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Your top3 reasons we will have a better outcome than last year


Well-Known Member
A better outcome means that we at least make the WCF. I’d say it also means than if we are eliminated in the WCF, then we are a tough out. We have to stop the of pattern meltdown-style eliminations as that’s evidence of a mental glitch that’ll keep us from true championship contention.

On paper, we are a contender this year. So perhaps your top3 reasons are the reasons why we’ll hoist the trophy this year.

Here’s mine:

1. Improved roster flexibility (and the presumption that Quin will utilize it; in other words, we see some small ball + some diversity of defensive schemas).

2. Better depth behind our key players (which should improve load management).

3. We get another bump in production from both Don and Gobert.
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1- because I’m a hopeful sucker that believes we always have a punchers chance.
2- because outside of having KD or Lebron this is really about the best we can do and I’m a hopeful SOB.
3- because I’ve watched too many sports movies.

For reals doe

1- Don takes a leap on offense and defense. The offense is more likely but the defense is easier since he wasn’t great there and has some tools to be good. It’s a lot to ask but superstars are asked to do a lot. Are you a star or a superstar.

2- Flexibility/depth. We had obvious holes last year. We’ve theoretically addressed some and added some interesting pieces. I think Gay and Butler give us some high upside pieces… I think Paschall is interesting if his shooting develops. Whiteside could be a bum or a highly productive backup.

3- Health… I know it’s an “excuse” but it was real. Our best two creators were on one leg. Our also killed us on defense although that may have still been an issue. If one guy was on one leg and the other was productive on both ends we might come out ahead. For all the talk about how healthy we were last year we had injuries down the stretch that compounded a bit because they were to our primary creators.
1. The Clippers kicked our butts and showed us our shortcomings and so now QS can adapt.

2. Our bench is even better and we have a few new 2nd stringers who can fill in for a starter admirably in the event there's an injury/benching a starter for rest.

3. I think a better bench with more depth will energize DM and especially Rudy. I think Rudy has been frustrated at times and having a better bench and a capable back-up in Whiteside will light a fire under his ***.

Bonus: Also, I think the Jazz realized being the #1 seed means nothing. It's all about the Playoffs.
It all depends on health. If we're healthy it's WCF or bust. If we're hurt again I don't see us getting past 1st or 2nd round.
I'm not really convinced we've done anything to improve our chances in the playoffs. The only thing that probably would give me significantly more confidence would be a trade for a rotation level perimeter defender.

Trying to be positive, however, I would go:

1. Mindset. The whole team seems to be on the same page as far as only the playoffs matter, and I think we'll take the right precautions in the regular season to be successful.
2. Competition. The Lakers might have screwed themselves with Westbrook, Clippers and Denver dealing with injuries all year. Kyrie ruining the Nets, etc.
3. Rudy Gay. I think he makes a significant difference in the playoffs.

I think it's possible our second unit is significantly worse in the regular season. Whiteside could be a disaster, Gay might not fit well next to Clarkson. Quin could be hesitant to play Paschall due to spacing concern or Butler since he's a rookie. So I'm not sure we are actually a deeper team this year.
1. Health - Although you could argue health was a massive advantage for us throughout the RS and playoffs last year. We weren't healthy, but we really had the runway open for us last year because of health issues from other teams and totally failed to take advantage.

2. Mitchell - I think he will take another step, hopefully as a defender or passer but I will be fine with another wicked step back combo he learned from his instagram trainer. He looked so explosive this preseason.

3. Defensive principles - This is a huge IF, but Quin was saying the right things and we saw some different things on defense in the preseason. Anything besides stand and do nothing would be an upgrade over previous season strategy, so I'm hopeful.

I don't think we've addressed our major issues with personnel changes. We didn't make many moves at all, which is fine, but all of them are talent upgrades and not necessarily in the areas we badly needed talent upgrades either. There is a lot of excitement about flexible lineups and whatnot, but I still have not seen a compelling argument to how small ball actually helps us. Maybe that helps us because our backup C situation is so awful and we have lost many a game because of the short time Gobert sits....but ultimately this team will fail or succeed on the basis of how our best matches up with their best. That's where we've been getting our *** beat.
Idk. I’m not really excited for the season at all. Not sure why. I was last year and we met my expectations. Exceeded them even. I’m just not sure we can replicate that. We’re certainly better on paper but I think we were very fortunate in season with injuries last season. I’d guess we regress to the mean in that regard and Mike and another big contributor go down for a while. And if that doesn’t happen, and we are healthy, I just don’t have much hope that we will figure out a way to stop teams on defense when it matters despite having the 3x DPOY. I’ve seen that movie too many times to believe there’s going to be a new ending. And frankly, this just really feels like the Lakers year to me. **** those scumbags.
We are going to be worse in the regular season. Few teams in history were as good as us last season. It just depends on whether or not we **** ourselves again in the playoffs. It is kind of a boring season in that sense but I can never get enough Jazz basketball.
1- Yoga and healthy Don down the stretch and playoffs
2- Whiteside replacing Favors
3- Butler off the bench
There is no way we have a better outcome then last year, how could we? The super sleek minivan is gone

All kidding aside, my top three….

1. We have Butler to spell both Mitchell and Conley to keep them healthy for playoffs. This alone kept us from going further.

2. More consistent defense when Gobert sits with Whiteside. Love faves, but he had nothing left to give last year.

3. Combating small lineups should improve
1. Bucks proved that you can go through years of dissapointment(wasnt Budenholzer in a hot seat for a while) but those experiences can make you better both as coach and players.

2. I'm not convinced about other teams in the west, like how are Westbrook and the Lakers going to work. Clippers are going to be missing Kawhi, can PG carry them? Suns are probably the biggest threat but CP3 aint getting younger.

3. Jared Butler can be a dynamic player that makes it possible for us to move other guys.
Idk. I’m not really excited for the season at all. Not sure why. I was last year and we met my expectations. Exceeded them even. I’m just not sure we can replicate that. We’re certainly better on paper but I think we were very fortunate in season with injuries last season. I’d guess we regress to the mean in that regard and Mike and another big contributor go down for a while. And if that doesn’t happen, and we are healthy, I just don’t have much hope that we will figure out a way to stop teams on defense when it matters despite having the 3x DPOY. I’ve seen that movie too many times to believe there’s going to be a new ending. And frankly, this just really feels like the Lakers year to me. **** those scumbags.
This, mostly.

I think we have a good shot at the top seed again. I think we see Mitchell take another, albeit smaller, step forward. I think we definitely upgraded our bench, significantly even. We can field nearly a legit starting 5 for a fringe play-in team off our bench. That is a big upgrade.

We still did not really address our single biggest weakness, and I am at a loss as to why the FO thinks this isn't a thing. We have all said perimeter D so much it has nearly lost all meaning, but it is still the one thing that will kill us. I do not believe we did anything substantial enough to mitigate what the clippers did to us in the playoffs, unless Butler is the Terrance Mann stopper. Which is ridiculous on it's face that this is even a thing to say. We are not any better against a 5-out offense than we were before realistically, especially with slashers like Kawhi and George, for example. We might be able to get Gay to play small-ball 5, but he is no rim protector, and with that setup the clipper's would swarm us again, just like they did. We need someone who can at least bother these guys on the perimeter enough that Gobert can do Gobert things, and not be expected to be everywhere all at once or get reamed for not covering for everyone else COMPLETELY sucking.

So I think we will see just as good regular season success this season, and I am excited to see what the bench can bring. But unless Donovan and Conley suddenly became better at staying with guys every bit as athletic as they are, and 5-7 inches taller, on the perimeter, we will likely see another early playoff exit. Or unless Butler can be that guy to help give us 2 defensive anchors, in tandem with Gobert. If we had one single solid big defensive wing + Gobert then the other paying mediocre defense would be sufficient. As it is, 1 fantastic defender cannot make up for 4 meh to meh-minus defenders at the same time. And that is still what we are fielding unless something like this changes suddenly this season, and I just don't see that happening. Donovan will take a step forward offensively, but likely a step sideways defensively. Hope it is enough.

Flabbergasted why something wasn't done about this. Just don't get it.

But I am still excited for the season. We will at least win a lot of games, my bet is flirting with 60 wins even. 58 maybe? Just enough for 1st or 2nd seed even. That will be fun and I intend to enjoy every bit of it while it lasts.
OP nailed it. Nothing to add
1. JB juking Middleton for the easy layup.
2. JB freezing Giannis and draining the three in his face.
3. JB playing through 7 ft. Lopez contact for the score.

Those highlights are crazy for a rookie. He made it all look easy. I too think Butler is all three of the top reasons we'll have a better outcome. He looks as comfortable as a 10-year vet. Derek Harper said his play compares to Isiah Thomas, some high praise for a rookie.

"Butler said that while there were going to be adjustments across the board that he would have to make, he was confident that it wouldn’t take him much time and promised that he was willing to put in the work.

“It just depends on the type of person you are,” Butler said. “Can you handle criticism? Can you hear what he’s saying and then actually visualize it and then replicate it on the court. I’m a fairly fast learner and when Donovan tells me something, I’m like, ‘Alright bet.’ If it works for him it can work for me.”

In his short time with the Jazz, Butler has already proven to be someone who is ready to take on all the advice and wisdom available to him, and his curiosity is going to help him on his path to improvement.

“He reminds me a lot of myself. Just wanting to attack all the time.” — Jazz guard Donovan Mitchell on Jared Butler

-From Deseret News

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