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I just googled “Kamala Harris Interviews 2024” and this popped up.

Seems like voters had a number of interviews to choose from.

They could’ve also visited her website. Or listened to one of her many podcasts. Or listened to what Michelle Obama said about her. Or what Barack Obama said about her. Or watched the DNC convention that went like a week long. Or listened to her speech at the convention. Or read a newspaper to see what her views were on things. Or watched the debate she had in which Trump flamed out talking about blacks in Ohio eating pets. Or voters could’ve just used their lil grey cells and remembered how awful Trump was in just 2020. I know that was four whole years ago but still. Or…

Cmon guys, place the responsibility of stupid voting on voters. They weren’t buying what Harris was selling because what she was selling was governing for adults; not indulging voters with what they wanted to hear, like Trump did. They cocked up. Bigly. And now they deserve to feel the consequences of their actions. It’s gonna hurt.
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I just googled “Kamala Harris Interviews 2024” and this popped up.
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Seems like voters had a number of interviews to choose from.

They could’ve also visited her website. Or listened to one of her many podcasts. Or listened to what Michelle Obama said about her. Or what Barack Obama said about her. Or watched the DNC convention that went like a week long. Or listened to her speech at the convention. Or read a newspaper to see what her views were on things. Or watched the debate she had in which Trump flamed out talking about blacks in Ohio eating pets. Or voters could’ve just used their lil grey cells and remembered how awful Trump was in just 2020. I know that was four whole years ago but still. Or…

Cmon guys, place the responsibility of stupid voting on voters. They weren’t buying what Harris was selling because what she was selling was governing for adults; not indulging voters with what they wanted to hear, like Trump did. They cocked up. Bigly. And now they deserve to feel the consequences of their actions. It’s gonna hurt.
The eating pets thing is what resonated with Trump voters...

Better luck next time.
I just googled “Kamala Harris Interviews 2024” and this popped up.
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Seems like voters had a number of interviews to choose from.

They could’ve also visited her website. Or listened to one of her many podcasts. Or listened to what Michelle Obama said about her. Or what Barack Obama said about her. Or watched the DNC convention that went like a week long. Or listened to her speech at the convention. Or read a newspaper to see what her views were on things. Or watched the debate she had in which Trump flamed out talking about blacks in Ohio eating pets. Or voters could’ve just used their lil grey cells and remembered how awful Trump was in just 2020. I know that was four whole years ago but still. Or…

Cmon guys, place the responsibility of stupid voting on voters. They weren’t buying what Harris was selling because what she was selling was governing for adults; not indulging voters with what they wanted to hear, like Trump did. They cocked up. Bigly. And now they deserve to feel the consequences of their actions. It’s gonna hurt.
Just a final thought on this, one of the major problems we face as a country is our collective amnesia. We don’t want nor like competent leadership. It’s too boring. So when we face tough complex problems and we hear politicians like Harris explain potential solutions (or processes for solutions) our eyes glaze over, our mouths open wide, and we drool as we fall asleep.

It’s much easier and entraining to turn to a demagogue like Trump.

Immigration? Deport the brown horde and build a wall
Covid? Flashlights up your ***!
Economy? Tariffs good! Trust me, everyone will be rich! Canada will pay for it!
Health care? Two weeks concept of a plan two weeks.
Government spending? Uhhh Doge. And uhh deficit spending.
Gun violence? Thoughts and prayers and within 24 hrs the collective consciousness of the nation will move onto the next story.

And the list can go on and on again.

We need to become comfortable with complex and imperfect solutions. That won’t drive teevee ratings or social media algorithms. But that’s how you govern a country.
I just googled “Kamala Harris Interviews 2024” and this popped up.
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Seems like voters had a number of interviews to choose from.

They could’ve also visited her website. Or listened to one of her many podcasts. Or listened to what Michelle Obama said about her. Or what Barack Obama said about her. Or watched the DNC convention that went like a week long. Or listened to her speech at the convention. Or read a newspaper to see what her views were on things. Or watched the debate she had in which Trump flamed out talking about blacks in Ohio eating pets. Or voters could’ve just used their lil grey cells and remembered how awful Trump was in just 2020. I know that was four whole years ago but still. Or…

Cmon guys, place the responsibility of stupid voting on voters. They

I just googled “Kamala Harris Interviews 2024” and this popped up.
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View attachment 18260

View attachment 18261
Seems like voters had a number of interviews to choose from.

They could’ve also visited her website. Or listened to one of her many podcasts. Or listened to what Michelle Obama said about her. Or what Barack Obama said about her. Or watched the DNC convention that went like a week long. Or listened to her speech at the convention. Or read a newspaper to see what her views were on things. Or watched the debate she had in which Trump flamed out talking about blacks in Ohio eating pets. Or voters could’ve just used their lil grey cells and remembered how awful Trump was in just 2020. I know that was four whole years ago but still. Or…

Cmon guys, place the responsibility of stupid voting on voters. They weren’t buying what Harris was selling because what she was selling was governing for adults; not indulging voters with what they wanted to hear, like Trump did. They cocked up. Bigly. And now they deserve to feel the consequences of their actions. It’s gonna hurt.

She went for months without a real interview. We talked about it throughout the Kamala Harris thread.
When you are given dog **** from the previous administration this is what you get. We were headed there already. Hard to fix all that dip **** did. You can believe whatever you want. It has only been 6 weeks and it will take time to fix the **** they left for Trump to clean up. If you think Harris word salad freaknoid could fix it you are really stupid. Thank the Dems..
I had a great life all 4 years of the Biden administration and no chaos like we are dealing with now.
My 401k was amazing. Now, not so much.
trump intentionally emptied reservoirs of much needed water for no reason other than maybe because he wanted to hurt America.
It's been a complete disaster and has nothing to do with the previous administration.
If Trump wants tariffs then fine, tell us what they are. Implement them and stick to it. That would be better than this chaotic ever changing threat of tariffs, but maybe not, or maybe double, or I'll pay you tomorrow for a hamburger today, or whatever the **** is going on, No one knows. Trump doesn't know. It is all "uncertainty" which is the most effective way to destroy the economy.

If Trump is smart than this is his evil plan to destroy America.

If Trump is dumb than this is Putin's evil plan to destroy America.
The eating pets thing is what resonated with Trump voters...

Better luck next time.
100 percent. Which tells you all you need to know about the electorate. They want someone to justify their prejudiced. They want someone to inspire them to be their worst. They want an entertainer not a leader. It’s a weird self-actualization thing going on with our electorate where years of prosperity and boredom have led to a large segment of the population just raging against the system that has brought them so much peace, prosperity, and stability. And the only way to quell their thirst for racist, misogynistic, and teevee presidenting is through (unfortunately) pain. They need to be taught that election have consequences.
She went for months without a real interview. We talked about it throughout the Kamala Harris thread.
But she didn’t! She did plenty of interviews.
Meanwhile the other guy told people that blacks were eating pets and tariffs were gonna make everyone rich. While also being convicted of rape, paying off a porn star, and being prosecuted for stealing classified documents and Jan 6.

This is on voters, not on (insert whatever lame *** excuse people make to always blame the Democratic candidate and never ever ever question the always virtuous and all knowing American electorate). Again, Democrats can’t always bat 1.000. Not every candidate can be Washington. Maybe Democrats should take a page out of the GOP playbook and just vote for their own candidate (no matter who it is) because the idea that the guy from the other team winning and replacing judges scares the **** outta them?
Trump sucked and still sucks ***. If voters needed just one more interview from the democratic candidate to vote for them then our democracy was already lost. “I know that guy who told us to put flashlights up our asses to cure Covid and then told his fans to try to kill Mike pence so he could stay in the White House wasn’t ideal. But that Harris refuses to do the interview I want on the teevee show I want! Better vote fascist!” I mean cmon.

You shouldn’t be able to memory hole Trump and the blatant corruption, racism, and everyday incompetence of his first term. If our electorate had any brains then they would’ve voted for a mop instead of Trump.

This is why I hope we feel the full effects this time of Trump and Trumpism. It’s the only way our country will learn.
Thriller you sound like the guy at the pier selling canned fish and wondering why people won't buy his canned fish, while all around him people are buying fresh fish off every boat that comes in. Yes, the buyers would get something that help up better and was ostensibly a better product, in some ways, but those darn buyers just won't buy what he is selling. But no, it is the buyers' fault for not buying his canned fish. Not his fault for not selling a better product one he sees what everyone is buying. But imagine if he had shifted his priorities, focused on what people wanted, something fresh, and started selling fish tacos! Suddenly he is selling like crazy, people are coming from all around to buy his deliciously different yet still fresh fish tacos! He makes a killing!

But no, we stuck with stale boring canned fish, and those of us in the fish taco crowd knew it would end badly. Most of us tried to hold onto belief in canned fish while fresh fish was flying off the boats faster than the Orange God King can tell another lie, and hoped against hope that canned fish would be enough, when we all really knew we needed to offer something more fresh and different.

This was not new. Harris was bemoaned from the get go, but with Biden's all-important endorsement to carry the critical old white male vote for the dems to maintain the base already in her corner, we were all stuck with her. And compared to the teevee president as you like to say, she couldn't hold a candle. He was fresh bloody fish complete with endangered species bycatch to make things interesting and exciting and she was canned fish. And we all knew it and tried to pretend her canned oily fish was fresh and exciting. But it couldn't hold a candle. A bigger part of this is reading the mother****ing room. We are DEEP in the disinformation age, and if you cannot play that game you won't win the stakes. And Trump plays it with aplomb, and Harris was still trying to hawk her canned fish wares and the dems were busy using their only sales tactic, literally the only tactic they know - scorn and ridicule and claiming the highest of moral high ground, all while ignoring what was really selling and creating a product to compete. Complain all you want about the voters, yes they voted the wrong way, absolutely, but to them, from their actual perspective, they voted for the person making an effort to SEE THEIR PERSPECTIVE in the first place, and NOT for the side clamoring and crying that they had the wrong perspective to begin with. Trump gave them a master class in how to win followers in the disinformation age and they were too busy crying about how he didn't use the right pronouns to learn anything from him. (and now we see who gets hung up on that deliberate use of "wokeness" in this diatribe, and that is the very problem we face - forced morality at all costs, including the loss of our nation).

And literally NONE of this is new news. It is all old news. The vast majority of us knew it from the get-go. Go back to the Harris thread and look how early on her selection was bemoaned. Literally like day 1 I would wager. And consistently and often from that point forward. The dems never understood the audience/buying public or how to play for those kinds of stakes, and frankly they never made an effort to understand them. For them it was good enough to stay right up in the saddle on that high horse and tell everyone why they were wrong, as it is still happening to this day, which is why so many dems are content to sit in congress and make pontificating speeches and not get into the grass roots of it, they are still in shell shock that they used their one singular tool and it **GASP** didn't work.

Luckily Trump is beginning to alienate enough people we may have a light at the end of the tunnel yet, if the dems can in any way reach out to the disenfranchised and guide them through this rather than using their pointing fingers and their normal rhetoric of scorn and ridicule.
Thriller you sound like the guy at the pier selling canned fish and wondering why people won't buy his canned fish, while all around him people are buying fresh fish off every boat that comes in. Yes, the buyers would get something that help up better and was ostensibly a better product, in some ways, but those darn buyers just won't buy what he is selling. But no, it is the buyers' fault for not buying his canned fish. Not his fault for not selling a better product one he sees what everyone is buying. But imagine if he had shifted his priorities, focused on what people wanted, something fresh, and started selling fish tacos! Suddenly he is selling like crazy, people are coming from all around to buy his deliciously different yet still fresh fish tacos! He makes a killing!

But no, we stuck with stale boring canned fish, and those of us in the fish taco crowd knew it would end badly. Most of us tried to hold onto belief in canned fish while fresh fish was flying off the boats faster than the Orange God King can tell another lie, and hoped against hope that canned fish would be enough, when we all really knew we needed to offer something more fresh and different.

This was not new. Harris was bemoaned from the get go, but with Biden's all-important endorsement to carry the critical old white male vote for the dems to maintain the base already in her corner, we were all stuck with her. And compared to the teevee president as you like to say, she couldn't hold a candle. He was fresh bloody fish complete with endangered species bycatch to make things interesting and exciting and she was canned fish. And we all knew it and tried to pretend her canned oily fish was fresh and exciting. But it couldn't hold a candle. A bigger part of this is reading the mother****ing room. We are DEEP in the disinformation age, and if you cannot play that game you won't win the stakes. And Trump plays it with aplomb, and Harris was still trying to hawk her canned fish wares and the dems were busy using their only sales tactic, literally the only tactic they know - scorn and ridicule and claiming the highest of moral high ground, all while ignoring what was really selling and creating a product to compete. Complain all you want about the voters, yes they voted the wrong way, absolutely, but to them, from their actual perspective, they voted for the person making an effort to SEE THEIR PERSPECTIVE in the first place, and NOT for the side clamoring and crying that they had the wrong perspective to begin with. Trump gave them a master class in how to win followers in the disinformation age and they were too busy crying about how he didn't use the right pronouns to learn anything from him. (and now we see who gets hung up on that deliberate use of "wokeness" in this diatribe, and that is the very problem we face - forced morality at all costs, including the loss of our nation).

And literally NONE of this is new news. It is all old news. The vast majority of us knew it from the get-go. Go back to the Harris thread and look how early on her selection was bemoaned. Literally like day 1 I would wager. And consistently and often from that point forward. The dems never understood the audience/buying public or how to play for those kinds of stakes, and frankly they never made an effort to understand them. For them it was good enough to stay right up in the saddle on that high horse and tell everyone why they were wrong, as it is still happening to this day, which is why so many dems are content to sit in congress and make pontificating speeches and not get into the grass roots of it, they are still in shell shock that they used their one singular tool and it **GASP** didn't work.

Luckily Trump is beginning to alienate enough people we may have a light at the end of the tunnel yet, if the dems can in any way reach out to the disenfranchised and guide them through this rather than using their pointing fingers and their normal rhetoric of scorn and ridicule.
What you are saying is true. But what thriller said is more true. If Harris sucks bad she should still have won easily because no one sucks as bad as trump.

It wasn't a difficult choice for who was the lesser of two evils. Harris should have won by the widest margin in election history.

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What you are saying is true. But what thriller said is more true. If Harris sucks bad she should still have won easily because no one sucks as bad as trump.

It wasn't a difficult choice for who was the lesser of two evils. Harris should have won by the widest margin in election history.

Sent from my OPD2203 using Tapatalk
Should have based on what? A "reasonable person" standard? Ain't nothing reasonable about people in the disinformation age. They are looking for clickbait and bias validation and nothing else. The dems need to see that and respond accordingly if they are going to take control of the narrative, and that is the battle right now. Who controls the narrative. Trump did 1300 rallies per week it seemed, which controlled the narrative. His people were bombarded by his "message" of "I will fight your battles and make sure those boogey-men - like people of a different color, women, trans people, abortion, and socialism - can't hurt you". They heard it ad nauseum and any manipulator will tell you that people will end up believing what they hear constantly. As will any psychologist. Tell your kid they are a winner, they will believe it, tell them they are a loser, they will believe that too, if you tell them often enough. So Kamala and her "no rallies" policy was the dem's inability to "read the room" and respond in kind. That was the driver. Very simple. Trump won in exposure, and exposure breeds comfort, and it is easy to vote for what makes you feel comfortable. She had none of that. And so, they lost in a land-slide. Not to mention the fact that she embodied in her appearance what scared the right and much of the middle the most - a woman and a woman of color at that. Ain't nobody voting for that! Terrible miscalculation by the democratic party and almost felt like a big "**** YOU" from the Biden family to get even with those who "forced" him out. Ok fine then, see if you can win with this, assholes...."I endorse Kamala Harris"....collective groans all over the ****ing place and cheers of elation from the republicans. They could not have hand-picked a better opponent for Trump to run against, considering he had already put so much time and effort into denigrating and sowing distrust for women and minorities, it just played directly into their hand. So yeah, reasonable people would have voted for Harris considering she was the lesser of 2 evils, but when one of those evils put on the sheep's clothing and plays right into your self-righteous sense of victimhood, well that means you had only one evil at the end of the day that they could see...Harris.

Again, failure to accurately read the zeitgiest and play the game as it was laid out in front of you. Instead they bitch about nobody being willing to play their game of checkers while everyone else at the table were holding Uno cards. Not a winning strategy by any stretch. Question is, can they step up to the table and play the game now, or will they just continue to bitch about it?
Should have based on what? A "reasonable person" standard? Ain't nothing reasonable about people in the disinformation age. They are looking for clickbait and bias validation and nothing else. The dems need to see that and respond accordingly if they are going to take control of the narrative, and that is the battle right now. Who controls the narrative. Trump did 1300 rallies per week it seemed, which controlled the narrative. His people were bombarded by his "message" of "I will fight your battles and make sure those boogey-men - like people of a different color, women, trans people, abortion, and socialism - can't hurt you". They heard it ad nauseum and any manipulator will tell you that people will end up believing what they hear constantly. As will any psychologist. Tell your kid they are a winner, they will believe it, tell them they are a loser, they will believe that too, if you tell them often enough. So Kamala and her "no rallies" policy was the dem's inability to "read the room" and respond in kind. That was the driver. Very simple. Trump won in exposure, and exposure breeds comfort, and it is easy to vote for what makes you feel comfortable. She had none of that. And so, they lost in a land-slide. Not to mention the fact that she embodied in her appearance what scared the right and much of the middle the most - a woman and a woman of color at that. Ain't nobody voting for that! Terrible miscalculation by the democratic party and almost felt like a big "**** YOU" from the Biden family to get even with those who "forced" him out. Ok fine then, see if you can win with this, assholes...."I endorse Kamala Harris"....collective groans all over the ****ing place and cheers of elation from the republicans. They could not have hand-picked a better opponent for Trump to run against, considering he had already put so much time and effort into denigrating and sowing distrust for women and minorities, it just played directly into their hand. So yeah, reasonable people would have voted for Harris considering she was the lesser of 2 evils, but when one of those evils put on the sheep's clothing and plays right into your self-righteous sense of victimhood, well that means you had only one evil at the end of the day that they could see...Harris.

Again, failure to accurately read the zeitgiest and play the game as it was laid out in front of you. Instead they bitch about nobody being willing to play their game of checkers while everyone else at the table were holding Uno cards. Not a winning strategy by any stretch. Question is, can they step up to the table and play the game now, or will they just continue to bitch about it?
Im just using my opinion
The clear best candidate should win the election. In this case Harris was clearly the better candidate of the two.

Let's just say hypothetically that the Democrats put your number one perfect candidate in the race and they play the game exactly like you think they should and trump won anyway. Would you just continue to blame the Democrats or would you blame the voters in that scenario?

It was obvious all along who the better choice was and voters chose the worse option. If the Democrats put out an even more obviously better choice then the voters still might have just chose trump anyways.
American president has way too much power. When they get rid of Trump and maga on some day, one of the first, extremely necessary actions will be to significantly strip down the executive power of the president.
Im just using my opinion
The clear best candidate should win the election. In this case Harris was clearly the better candidate of the two.

Let's just say hypothetically that the Democrats put your number one perfect candidate in the race and they play the game exactly like you think they should and trump won anyway. Would you just continue to blame the Democrats or would you blame the voters in that scenario?

It was obvious all along who the better choice was and voters chose the worse option. If the Democrats put out an even more obviously better choice then the voters still might have just chose trump anyways.
That's always the risk, of course the voters can always vote in who they want, and that is, as often as not, not necessarily the best candidate. But to simply blame it all on the voters and not recognize the role the party had to play is a cop out. To not even attempt to play the game at hand means you start at an automatic disadvantage. That's the problem we were faced with and that's the primary reason we are where we are. They didn't field someone that the majority felt they could vote for, obviously, and this should be a surprise to exactly no one. That's what I'm going on about, not just hypothetical best candidates but the reality that a sub-par candidate was fielded without even an attempt at finding someone better, but then we need to blame the voters for not voting for our crappy candidate. No this was a systemic failure that to me shows the Democratic party has been out of touch with the zeitgeist nearly a decade. They have known the plan of attack of the Republicans for at least that long and done really nothing to counter it, any now we get "oooo those stupid voters!" It's just idiocy to place blame there at this juncture and it's counter productive because they can happily wave their hands at "oh those stupid voters" and feel no need to change anything. But change it needed if they want to have a chance at winning this thing. Because they have found out the hard way what most reasoned people have understood for a long time, that the electorate is generally easily misled and manipulated and, yes, largely, dumb. And that in these circumstances if you aren't prepared to fight fire with fire you are setting yourself up to lose. We barely squeaked by with one of the worst candidates we have seen in a long time in an obviously over-the-hill Biden. And we didn't learn anything because after finally putting him out to pasture we replaced him with maybe the only candidate we could have picked with worse real-world odds of winning. So yeah the voters were dumb and voted for the more evil candidate, but the Dems didn't do themselves any favors in who they trotted out there in the first place.