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Crazy mad love from around the league for the Spida putback dunk


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Link to the dunk-

Raptors-All-star next year

Bulls-ROTY next year

Celts-Absolutely nuts.

Bucks-i need kobe to train giannis NOW if this is what one video is doing for mitchell

Cavs-He did that from a standstill, zero momentum. Insane.

Celts-I couldn't believe what I saw until he hung on the rim lmao

Heat-I'm not even a Jazz fan but I almost came

Hornets-Buckle up ladies and gentlemen

Cavs-I'm pretty sure I can't bare children, but Don can sure put that theory to the test.

Heat-This guy is 6'3". How the **** ?

Wizards-Right? He's like young D Wade mixed with the savvy old man game of Brandon Roy, imo.

Wizards-"Horcrux for D. Mitch, Bitch"

Blazers-I've always seen DWade and Dame with a touch of Westbrook

Heat-It's the fearlessness as well, comes into the league and just ready to takeover big games

Heat-He stretched and didn't stop stretching

Magic-That was more impressive than almost anything I’ve ever seen. He had absolutely no momentum when he jumped.

Raptors-This dude lobbed it to himself off the front rim lmao

Wolves-THAT was ****ing nasty

Cavs-WTF is what I said to a post having 305 comments in 3 minutes, jesus.

Lakers-Rimjob Of The Year


Thunder-Filthy *** business

Nets-HOLY ****

Self oop off the rim

Rockets-My god. That vert. That didn’t even look possible.

76ers-Seriously that defied the laws of physics

Spurs-His second jump was so quick and so high it caught me by surprise live.

Cavs-that might be the most disgusting dunk i’ve ever seen


Warriors-The slow-mo eurostep before the shot was icing too.

Thunder-Glad I can root for this guy instead of against him now

Wizards-That dunk should be called "the spida"

Nuggets-Kobe did tell him to dunk on them but my god

Bulls-Literally jumped up and screamed what the ****.

Celts-I just threw up in my mouth, that's disgusting


GSW-Holy **** I did not see that coming

Rockets-Dude that's a top 10 playoff dunk all time in my books. The little amount of time it takes for him to bounce back up is ridiculous


Raptors-i didnt even realize what happened in real time. filthy putback

Unk-WHAT THE ****.




Unk-he casually dropped the nastiest dunk of the playoffs. he is special.

Cavs-dunk of the year

Unk-Who gave Mitchell all the Infinity Stones

Raptors-How did that look so casual lol

Wizards-One of the nastiest things ive EVER seen.

Celts-nice from the real ROTY

76ers-yes thanks for the speed, 100 comments in 1 minute

Blazers-Where were you when a small market probably mormon team drafted the next goat

Raptors-I just jazzed

Lakers-This dude is ****ing awesome and he’s found his place in the league so seamlessly

Celts-That was so unexpected. I was startled when I was watching lmao

Suns-The Donovan Mitchell has just won the 2018 NBA Championship

Celts-This is one of my favorite plays of all time. The miss, then the dedication, the scream, the athleticism, the effort, "he came in hot and went up high!" just everything about this I love.

Mavs-Anyone else jump out there seat/bed when they saw this?

Wolves-long *** arm having ************ like jeez

76ers-I love when benches get hyped for their teammates like that

Blazers-That dunk will be on playoff highlight videos for years to come.

Celts-That coordinated stumble by the bench is fantastic

Knicks-How did dis boi just do this?

Spurs-How is this guy a rookie? He plays like he's in his prime and has been in the league for years.

Bucks-1st dunk that's actually made me tweak out in a while

Sonics-That was the most unexpected highlight dunk I've ever seen.

GSW-Boom Shakalaka!

Bucks-He's the same height as Steph how is this possible

Thunder-love the bench's reaction lmao

Bulls-What the ****

I fell out of my god damn seat watching live lmfao, this kid is INSANE

Bulls-Somebody give him the godamn ROY trophy when Ben isn’t looking

Cavs-He seriously might be the most exciting player in the league already. Can't believe what I'm watching and he's not even playing that well.

Wolves-It actually didn't make sense watching it live how he pulled that off

76ers-I'd just tuned in, and this is essentially the first Mitchell Donovan play I've seen live. Nice.

Unk-Looking like Thor with the Mjolnir hammer, Donovan is ****ing thunderous


Rockets-One of the nastiest dunks I have ever seen


GSW-There is absolutely no debating with me. Donovan Mitchell is my ROY.

Blazers-Wtf he barely jumped

Celtics-This might be the best draft class ever.

Unk-I for one think it’s safe to say he’s reached super star status. He’s the first option on a relatively weak offensive team and is carrying the team along with Gobert to a competitive series against the best regular season team in the league

Bulls-Blue shirt guy at 15 seconds to the left at Mitchell That was me at home, holy ****.

Cavs-im losing my mind on this kid. sooooo good! and smooth lol!

Clippers-Not to overreact but that may have been the greatest putback slam in nba history

Rockets-It hurt so bad live lol. This utah team is no joke. Ive been watching them be on fire for a while.

We are in for a tough series

Spurs-If you watched this live and didn't scream a little bit, you're not human.

Kings-Clear dunk of the year imo

Unk-Mother of god. Dude did that **** flat footed. Im not even being reactionary in saying that has to be one of the best dunks of all time

Bulls-Unreal. I seriously can't stop watching it. Every time I do I find another hilarious reaction lol.

Lakers-This kid is quickly becoming one of my favorite players in the league. Something about his fearlessness and being the best damn player he could be is exciting. On top of that, he seems like a classy and articulate dude. Might have to grab me a jersey of his.

Cavs-Good christ that was incredible. At that point in the game too, you could hear the air come out of the stadium after that. I said at the beginning of the playoffs the Jazz are the dark horse team this year, they play fundamental basketball and have an actual giant on defense in Gobert. I can tell you right now that the Warriors would rather face the Rockets in the WCF. Jazz gave it to the Warriors raw dog during the season

Lakers-Where can I get a Mitchell city/statement jersey?

Celtics-This little ****er is looking more and more like Kobe every. single. game. Utah has such a bright future.


GSW-He’s gotta be careful, they give out the death penalty for murder in Texas. Can’t imagine what they’d do for a massacre.

Unk-oddly, there seems to be a lack of sixers fans on anything Mitchell related in this sub lol!

Lakers-Ben Simmons is an amazing talent, but seeing Mitchell has carried the Jazz since midseason as a rookie is just amazing. He's my ROY because of it.

Unk-As someone who doesn't watch basketball ball at all I had to watch this several times to figure out exactly how he got airborne.

Knicks-I never knew how much I wanted Utah to clown all these “superstar” teams until it was right before my eyes.

GSW-damn this dude is fun to watch. I've been on that Donovan Mitchell hype train for most of the season, but that **** is unreal.

GSW-Can't wait to see him **** up CP3 and Harden for the rest of the series just like he did to Westbrook and Melo!

Unk-The slight hang on the rim...the nonchalant look on his face (which is his every face) makes this ****ing gold

Unk-I love how the Utah bench explodes after that. So dirty

Pelicans-Jesus he came off 2 feelt for that? WTF ****ing amazing jesus man wonder how much power he puts out with that jump and slam total. Talk about quick jump Jesus!

Spurs-There hasn't been a rookie this good in a LONG while, if he can sustain this next year? He's got superstar/top 5 potential.

Knicks-By gawd, is that Jazz music I hear?

Unk-I don’t watch basketball much. This is, maybe, the second time that I have watched the playoffs on an obsessive level like I have. With that being said, THIS IS THE BEST DUNK IVE EVER SEEN IN PLAOFF BASKETBALL!!!

Donovan Mitchell is serious, he makes me want to watch Utah basketball.

Unk-This is the second sickest thing I've seen this playoffs. Only behind LeBron's game winner, not a LeBron fan but have to respect any playoff game winning buzzer beater.

Cavs-Nastiest dunk I’ve seen in years. Mitchell is such a fun player to watch - dude is all around phenomenal.

Nets-This made absolutely no sense. How does a guard do that?

Wolves-That's it. I'm buying his jersey.

Unk-So Houston... DO YA LIKE JAZZ?

76ers-Wooooww...thats gnarly

Celtics-S A V A G E !

Rockets-I like to imagine my reaction was similar to a Game of Thrones death. Jumped up and yelled “oh ****!”

Unk-It’s Jason Bourne

Celtics- Everything lower body was almost slow motion. Upper body just exploded for the ridiculous slam.

Unk-Someone ****ing explain how this is possible. He was off balance when he landed. What the ****...

Unk-At first I was like "hey that's no hamm...Holy ****!!" Dude dropped the hammer of Thor on that ****!

Unk-That was disgusting. Mods mark this NSFW.

Unk-Me going into this: oh cool he puts someone else's shot back in right? Nice

Then he puts his OWN shot back

Knicks-Idk if anyone has this feeling, but he gives the impression of a rising Kobe.

That we passed on

GSW-I don't have a dog in this fight but while it was a high-light dunk, I'm gonna have to give kudos for the announcer quote:
"He came in Hot and went up High!" good call.

Bulls-That reach back and hang was INSANE

Spurs-I think we are seeing something truly special in Mitchell. Like, once in a generation Lebron special.

Lakers-I don’t think many nba players can do that damn

Mavs-I love what the Eurostep has done for basketball

Bucks-How did he make that look like he wasn’t even trying lol

Unk-My wife was on her phone on the couch next to me, not paying attention to the game. I scared her when I yelled "HOLY ****ING ****!"

I had to rewind it three times just to keep watching it and let her enjoy it.

Celtics-The 6 players on the Jazz bench stood up so they could volunteer to be pallbearers.

Unk-What's wild is that he lost almost all of his momentum, but still had the hops to get up to the rim.

Possible a Utah Fan!- Good gosh darn dang gosh dang good gosh

Raptors-Top 50 dunk of all time. Easily. Probably top 25.

Jesus ****ing Christ.

GSW-This guy is Russell Westbrook but better in every single way

Lakers- DMOY

Donovan Mitchell Of (the) Year

Celtics-Over three Rockets, insane.

Rockets-This is when it started to feel like tonight was gonna be the Jazz’ night. Insane play from Mitchell

Suns-His ability to jump is freakish. The raw athleticism shown here is crazy.

Unk-He’s same height as Curry, put the ball back with no running start. Not something you see often.

Rockets-**** I always root for my hometown teams, but man Mitchell is makin it hard to root for the hometeam.

Unk-Sweet baby Jingles this is good.

Knicks-i can't believe the knicks drafted john wallace in 1996 instead of fetus-donovan mitchell

Pistons-pistons passed up on him for luke kennard kill me now

Nuggets-I'm still perplexed that the Nuggets essentially traded this guy for Trey Lyles (no offense Trey!) when what we needed the most was a defensive wing. Unforgivable.

Knicks-the VIOLENCE of this putback is unreal

GSW-His ****ing wingspan is ridiculous LMAOOOO. I remember one highlight of him crossing out someone and it looked goofy as **** because he’s like 6’2 with a 6’11 wingspan. Man this kid is legit.

Blazers-I mean it's pretty obvious, but I feel like rookies are always overhyped and I don't think that the case this season. These guys look like legit generational talents.

Wolves-He’s already scary good, and he’s only a rookie. Man I love the beginning of things!

Kings-Man I love Simmons for roty but this is the second coming of Kobe holy ****

Lakers-The wherewithal he's playing with is insane. To not only be able to follow your own shot, but to be able to finish it off with a dunk is so telling of where his career is going to go.

I hope he continues to have this hunger throughout his career and doesn't get caught up in complaining for calls but just continues to do the dirty work.

Unk-Usually that second jump is weak AF compared the first jump FOR NORMAL HUMANS... he exploded yo wtf was that

Lakers-Took the air right out the building. ROTY.
This is akin to how I felt when I first saw him play in summer league and run down a ball after a deflection and while going full speed, before his momentum caused him to go out of bounds, in one motion flip a perfect behind the back pass to Dante all alone under the basket. It was just so instinctive and spontaneous, like this dunk, that it makes you realize this guy is something special, that there is something indefinable inside him that drives him. The Jazz are so lucky to have found him.
The broadcast call on that highlight is perfect. Boring Reggie says something about someone getting "hot in a hurry," and then "OOHHHH! He came in hot and went up high!"
I love, love the quotes JazzAvenues puts up for us. It’s the most amazing feeling to read the comments about Mitchell from other fan bases and realize he’s ours, all ours. The basketball Gods truly smiled on us after losing out on he who shall remain nameless.

We’ve been spoiled. This summer is going to seem like an eternity without the quotes.
Love the reaction from the Rockets fan in the white hat behind the Jazz bench, and the one from the Jazz fan in the white shirt just in front and to his L side.