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Yay, I'm being published!


Well-Known Member
Okay, so it's not actually as exciting as it sounds.

I'm a current MA student at the University of Chicago Divinity of School, studying philosophy of religion, with a particular focus on process theology. I got an e-mail from the school in late October calling for papers by November 1st for a journal called "NEXT: Emerging Voices of Religious Studies Scholarship."


Apparently it's a graduate-student run journal that focuses on publishing MA student work... in other words, it's in some ways not a "real" scholarly journal; I'm not getting published in any journal that people in my field have actually heard of.

But hey, I'm still getting published, and it's something I can point to. Too bad the application deadline to my favored PhD program (Claremont School of Theology) was yesterday... it would have been nice if I could have told them that I'd gotten my feet wet in the publishing world, so to speak.

In any case, my article ("A Comparison of Process Theodicy and the Hindu Doctrines of Karma and Rebirth") is getting published sometime in January... it looks like they put it all online, so I'll post a link when it's there, so that everyone may read it and be put to sleep, and/or good-naturedly tell me how terrible it is.

Anyone else on this board been published anywhere? I'm guessing there's probably a few. Kicky and One Brow, maybe?
Good work, Preach! I done been published lotsa times, but just in the local rags. Mainly under the "Arrest Reports" section, ya know?
In any case, my article ("A Comparison of Process Theodicy and the Hindu Doctrines of Karma and Rebirth") is getting published sometime in January... it looks like they put it all online, so I'll post a link when it's there, so that everyone may read it and be put to sleep, and/or good-naturedly tell me how terrible it is.

Anyone else on this board been published anywhere? I'm guessing there's probably a few. Kicky and One Brow, maybe?

Congrats! I've had a number of papers published in physics journals. But I do still remember it was a cool feeling seeing my name on an article for the very first time.
Congratulations, AtheistPreacher. I never tried to create something worth submitting to a journal. Well done!
Anyone else on this board been published anywhere? I'm guessing there's probably a few. Kicky and One Brow, maybe?

I got published on C.J. Miles' facebook page -- that didn't turn out so well, actually.