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Reasons to vote conservative

Reasons to vote conservative, in the Trump era.

1. You live on a kibbutz on the West Bank.
2. You live on a kibbutz in Eastern Oregon.
3. You have an 8th grade education.
4. You have abandoned all hope, and want to hasten the end of the world.
5. Your momma told you to, and you are afraid of crossing momma.
6. You eat small children for lunch, and it is dinner time.
7. You long for the days when you could feel a girl up without being accused of a crime.
8. You want to use Latino kids for target practice.
9. You believe the transfer of wealth should only go from the poor to the rich.
10. You believe in the Amerikan dream.
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You guys are hilarious. . If I am counting correctly, there are 3-4 active conservatives on the entire site and 25+ liberals. We have held our own pretty well this week. Thankfully I can turn of the political stuff after tomorrow and just get back to the Jazz.

Those numbers are way way off for here.

But you probably lump people in as liberal that don't agree with you or don't like Trump. I mostly align with libertarian. But I'm probably lumped in by you as liberal.

I like that you feel you, babe, and Dutch held your own though, I got a laugh out of that.
An actual border wall is probably the dumbest thing I have seen in politics in decades. The actual physical border isn't even close to the most prevalent method of entry for illegal immigrants. That is far and away our airports as the vast majority, by a long way, came here initially legally and overstayed their visas or what-have-you. Spending billions for a wall is the epitome of stupid. Especially considering for a large portion of the border we already have walls. Just stupid. Spend the money on education instead.
Reasons to vote conservative, in the Trump era.

1. You live on a kibbutz on the West Bank.
2. You live on a kibbutz in Eastern Oregon.
dont care for kibbutzes, but i support their right to exist

because kibutzes are communism on small scale. but yeah people are free to do communism among themselves. as long as they don't force others into it. and that what is what a kibutz is! people living and letting live

nice fact bernie failed at voluntary communism. his lazy *** got kicked out of a commune. bernie failed at communism
"Keeping the House Republican is a whole lot tougher, but conservatives should also want that, which would enable the GOP to make tax cuts permanent.

Preserving GOP control of Capitol Hill is more valuable than issuing a symbolic Election Day rebuke to Trump or initiating a thousand partisan investigations.

We understand conservatives who are exasperated with Trump. Some of us didn't vote for him. Some of us won't in 2020. But a vote for a Republican Senate isn't a vote for Trump. It's a vote to protect liberty and the Constitution."

"Democrats are desperate for a job-killing, cost-increasing carbon tax — they just won't tell you"


"Democrats know the energy tax is a political loser and behind closed doors will acknowledge as much. In 2015, a carbon tax memo prepared for then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton concluded that a carbon tax would be devastating to low-income households.

“As with the increase in energy costs, the increase in the cost of non-energy goods and services would disproportionately impact low income households,” the memo states. “The cost of other household goods and services would increase as well as companies pass forward the higher energy costs paid to produce those goods and services on to consumers.”

Hillary Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook wrote in an email, “to be clear: it’s lethal in the general, so I don’t want to support one.” John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, put things more bluntly, writing, “We have done extensive polling on a carbon tax. It all sucks."

A $40 per ton carbon tax would immediately increase the price of gasoline by 38 cents per gallon. As the American Enterprise Institute recently pointed out, even a smaller $25 per ton carbon tax, at a low-ball estimate, would cost the average household hundreds of dollars per year, undoing a quarter of the average household tax cut in the GOP’s historic Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Such an oppressive tax would come at a time when the United States is not only leading the world in reducing carbon dioxide emissions, but doing so at nearly twice the rate as the next closest country.

American voters can look to the examples of other nations that introduced a carbon tax and see the economic and political harm that resulted. Following Australia’s introduction of a national carbon tax in 2012, the cost of electricity rose by 15 percent in the first year and unemployment jumped by more than 10 percent. The revolt against the carbon tax cost two prime ministers their jobs, and the carbon tax was repealed in 2014."
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As an old white guy I can tell you that there are many old white guys who believe that the societal changes are undermining their position of power and privilege. How do I know this? Because they tell me. They are driven by fear.

And there are others who have failed in their lives and need a scapegoat. "It's the Mexican's fault" is so much more palatable than "Gee, I sure ****ed that up"

As an affluent guy I can tell you that most affluent guys who voted for Trump absolutely despise him. But he has put millions of dollars into their company's coffers (that have driven up bonuses and share prices) and have increased their take home pay by many tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of dollars in lower taxes. So they vote to enrich themselves. We funneled money from future generations to today's rich. Great for me, okay for my kids since they'll get a nice inheritance, but terrible for middle and lower class kids. The tab goes to our kids and grand kids, as we have a trillion dollar deficit during a period of economic strength. This is MORALLY REPUGNANT and our progeny will rightfully hate us for this. (both parties to blame, btw).

And this from me, a capitalist, small government, fiscal conservative.

And in the world of white male power brokers, there is open discussion about how to continue duping the lower class with talk about immigrants, guns, country, values, and God. To vote Republican and maintain the status quo power structure. The carnival barker draws your attention to the snake oil salesman. And the lower and middle class snake oil consumers drink happily until they are dead.

Folks, this is the reality we live in. Informed people know this to be true. Others live in ignorance or denial.

Hard Stop.

Thank you for spelling it out so clearly, Silesian.
US has the most competitive global economy. Please don't change that!

Wages are up again - do workers really want to elect Democratic tax hikers?


"Voters may decide next week that this doesn’t matter, or that it doesn’t matter enough. They may be taken in by the divisive culture-war campaign that the Left is waging. But they should be careful. Democrats ferociously resisted Trump’s deregulation, which played a very large role in making the current shared prosperity possible.

And the same Democratic Party that lied to them last winter, claiming that the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was a “tax scam” that would actually raise their taxes, is very eager to take power and raise their taxes for real."
I don't think you understand, Heathme. This isn't about politics or the economy. It's about America becoming a country of assholes.
No I get it. I just hope some people will read some truth and make their decision based on more than feelings. Saying everyone is a Nazi just does not persuade me.
More reasons to vote conservative in the Trump era.
11. You believe the Pope may be fallible, but the Donald ain't.
12. You think Vlad is a swell guy.
13. You believe the "greatest generation" got it all wrong.
14. You think black lung is good for everyone.
15. You think two tanks of gas a month is worth saddling your kids and grandkids with an extra 2 trillion dollars in debt.
16. You believe corporations really are people.
17. You believe government has no business regulating what corporations do in the public sphere, but believe it should regulate what consenting adults do in their bedrooms.
18. You believe the earth is flat and the sun revolves around Donald Trump.
19. You believe science is a four letter word.
20. You believe racism is a figment of the left's imagination.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using JazzFanz mobile app
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"Electing Democrats to a majority in the House or the Senate at the height of the party’s lurch left would be a disaster: Impeachment, demands for massive income tax hikes and the effort to abolish ICE would follow, while also throwing the military rebuild into reverse and the economy into paralysis because of the inability of business to predict the future with anything like certainty. A radicalized Democratic Party puffed by a Trump-loathing Manhattan-Beltway elite wouldn’t bring us a political environment as fraught as 1861 or even 1968, but the Clinton impeachment and the Watergate scandal eras are fair parallels to the atmosphere that would follow if Rep. Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) returns to power or Sen. Charles E. Schumer (N.Y.) gets his wish to run the Senate.

So even if you loathe the president, vote Republican. The downside of Democratic majorities in either house of Congress is so much larger than another two years like the last two. Both 2017 and 2018 have been polarizing and stressful for sure, but very productive for national security and economic vitality. Are most voters going to chose venting over their pocketbooks and their security? I hope not."