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What does Dante get in Free Agency?

Why blow 10+ mill on Exum while someone better might want to come here now that we have Donovan?

i think it's a psychological thing, especially for jazz fans who rarely ever get a top5 pick.

It's like buying something really expensive but telling your self it was worth it, even though deep down inside you know it's actually over-priced. That's exactly what dante is, people are holding out a sliver of hope for a kid that's been injured quite alot, and had less than stellar seasons. I think his rookie year he was historically bad for his position.
i think it's a psychological thing, especially for jazz fans who rarely ever get a top5 pick.

It's like buying something really expensive but telling your self it was worth it, even though deep down inside you know it's actually over-priced. That's exactly what dante is, people are holding out a sliver of hope for a kid that's been injured quite alot, and had less than stellar seasons. I think his rookie year he was historically bad for his position.

Nah it's just that he has a lot of potential, and despite the injuries is still very young. Just sit back and trust the franchise (who are all professionals and know the game and his situation much more than you). If they believe in him maybe you should re-evaluate your perception, you know?
Why blow 10+ mill on Exum while someone better might want to come here now that we have Donovan?
I agree. Jazz will have some time before they have to make a decision on Dante. I'll bet DL talks to Jabari's agent, maybe Gordon's too - among others. Gordon congratulated Mitchell on his win; sounds like the two are friendly. If Utah needs the cap space to sign a big-time FA, then Exum could be a casualty. But the other thing to remember is Rubio is only signed for one more year. What will he want to re-sign? Do the Jazz even want him?

Exum and Mitchell could very well be the backcourt of the future. That's actually what I'm hoping. Both are fast. Both can handle the ball. And both are good defensively. Dante, if he can shoot, could be a real bargain as opposed to Rubio. And even if Rubio returns, $8-$10M for Exum (if he can be signed for that) is a pretty good price for someone who would play up to 30 mins per, whether he starts or not.
Just to clear up a couple of things regarding Dante:

His qualifying offer is about 4,2 million dollars. If he had not been injured and played more, his QO would be bigger. Over his first contract, he has not met what the CBA defines as the Starter Criteria and therefore is eligible only for the QO of the size of the 15th pick in his same draft class.

As long as we give him the qualifying offer, no team can offer him a shorter deal than 2 years, excluding options. KCP got his offer QO rescinded by the Pistons and could therefore sign a one year deal. This is only an option for Dante if the Jazz do the same to him.
Lol. Looking fwd to hearing your take on him by the end of next season.

You know what I mean. If he is offered 11 mil/year and declines and ends up like Motiejunas or Lawson in China.. well stupid does not deserve sympathy. I would be completely fine with us having Dante for 5-6 mil a year - because lets face it, even that is a very generous offer for what he is at this time. Show us that you deserve more, not just potential and size, but prove it with your game on the court and then you get paid well. But now... come on. Kid is a disaster.

LOL if the australian journalist is bragging about per capita good players he should check European power houses like Slovenia and Lithuania. Aussies are good, no question but this talk about gold medal game vs USA is a bit premature. There is another powerhouse growing up North in Canada as well, lets not forget.
this year's free agent market is really bad. heard cap space is not going up so role players won't get lots of money like previous few years.

My guess is he will be back with jazz with a great deal.
This is what I expect. We’ll just have to see what the numbers look like.
You know what I mean. If he is offered 11 mil/year and declines and ends up like Motiejunas or Lawson in China.. well stupid does not deserve sympathy. I would be completely fine with us having Dante for 5-6 mil a year - because lets face it, even that is a very generous offer for what he is at this time. Show us that you deserve more, not just potential and size, but prove it with your game on the court and then you get paid well. But now... come on. Kid is a disaster.

he probably would have been proving it this season had TJ Douchebag not jumped on his head. Unfortunately it’s a bizarre set of circumstances that mean the Jazz still will be paying based on potential and projections.

Just don’t have a convulsion when you see what he ends up signing for. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s 8-9 per and I wouldn’t be surprised if he then starts performing above that rate by the end of next season. Just chill and see what happens when he gets a chance to play
Just don’t have a convulsion when you see what he ends up signing for.

Not my money so I won't:). Sometimes you win sometimes you lose. Jazz rarely overpay based on their previous track record, so I expect it to be reasonable.
Not my money so I won't:). Sometimes you win sometimes you lose. Jazz rarely overpay based on their previous track record, so I expect it to be reasonable.
my point exactly. They're not going to give him something ridiculous like 11-12. But if they give him 8-9 (a big if) they will have very good reasons why. Just give the dude a chance to play for a while before you keep bagging him.
4 years into the league is a pretty good chance DownUnder.
He's really just not that good.
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Really 2 years in the league and he is what 22-23? Makes no sense to let him walk honestly.

Not even that, most of last season he was still recovering from that knee injury, Jabari Parker who is an All Star caliber player hasn't exactly set the world on fire since coming back from the same injury, bet he will be back something near that come playoffs or next season. From everything I've read its more like an 18 month injury. Most of us thought he and Donovan looked pretty good together during summer league, in fact i thought in a year or two they'd be terrorising the league, there is no way the franchise lets the kid walk. Could end up with the best jazz backcourt since horny and stockton.
Not even that, most of last season he was still recovering from that knee injury, Jabari Parker who is an All Star caliber player hasn't exactly set the world on fire since coming back from the same injury, bet he will be back something near that come playoffs or next season. From everything I've read its more like an 18 month injury. Most of us thought he and Donovan looked pretty good together during summer league, in fact i thought in a year or two they'd be terrorising the league, there is no way the franchise lets the kid walk. Could end up with the best jazz backcourt since horny and stockton.
" Most of us thought he and Donovan looked pretty good together during summer league, in fact i thought in a year or two they'd be terrorising the league, there is no way the franchise lets the kid walk. Could end up with the best jazz backcourt since horny and stockton."

^^^^This, I don't think we should keep him out of a sense of loyalty, or because of what he's done so far. I think we keep him because the potential for a dynamic duo, like Portland, Washington, or Toronto have in the back court is real. I trust the Jazz to make smart decisions about Exum. But I'm betting on him being a jazzman. I think they see enough of the potential to take a chance on him.

So we are back to waiting on X to live up to the hype. We will be fine without him blowing up, but if he does we are legit title contenders in short order. 2 to 3 years.

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You boneheads said the same thing when I didn't want Kanter drafted, or when I said Burks' contract was an albatross, or when I said Haywood would be signed for way more than the $11,000,000 that everyone wanted him at, or when I said Exum wasn't worth wasting a draft pick on. Need I go on? I have a 100% track record and in the end you, QMF, will also start ranting about the same things after the fact that I have been doing before hand for years.

Just Say No to Exum.
I don't know whether or not you actually made all of these predictions you claim, but you're the guy who prefers Corbin to Snyder, right?
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Yup. If the Jazz overpay Dante like they did Burks I will quit being a fan and look for another team, hopefully the one they end up trading the other Aussie to.
I could swear that you gave this sort of an ultimatum about your fandom regarding a previous issue, and I don't think it went your way, but you didn't go away. I don't want you to go away, you make some interesting points from time to time, but this sure is an odd little game you play.

If the Jazz refuse to pay Dante the market rate and he walks I will have to assume it's because someone from the front office read your post and decided the organization could risk losing you as a fan.