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Reputation Comments, positive and negative

Just some tough love TPP. Jazzfanz is all about quality. Take the criticism to heart, let it feed your desire to be the greatest Jazzfanner of all time. In time, the green rep will light up your notifications menu like a man with a flashlight up his ***.

I'm not retiring any time soon, so don't get your hopes up, *** cheeks.

My rep to Blue Elephant:
Thread: Scoring Droughts

need some work on your reading comprehension
Double neg I received in return:
Thread: Scoring Droughts

i hope hell exists so you burn in it you stupid piece of ****ing ****. you are probably in a cave somewhere fingering piglets you dumb****.

Thread: Scoring Droughts

**** off you stupid piece of ****
I thought the piglet comment was a little unfair. I've never even met his mother.

I remember back when he was TBS and I'd get negs about F'ing pigs and all that ****. What is it with terrorists and pigs?

If I'm a child, doesn't that make your mother a pedophile?

03-22-2015 05:59 PM
E.J. Wells
Thread: Reputation Comments, positive and negative
Hack told me to do this. Sorry.

Jeez. What is this Hack?
I'm not retiring any time soon, so don't get your hopes up, *** cheeks.

I remember back when he was TBS and I'd get negs about F'ing pigs and all that ****. What is it with terrorists and pigs?


Its the second time I busted out that line. It one of my personal favorites to use.
Nice I embarrassed you so much that you had to resort to a mother comeback. It is ok, hopefully when you reach the age of 14 you will develop some sort of intellect and will stop looking like a complete fool

Why are you so mad guy? My doctor would tell you to take lotsa and ecstasy and **** something. Maybe piglets?
I just see all those things you are yelling at freakzoid and I thought you might be mad. My apologies.

You should see the amount of neg reps he has given to me simply because he disagrees with me. I even pos repped him to hopefully get him to stop but he still neg reps anyone who questions any opinion he has or has an opinion different from him. He probably got bullied as a child and now feels empowered online and grew calcium in his spine.
You should see the amount of neg reps he has given to me simply because he disagrees with me. I even pos repped him to hopefully get him to stop but he still neg reps anyone who questions any opinion he has or has an opinion different from him. He probably got bullied as a child and now feels empowered online and grew calcium in his spine.

Nah, not bullied, just sexually abused by that nasty skank you call a mother. She told me about the time she did that to you too, bro. Had to be a lot harder being blood and all. Prolly has something to do with your granny fetish, ya know, mommy issues and all. Do you have a new love interest, or are you still with Nana? Oh, wait, think I still gots a pic.

Normally, I just can't condone such a thing, but I must admit, you two look awfully cute together.
Nah, not bullied, just sexually abused by that nasty skank you call a mother. She told me about the time she did that to you too, bro. Had to be a lot harder being blood and all. Prolly has something to do with your granny fetish, ya know, mommy issues and all. Do you have a new love interest, or are you still with Nana? Oh, wait, think I still gots a pic.

Normally, I just can't condone such a thing, but I must admit, you two look awfully cute together.

You are too stupid to realize just how desperate you look when trying to insult my mother. You think you are being clever by doing this but I assure you it is because of the dunning-kruger effect you think your insults are working. Only someone with your inferior level of intellect would try and fail to the level you have. It is only used when people are cornered like a rat.

I have defeated many people in arguments but I haven't embarrassed someone as much I have embarrassed you in a while.
So that is a picture of blue elephant and his mother? That not nice to post that. How did you find this? You should have kept it to yourself.
If I had rep power I would give some good ones for this post.

give rep anyway. It's the way to rise in the ranks. If DJ returned in kind you'd more than double your rep points. . . .

but seriously, rep used to be the most worthwhile thing you could get in here, now nobody cares because of the cap.
04-03-2015 08:39 PM
Thread: Power Ranking the worst posters on Jazzfanz
show us your special olympics medals bro. seriously. I'll take you more seriously

I'm tempted to report this rep to Vinylone for his thoughts.
What is this power ranking the worst posters on jazz fanz thread anyway? Haven't seen that one.
What is this power ranking the worst posters on jazz fanz thread anyway? Haven't seen that one.

Pretty sure that's my thread, the one I didn't start yet.

Trout's "quote" probably looks like this:

04-06-15 7:03 AM
Thread: Power Ranking the Worst Posters on JazzFanz Next To Trout
Show us the money and we'll start taking you seriously someday

I'm tempted to pass out some rep for creativity here, but I can't rep myself. . . .

notes for newbs:

real quotes have a little "arrow" button on the right side of the poster's name which is a link which will "take you there".

Some posters will falsify real quotes, too. . . . . by editing the quote, so to speak. When in doubt follow the arrow. . . . .
I'm tempted to report this rep to Vinylone for his thoughts of me, fantasies though they may be.

just playing the trout game. . . .

editing posts is bad form, sometimes. Sometimes it's necessary, like if you're quoting a line from one of mine and just want to address one issue.
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