government somehow that hasn't just died the death on the world stage.

The David Rockefeller boast about his accomplishments in bringing us to the present state of affairs pretty much takes the CFR/UN off the table as real secrets.

The reason there will not be a lasting epoch based on those schemes is just this. They forgot the essential fundamentals.

The British survived thus far by arranging for others to front their interests, maybe dividing people against each other so they couldn't come sack the Palace.

The scheme now is to let the Chinese take the fall for the West.

But I think the Chinese have seen us coming and we are the fools this time.

Putin is being set up by the West for a provocation/war which will deliver the Russian oil to Western oil interests. But China wants that oil too. Putin will build the pipeline and smile at the Chinese.

Trump had the better idea of how to do business with Russia, but even he was wrong about Putin.

It breaks my heart to see authoritarian rule/tyrants anywhere. How could we "win" by making it beneficial to promote general human rights in our foreign policy.

Come Lord Jesus.
Recent news.....

An article in Foreign Affairs appears to mark the Russians as the next Fall Guy. Citing very basic differences in interests, it postures the West as "democracy" and Putin as the tyrant. Putin has taken the position that the West, the UN generally, is not a new world order, or a "New Law", but in reality "No Law", calling the world leading cliques basically street thugs.

Significantly, he has locked Western business out. If you are not a Russian patriot, you have no business in Russia. But, like China, he has no qualms about taking advantage of stupid people who can be bribed.

Pretty sad that our leaders are doing the Cloward/Piven method to remake the US, basically proving Putin's point about how we are not ruled by law, but by thugs.

Right now, building a rock hut in the side of a mountain a few hundred feet above a little streamlet, less than thirty miles from a little rocky inlet in the Sea. I figure to sit this one out.

China doesn't lock business out. It's more of "Welcome to My Parlor" sort of smile. Our Bigs will want us to bail them out and welcome them home.

So the EPA has always been the sharpest tool in the drawer for enforcing cartel interests, perhaps unmatched in Foggy Bottom. But the real point of Climate alarmism is to lock up oil, and make it unavailable to anyone who doesn't have the key to the guv back door.

Oil is no credible shortage, and CO2 is no credible issue. The "Science" will not hold up another 10 years. There's a critical mass of Trumpers thumping on the fascist heels. Since the Teabaggers, it has gotten harder to manage the public. So, I'm sorry to say, our leaders have left their wits, checked their pretensions in the cloakroom, and made a desperate play for the helm of the world. Every pretension of democracy has been abandoned, and the claim of "democracy" in the West is a joke.

The wheels are falling off the wagon, the plan is spoiled and will just fall short. China might become so bold as to offload troops on our shores while we have lost our bearings. And that would violate the precepts of Confucius. And would leave China itself open to all.

No winners in the game of WWIII.

(of course I really know nothing at all)
Has this become the new longest thread ever?
I haven't read that book. Heard about it.

I think it's a basic reference for many. William J. Fulbright wrote a book called "The Arrogance of Power", which most people would not actually understand any more than Oscar Wilde's "The Importance of Being Earnest". I've known many Chinese folks very well over the years, enough to sorta git the gist of the Yin/Yang thing and the Confucian teachings. I rarely take things at face value as they are publicly presented anymore.

I think the West got a leg up on the world with the Magna Carta, perhaps one of the few concepts of limiting government somehow that hasn't just died the death on the world stage.

The David Rockefeller boast about his accomplishments in bringing us to the present state of affairs pretty much takes the CFR/UN off the table as real secrets.

The reason there will not be a lasting epoch based on those schemes is just this. They forgot the essential fundamentals.

The British survived thus far by arranging for others to front their interests, maybe dividing people against each other so they couldn't come sack the Palace.

The scheme now is to let the Chinese take the fall for the West.

But I think the Chinese have seen us coming and we are the fools this time.

Putin is being set up by the West for a provocation/war which will deliver the Russian oil to Western oil interests. But China wants that oil too. Putin will build the pipeline and smile at the Chinese.

Trump had the better idea of how to do business with Russia, but even he was wrong about Putin.

It breaks my heart to see authoritarian rule/tyrants anywhere. How could we "win" by making it beneficial to promote general human rights in our foreign policy.

Come Lord Jesus.
That's a lot to go through and while I agree with some points, there are others I'd like to challenge your feelings about.

First off as far as the Rockefeller connection, there are other players involved in that same game with as much power and influence if not more. The Georgia meeting in 1910 is what began sealing the fate of America. That same power/influence had been going on a long time before that though, but I'm guessing you knew that. The CFR is just a think tank on how to continue funneling money to those same powers, the UN, it's strong arm.

The reason there WILL be a lasting epoch is just this, a majority of Americans don't really know whats going on in the world. America has been "spoon fed" propaganda since the 40's. The semi aware think the Federal Reserve is government owned and operated. They don't realize the IRS is the Sheriff Nottingham of the Federal Reserve, why else were they passed together? They actually think, that ALL that money they pay the IRS, goes to the US Government....LOL, can you believe that? Don't even get me started on the "Woke" Millennials, it's the 99%er's, allying with the 1%, and they're just too stupid to know it.

Mayer Amschel owned Brittan in the early 1800's. These same families funded both sides of WW1 and 2, how can people be okay with that? People throughout the world just don't know real history. You see these same globalist families using examples all over the world, including the IMF and World Bank, and the few countries in the world that don't have a "family" bank, what is it...3...4? You saw what happened to Gadafi, don't make your own money boys or you'll get raped by a gang with a stick in public. You're damn right Libya has one of their banks now.

I'm going to be honest with you, I'm completely lost to the "Chinese plan", or who/what controls China. I don't know if the globalists cracked China with the Red Revolution, I haven't traced Mao's financing like I have Hitler and Stalin. I'll tell you whats scary, the Red Revolution looks exactly like what i'm seeing from the Millennials in America (It won't work here like there though). Those people lost their complete cultural identity, precious historical relics destroyed, indoctrinated into collectivism of the state.

Stalin was globalist owned just like Hitler, once again, not sure who "owned" the USSR. The USSR unlike China seemed like a free-for-all for Mobsters/Oligarchs/Globalists, Gorbachev was a puppet. I'm not sure how I view Putin or what his intentions are, I don't get a "global domination" vibe like the media portrays. He's former KGB, he knew/knows how the game was/is played. My personal vibe is he's a Populist/Nationalist like Trump, and he doesn't vibe with the Globalist plan. Anyone who's unplugged from the propaganda knows, Ukraine to the EU is a Globalist/UN play that started the whole fire keg.

As far as the Oil, I don't give a damn and neither should any other American. I leave the export country, the pipeline countries, and the import countries to decide that. This is where I have an issue with this "new wave" of Progressives. What happened to where Libertarians and Progressives agreed on the idea of the principles of non-aggression, at least as it relates to physical (obviously not economical)? Today's Progressives are lock step with the damn Neo-Libs and Neo-Cons. What kind of damn world have I woken up in when Liberal Millennials/Boomers are praising John McCain? MSNBC is bringing Cindy McCain and Dick Cheney as political Republican commentators, and they AGREE with them.....bwahahahahahahahahahah! Am I in the twilight zone? Because I remember 20 years ago, they can't erase history that quick. When it comes to the Globalist climate change policy I just can't back it, I'm sorry, it's another money siphon. A global carbon tax, I mean come on, Progressives don't realize some 1%er is going to profit off that?

Who promotes and pumps these authoritarians? Are progressives hurting or helping it? Who financed 90% of these so-called tyrants, who bankrolls them? I wasn't old enough to remember them pumping 'em, but I sure as hell remember them killing 'em. You can't fix foreign policy until you root out the profiteers, those people are globalists, otherwise they wouldn't be there. People care more about the stupid ****, that should be common rights, such as gay marriage. They keep us arguing on basic, simple ****, while they continue to fleece the world.

We just hate each other too much to fix it. I'm 100% honest when I say this, it doesnt even seem like Liberals value the Republic, they want collectivist authoritarian rule. What happened to Classical Liberals?
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tell you what, when I give you the "All Clear" signal, we'll be done with useless wars.
We'll never be done with useless wars. They've raged for centuries and will never stop until a meteor ends it for us or the sun decides to call it a day.

The human condition will always seek power and influence - it's just a matter if we were lucky to live through it.
That's a lot to go through and while I agree with some points, there are others I'd like to challenge your feelings about.

First off as far as the Rockefeller connection, there are other players involved in that same game with as much power and influence if not more. The Georgia meeting in 1910 is what began sealing the fate of America. That same power/influence had been going on a long time before that though, but I'm guessing you knew that. The CFR is just a think tank on how to continue funneling money to those same powers, the UN, it's strong arm.

The reason there WILL be a lasting epoch is just this, a majority of Americans don't really know whats going on in the world. America has been "spoon fed" propaganda since the 40's. The semi aware think the Federal Reserve is government owned and operated. They don't realize the IRS is the Sheriff Nottingham of the Federal Reserve, why else were they passed together? They actually think, that ALL that money they pay the IRS, goes to the US Government....LOL, can you believe that? Don't even get me started on the "Woke" Millennials, it's the 99%er's, allying with the 1%, and they're just too stupid to know it.

Mayer Amschel owned Brittan in the early 1800's. These same families funded both sides of WW1 and 2, how can people be okay with that? People throughout the world just don't know real history. You see these same globalist families using examples all over the world, including the IMF and World Bank, and the few countries in the world that don't have a "family" bank, what is it...3...4? You saw what happened to Gadafi, don't make your own money boys or you'll get raped by a gang with a stick in public. You're damn right Libya has one of their banks now.

I'm going to be honest with you, I'm completely lost to the "Chinese plan", or who/what controls China. I don't know if the globalists cracked China with the Red Revolution, I haven't traced Mao's financing like I have Hitler and Stalin. I'll tell you whats scary, the Red Revolution looks exactly like what i'm seeing from the Millennials in America (It won't work here like there though). Those people lost their complete cultural identity, precious historical relics destroyed, indoctrinated into collectivism of the state.

Stalin was globalist owned just like Hitler, once again, not sure who "owned" the USSR. The USSR unlike China seemed like a free-for-all for Mobsters/Oligarchs/Globalists, Gorbachev was a puppet. I'm not sure how I view Putin or what his intentions are, I don't get a "global domination" vibe like the media portrays. He's former KGB, he knew/knows how the game was/is played. My personal vibe is he's a Populist/Nationalist like Trump, and he doesn't vibe with the Globalist plan. Anyone who's unplugged from the propaganda knows, Ukraine to the EU is a Globalist/UN play that started the whole fire keg.

As far as the Oil, I don't give a damn and neither should any other American. I leave the export country, the pipeline countries, and the import countries to decide that. This is where I have an issue with this "new wave" of Progressives. What happened to where Libertarians and Progressives agreed on the idea of the principles of non-aggression, at least as it relates to physical (obviously not economical)? Today's Progressives are lock step with the damn Neo-Libs and Neo-Cons. What kind of damn world have I woken up in when Liberal Millennials/Boomers are praising John McCain? MSNBC is bringing Cindy McCain and Dick Cheney as political Republican commentators, and they AGREE with them.....bwahahahahahahahahahah! Am I in the twilight zone? Because I remember 20 years ago, they can't erase history that quick. When it comes to the Globalist climate change policy I just can't back it, I'm sorry, it's another money siphon. A global carbon tax, I mean come on, Progressives don't realize some 1%er is going to profit off that?

Who promotes and pumps these authoritarians? Are progressives hurting or helping it? Who financed 90% of these so-called tyrants, who bankrolls them? I wasn't old enough to remember them pumping 'em, but I sure as hell remember them killing 'em. You can't fix foreign policy until you root out the profiteers, those people are globalists, otherwise they wouldn't be there. People care more about the stupid ****, that should be common rights, such as gay marriage. They keep us arguing on basic, simple ****, while they continue to fleece the world.

We just hate each other too much to fix it. I'm 100% honest when I say this, it doesnt even seem like Liberals value the Republic, they want collectivist authoritarian rule. What happened to Classical Liberals?
Short response here.

The Devil is always in the details, and in the heads of whoever will listen.

One of my informative movies is "Eagle in a Cage", about Napoleon in exile on St. Helena. Seems the Brit Foreign Secretary wanted to make a deal to get Napoleon back on the job of running shitshield for Britain, keeping all contenders at war with one another. Offered contacts with appropriate banks to fund his new campaigns.

I think this goes back further though.

I don't think the Brits have ever fully recognized the Chinese. There is a saying about an "Old Asia Hand" depicting a westerner who has lived there long enough to understand the oriental mind. We have never had, either ourselves or Britain, comprehended China. Anyone who thinks they are "Communist" is just wrong. Anyone who thinks they will ever be a compliant member of a Western-centered global system is just wrong. Neither will there ever be "Democracy" in Asia.

The Western Civilization phenomena is as a whole exceptional, as is the Judeo-Christian tradition. Never can be one without the other.

"Classical Liberals" whom I admired some decades ago have been displaced. Bill Clinton sold out the dems conclusively. They cannot be reformed to actually believe in human rights or American principles of governance.
Russia's buildup of military along borders with Ukraine made the news last night. Biden is demanding the Russians back away. Biden is not objecting to fascist, actually NAZI-linked movements active in Ukraine. Biden is impudently insisting his son's Ukranian/NAZI oil company Burisma get the European contracts for natural gas and oil, and not Putin's Russian oil supplier,. A few weeks ago, Biden threatened sanctions on companies participating in the building of the Russian oil/gas pipelines to Europe, all while he has effectively shut down oil pipeline construction in the US.

Hunter's Burisma must have a better price and the monopoly in Europe. This is very important to US national interests. Burisma and Hunter are all-important US interests. The US military must be activated and prepared and in place to protect Busisma and Hunter's interests.

Meanwhile, China is doing daily demonstrations over Taiwan and Japanese waters around the islands once peopled with Formosan (related to Filipino) natives.

This kind of distorted foreign policy signals that China can do what China wants, while we harass Putin and ally ourselves with NAZI political ideologues in Eastern Europe. Biden's s Buddies.

Biden's Buddies in China are actually operating slave labor and political suppression camps, butchering unwanted human minorities and selling the body parts to US medical providers.

At stake are the world's largest oil resources, more than the whole world of developed resources located in Siberia's "North Slope".

If we engage in a provocation against Russia, like the whole NATO/NAZI Ukrainian play went down in 2014, it would leave Siberia open to Chinese aggression. Putin has tired to appease the Chinese by doing a deal to build a pipeline to China. A concession to China which in no way really assures that China would not just go up there.
Current news developments:

I think it fair enough to state that the two links here above are not Russian-sanctioned sources. However, note the reported Russian allegation of "Fascist" forces behind the Ukrainian "provocation" Russia alleges.

George Soros.

No, George Soros does not carry an assault rifle. He sends in operatives with sacks of cash.

The Russian complaint comes down to a violation of the nuclear treaty regarding the nuclear assets belonging to Russia in Ukrainian territory. We (NATO and the West/US promised "hands off" in Ukrainian politics. We essentially conceded that the "Independent": Ukraine government would be influenced by Russia and that we would not contest that influence.

When "Fascist" interests allied with George Soros sent in operatives to help remove the pro-Russian Ukrainian President and install their own puppet, Putin responded in political rhetoric to his own political base in Russia that the so-called "New World Order" or "New Law" was actually a worthless promise and tantamount to "No Law" and "No Order" where the world was being run by street thugs, gangs subject to no intentions to honor any treaties. He argued that he must act to protect Russia from these gangs.

The pro-Western "Fascist" Ukrainian President has been replaced by a professed "moderate". The guy who tried to fight corruption, who offered information to Trump and Trump's supporters, who was sliced and diced by our media for doing so. Our Foreign Policy Establishment wonks/officials did a conclusive operation to convince him any outreach to Trump would be suicidal. This Ukranian President has since changed his spots, and began the provocation by building up Ukranian forces and declaring his intention to rescue DonBas from the pro-Russian/Russian supported forces inside Ukrainian territory.

And that is why we have this building situation threatening war.

Biden won the US election. Ukrainian interests are being promoted by the White House/US/NATO. And Hunter Biden is sitting at the tipping point. US Foreign Policy made to accommodate specific personal interests in a corrupt foreign company. Russia is being forced out of Europe in economic terms, being forced to seek other foreign allegiances. The Syria and Iran allegiances. The China pipeline.

But imo, this is a Western provocation from the git-go and is aimed at sequestering Russian oil development or outright takeover of those interests, perhaps through a Chinese oil company with technologically-important ties to Western Oil cartels.

ya know, someone probably lost their standing the CFR for using a phone to get Joe Biden on the record bragging about using his Vice-Presidency to force the Ukrainian government to stop the prosecution of corruption inside Ukraine, and now the investigation is stopped and the crooks control Ukraine, and are behind the provocation/buildup in DonBas and the Biden threats against the Russian pipeline company, giving the Ukrainian crooks the monopoly in Europe.

The CFR is always just that slimey and corrupt while pushing cartel and business Bigs' interests with government power through the thousands of CFR members in government positions to do so.

That's how the World is. That's what Global Governance is.

And Putin would be smiling ear-to-ear if somehow it was all working in his interest. He's as corrupt as Hillary or Biden himself, and as interested in the better world so many imagine as "Progressive". It's just the nature of the Beast that every war must have some kind of winner and some kind of loser, even the "Just" wars drummed up by the ProgressiveMedia.

The Spanish/American War in 1898 was incited by that Progressive Media. The US entered a new phase of Imperialist usefulness, more than just "Manifest Destiny" trimming Mexico's vast wilderness holdings and California. We took Cuba and the Philippines. Arguably, we did alright with the Philppines and they are today one of the most pro-American countries in the world, but we let communism rule Cuba. Sure, we have millions of Cuban refugees who are some of our most influential conservatives today. Look at Mercedes Schlapp. Gorgeous and Articulate, the brains behind Matt.

Our Oil Bigs just might really think Putin has to go, because he squeezed out foreign corporates and took a really nationalistic stand for Russia. He is probably hated much like Trump, for some of the same reasons.

Trump was really stepping into a sensitive pile trying to go after Biden and the Ukrainian Crooks. Russia was really smiling and hoping, and whatever else Trump did or may have done, Putin was hoping for a better deal.
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Just considering my "Election Fraud" thread last spring,where I stated that the Dems wojuld need about 10% extra votes to win, I have to wonder if Obama/Hillary/Marc Elias come here to read my stuff. Dammit, they did.

Now, despite cool guys who are all about international trade routes and shipping schedules, who of course don't think any war will affect their business, there is a hotter press now about the Ukraine/Russia tilt now than when I started this thread.

Back in the 1980s I was reading some Army training stuff where they were doing war games in the Mideast deserts. I tell ya, al lot of our stuff is game planned. I think the 2020 election was, and the Bush War in Iraq. Even Afghanistan.

Putin's supersonic computer programmed long range low altitude missiles flew under the Obama radar, supposedly....., until Trump. Sounds like game planned again. Damn Trump just didn't go with the game. Now we're back to our little provocation war with Russia. This game gets us on base in Russia's oil, with a huge contribution to our Dem dictatorship personnel.

I hear that if NK launces a missile at us, we are 100% able to just knock them off over the Pacific. And we can do the same with Russia's new missiles. But almost as important as the oil control, "we" get rid of one Head of State who has been a pain in the *** for wanting to root our political "deals" like what the whole damn world runs with. Almost as much of a nuisance as Trump Himself.

ho hum. Another bowery war. But we lose 15k trailertrash boys, patriots all. Trump voters mostly. Ukraine loses about 400k total, Russia 20k.

A minor population bomb win, a major Oil Acquisition. Putin will stay in power. He's a player. A good player. Almost as good as Obama.
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mods. you could merge this thread with straight's Putin threatening Ukraine thread.

Just to bring it all up to date.

Biden called Putin a cretin, a killer, then caved. He removed the opposition he raised to the Russian pipeline.

There will, apparently, be no single cartel delivering gas from the east to Europe. Hunter's connections will still get to do their business.

The political fight over Ukraine has moved a step closer to Ukraine becoming a NATO member, but Germany and a few other countries are getting snuggy with Putin.

The very nature of NATO is in question. If Ukraine gets in, it will be owned by Western interests unlike other Eastern European nations. Germany, France, Denmark, Italy would invite Russia to join as well as Ukraine.

And that would make sense to balance crazy man Xi.
Where does all the demand destruction play into this? Kinda ruins the old oil conspiracies.

So, I'm bumping my thread.

Oil is a big problem, like coal. Too much of it. Too hard to securely control it. But it is only a problem if "we" don't own it, and if "we" don't own "our" governments. "We" in this case being descdriptive of oh maybe less than a hundred real big people. The few, the arrogant, the corrupt Insiders, whoever they are from day to day. Yes, there's attrition in those ranks, and some shifting characters as well. Some die, some just get sidelined.

If you're dreally ah so smart and really believe this planet has too many little people, and we're running outta gas and running outta carbonate rock to make cement with, and running outta pristine retreats....... well, you must have not yet been to Siberia. But nevermind. Demand destruction is the wet dream for cartelists who don't want to work so much.

At any rate, every high brow intellect knows there's so much more fun going on at the Thai beach resorts, and it would be oh so nice to just stay there a month. At a time. All the time.

Meanwhile, for what competition can be a nuisance, a war kills several birds all with one stone. Too many people, too many governments, too many troublemakers, too many competitors.. Just hafta have a war once in a while.

Utah's Grand Staricase has enough coal to run the world for 500 years. You can run electric generators and clean the emission streams (scrubbers) to the point of having better rainwater downwind. You can make oil, diesel, gasoline, kerosene, jet fuel. In the 1970s, coal ended the oil crisis. Because you just can't charge more for oil than it costs to convert coal to oil.

But hey. Demand destruction. Why bother with so many people.

LikeRobert Redford said when he got his little grant from the Forest Service for his ski resort. "I've got mine. Now shut down the shop and go home, we don't need another ski resort."