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WOJ: Korver to Jazz for Burks and 2 second rounders

I don't know why anyone would complain about Korvers age. We probably weren't keeping Burks past this season. And the second rounders aren't a necessity. We've been selling them anyway. DL has been using those roster spots to go search overseas/gleague to find players. And it's worked because he's found Ingles, O'neale, Udoh, Niang. All of those guys have been contributors. So who cares if Korver is in his late 30's? It's not like we gave up our future for him. Korver has a skill we desperately need. It's a win.
Lmao, I still don’t know why we traded for Korver. It’s not like he has any real future in Utah, and other then Ingles, when has it ever paid off going after G League guys. That wiz second we threw away was going to most likely be a 30 something pick which is quite valuable and I’m sick and tired of the jazz neglecting the 2end round. O’Neale has been *** this year. Udoh has been a bench warmer for most of his time here, and is a former lottery pick you idiot!! What has Niang done? Not saying he won’t be good, but it’s too soon to tell.

If you ask me there’s more risk then reward in trading for Korver. First I don’t really think he makes us any better, like at all, but maybe jazz brass love him and keep him for next year limiting what we do in free agency next year, or maybe he lights a fire under the jazz, get the 8th seed and lose in the first round of the playoffs. That’s the worst scenario, he’s not elevating us to a 4th-5th seed.

So, he’s preventing us from adding talent to the roster, you are all idiots!!
Does anyone have any footage of Korver passing up threes? I don’t recall such thing?

Then you are dumb idiot!
Lmao, I still don’t know why we traded for Korver. It’s not like he has any real future in Utah, and other then Ingles, when has it ever paid off going after G League guys. That wiz second we threw away was going to most likely be a 30 something pick which is quite valuable and I’m sick and tired of the jazz neglecting the 2end round. O’Neale has been *** this year. Udoh has been a bench warmer for most of his time here, and is a former lottery pick you idiot!! What has Niang done? Not saying he won’t be good, but it’s too soon to tell.

If you ask me there’s more risk then reward in trading for Korver. First I don’t really think he makes us any better, like at all, but maybe jazz brass love him and keep him for next year limiting what we do in free agency next year, or maybe he lights a fire under the jazz, get the 8th seed and lose in the first round of the playoffs. That’s the worst scenario, he’s not elevating us to a 4th-5th seed.

So, he’s preventing us from adding talent to the roster, you are all idiots!!

Then you are dumb idiot!

I skipped to the bottom just to find out i'm an idiot.
Lmao, I still don’t know why we traded for Korver. It’s not like he has any real future in Utah, and other then Ingles, when has it ever paid off going after G League guys. That wiz second we threw away was going to most likely be a 30 something pick which is quite valuable and I’m sick and tired of the jazz neglecting the 2end round. O’Neale has been *** this year. Udoh has been a bench warmer for most of his time here, and is a former lottery pick you idiot!! What has Niang done? Not saying he won’t be good, but it’s too soon to tell.

If you ask me there’s more risk then reward in trading for Korver. First I don’t really think he makes us any better, like at all, but maybe jazz brass love him and keep him for next year limiting what we do in free agency next year, or maybe he lights a fire under the jazz, get the 8th seed and lose in the first round of the playoffs. That’s the worst scenario, he’s not elevating us to a 4th-5th seed.

So, he’s preventing us from adding talent to the roster, you are all idiots!!

Then you are dumb idiot!

We. Can't. Shoot.

Korver can. This is a great win-now move to try to save our season. Shooting is contagious. If he brings us out of our slump and never does anything again he'll be worth it. So when he's draining important three's in the playoffs it'll be icing on the churro.
We. Can't. Shoot.

Korver can. This is a great win-now move to try to save our season. Shooting is contagious. If he brings us out of our slump and never does anything again he'll be worth it. So when he's draining important three's in the playoffs it'll be icing on the churro.

OMG YOU IDIOTS!! So what if he shoot, he does nothing else and is 30 ****ing 7!! Like I said he sticks around just long enough to keep us from really improving and he won’t help us get anywhere in the playoffs. It is detrimental to this team to simply make the playoffs, we need to make noise in the post season or win the lotto, he does none of those things for the jazz

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OMG YOU IDIOTS!! So what if he shoot, he does nothing else and is 30 ****ing 7!! Like I said he sticks around just long enough to keep us from really improving and he won’t help us get anywhere in the playoffs. It is detrimental to this team to simply make the playoffs, we need to make noise in the post season or win the lotto, he does none of those things for the jazz

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We. Can't. Shoot.

Korver can. This is a great win-now move to try to save our season. Shooting is contagious. If he brings us out of our slump and never does anything again he'll be worth it. So when he's draining important three's in the playoffs it'll be icing on the churro.

Icing on the churro, sounds R rated.
OMG YOU IDIOTS!! So what if he shoot, he does nothing else and is 30 ****ing 7!! Like I said he sticks around just long enough to keep us from really improving and he won’t help us get anywhere in the playoffs. It is detrimental to this team to simply make the playoffs, we need to make noise in the post season or win the lotto, he does none of those things for the jazz

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You're going to eat your words, Thee. Every time Korver makes a three instead of yelling THREE! I'll type THEE! in your honor.
More thoughts: since Hornacek, I’d always been dying to have a legit three point shooter, and even with Hornacek I’d wished there was more volume. It became frustrating when you saw the game evolve with Robinson and Duncan and then what felt like every three point shooter on the planet on the Spurs’ roster. Was always looking for great shooters. I remember being familiar with Korver in the draft and having four college years of 40+% on threes. Wasn’t the biggest Giricek fan but I thought we needed his shooting in our starting lineup. Many people here mentioned a GG/KK swap before it happened. When it happened, I was elated. I always hoped he’d start. Not sure why he never did. His lowest 3PA/36 of his career were his years here. He shot poorly (for him) his first two years here (38.8% and 38.6%). I always was just hoping he’d get the green light. Then we drafted Hayward and let him walk, in part because of Hayward. That made me hate the Hayward pick all that much more. Then watched as he became an all star in Atalanta. Now he’s back, but this time has the greenest of lights.

Let’s light this **** up.
More thoughts: since Hornacek, I’d always been dying to have a legit three point shooter, and even with Hornacek I’d wished there was more volume. It became frustrating when you saw the game evolve with Robinson and Duncan and then what felt like every three point shooter on the planet on the Spurs’ roster. Was always looking for great shooters. I remember being familiar with Korver in the draft and having four college years of 40+% on threes. Wasn’t the biggest Giricek fan but I thought we needed his shooting in our starting lineup. Many people here mentioned a GG/KK swap before it happened. When it happened, I was elated. I always hoped he’d start. Not sure why he never did. His lowest 3PA/36 of his career were his years here. He shot poorly (for him) his first two years here (38.8% and 38.6%). I always was just hoping he’d get the green light. Then we drafted Hayward and let him walk, in part because of Hayward. That made me hate the Hayward pick all that much more. Then watched as he became an all star in Atalanta. Now he’s back, but this time has the greenest of lights.

Let’s light this **** up.

I’m here for it.
PGAB's I found this guy first... yall didn't believe me... Just my opinion.
I guess now that AB goes to Cleveland and can be free, we’ll find out if he was right about him being a point god.

ETA: the first couple years he posted here, I literally thought PGAB was someone’s alt having fun. I mean, alts 101 is that you show up with a name that’s ridiculous and a reference to something the board would get, or you have some bizarre hyperbole about a player, such as PointGodAlexBurks.

“These days there’s such an emphasis on the three because it’s proven to be analytically correct,” Popovich Monday offered with what appeared to be a sneer. “Now you look at a stat sheet after a game and the first thing you look at is the threes. If you made threes and the other team didn’t, you win. You don’t even look at the rebounds or the turnovers or how much transition D was involved. You don’t even care. That’s how much an impact the three-point shot has and it’s evidenced by how everybody plays.”
Another reason why Pops is one of the greatest coaches ever. He knows his stuff.

Does anyone have any footage of Korver passing up threes? I don’t recall such thing?
Well, Korver said he did in an interview. So I think we can take his word for it. I'm too lazy to go grab the quote.