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*BREAKING* Manafort Found Guilty on Eight Counts as Cohen Pleads Guilty to Eight Counts

You should listen to the "Slow Burn" podcast about the Nixon White House and get a sense as to what an actual, verifiable political conspiracy looked like.

And how remarkably similar it is to what is currently going on with Donald Trump.
I listened to that just a couple of weeks ago. Good stuff, although some bad language in places.
If Manafort is holding out for a pardon, this is why Trump’s nonstop tweeting is a big deal. He’s interfering in the investigation.

However, it’s bit beyond the realm of possibility that he’s actually hoping to be put away for protection. He might be afraid of what the Russians will do to him if he’s ever let out. I don’t think this is really happening. I think he’s banking on a pardon and wants his freedom. But it isn’t altogether impossible to think that he prefers safety in prison rather than risk being poisoned by a Russian nerve agent.
Should democrats wait until after they retake congress to drum up the impeachment talks? Will it energize more voters to vote for them in order to dethrone trump? Or will that scare some voters away and hinder the blue wave?

Also, the breaking of norms is setting a very very bad precedent. If Mitch ramrods Kavanaugh through with this much controversy surrounding the White House, what’s going to happen the next time something like this happens and democrats are in charge?

My biggest fear is that we purge (either through impeachment or through the 2020 election) this trump cancer from our country but the lack of normalcy continued. Trumpism and its divisiveness can continue. Next time, the authoritarian might not be so stupid as trump. If trump had any intelligence, he truly could’ve become a dictator the way the GOP and it’s propagands apparatus has served him.
Should democrats wait until after they retake congress to drum up the impeachment talks? Will it energize more voters to vote for them in order to dethrone trump? Or will that scare some voters away and hinder the blue wave?

Also, the breaking of norms is setting a very very bad precedent. If Mitch ramrods Kavanaugh through with this much controversy surrounding the White House, what’s going to happen the next time something like this happens and democrats are in charge?

My biggest fear is that we purge (either through impeachment or through the 2020 election) this trump cancer from our country but the lack of normalcy continued. Trumpism and its divisiveness can continue. Next time, the authoritarian might not be so stupid as trump. If trump had any intelligence, he truly could’ve become a dictator the way the GOP and it’s propagands apparatus has served him.
I think Democrats should absolutely talk about impeachment throughout the midterm elections. Hell they can use this video of current Trump sycophant Lindsay Graham if they want. He makes a pretty covincing case imo.

I think the dam is breaking...

Trump is in real trouble now. You're gonna have to not give a **** that the POTUS is a felon to continue to support Trump.

Remember to mention Hillary a lot, the person who is not and has never been and never will be our President. That should help you be okay with the POS who is our President.

Because Hillary... We should just shrug off having a special needs mobster as a President. Makes beautiful perfect sense.
Evangelicals will shrug it off and claim he was just being pro life. Multiplying and replenishing the earth and stuff. What’s really worse is a Lewinsky bj and Obama wearing a tan suit.
It will probably depend on if the housekeeper was white or not.