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2020 Presidential election

Was he a D? I thought he ran I but I forget.
Yeah it was down to Hillary and Sanders in the primary in 2016.

I do think she was a bad candidate to run against Trump, but could have fared better against a nonpupulist standard politician.

In any case I don't see any current Democratic candidates with her negatives so I'm cautiously optimistic about their prospects this go around, especially Sanders or Warren.
Hilary had political credibility. She was nearly an automatic vote for D’s. She also received more votes than Trump so implicitly saying she was an awful candidate is just wrong.

Not one of those other candidates would’ve had a shot at Trump and his shenanigans. He would’ve embarrased them. Sadly.
Agree to disagree.

I saw MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY people saying that they chose the lesser of 2 evils when voting for Trump. I believe them.

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She did not energized the base.
She was unappealing to swing voters and independents.
She energized the opposition
She ran an arrogant campaign by trying to stretch her lead instead of getting the Midwest vote she needed to win.
She was part of the establishment in an antiestablishment election.

Besides that she was an awesome candidate.

I’m not saying you’re wrong. There’s no way either of us can prove who would’ve won. That said, I can speak for myself. I voted Hilary but may not have voted for Bernie because I think his fiscal policies are irresponsible. I see this being a concern to many D’s. Either way, it doesn’t matter and it’s just my opinion which doesn’t mean **** and I’m not interested in getting into a pissing match about politicians because it’s not worth my time arguing over a bunch of selfish, corrupt assholes.
I’m not saying you’re wrong. There’s no way either of us can prove who would’ve won. That said, I can speak for myself. I voted Hilary but may not have voted for Bernie because I think his fiscal policies are irresponsible. I see this being a concern to many D’s. Either way, it doesn’t matter and it’s just my opinion which doesn’t mean **** and I’m not interested in getting into a pissing match about politicians because it’s not worth my time arguing over a bunch of selfish, corrupt assholes.

I agree!
I’m not saying you’re wrong. There’s no way either of us can prove who would’ve won. That said, I can speak for myself. I voted Hilary but may not have voted for Bernie because I think his fiscal policies are irresponsible. I see this being a concern to many D’s. Either way, it doesn’t matter and it’s just my opinion which doesn’t mean **** and I’m not interested in getting into a pissing match about politicians because it’s not worth my time arguing over a bunch of selfish, corrupt assholes.
Why are people concerned about Bernie's fiscal policies?
He can't just show up and enact them right? They have to pass through Congress and whatnot right? Meaning they would actually have to make some sense and be somewhat good for the country right? I mean Congress wouldn't want to turn us into Venezuela right?

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I don’t really feel like arguing about politics. But to answer your question, no. My original point was that the other D candidates were simply no better than Clinton (just my opinion) and would not have beaten Trump.
Ya, agree to disagree.
I have spoken with many people who have said that if there was anyone other than Hillary running against Trump then they would have voted that way.

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Why are people concerned about Bernie's fiscal policies?
He can't just show up and enact them right? They have to pass through Congress and whatnot right? Meaning they would actually have to make some sense and be somewhat good for the country right? I mean Congress wouldn't want to turn is into Venezuela right?

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I don't think his legislative proposals will pass through congress based on them being good for the country necessarily. Lots of bills get passed that are pretty ****** (patriot act, GOP tax cuts etc). It's going to depend on the makeup of congress though. If he wins and Republicans hold the senate then, yeah his plans for M4A or tuition free college simply aren't going to happen. Same for if the Dems win take the Senate with a non filibuster proof majority, unless they go nuclear and kill the filibuster altogether.
I don't think his legislative proposals will pass through congress based on them being good for the country necessarily.

Me either
What I'm saying is that if they are terrifying and devastating to country then they wouldn't pass even if the Dems controlled Congress and the Senate and the house and whatever.
Cause I don't think the government wants to turn the USA into Venezuela.
I think that many people fear that a democratic president will turn the country into something resembling Venezuela and destroy us all.
I'm just saying that a single man or woman won't be able to do that even with their party in control of the branches of government.
Cause no one wants that.
This seems obvious

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Why should we care about fiscal policy? We certainly didn’t care about it when giving handouts to billionaires. Now we’re going to worry about costs when we’re actually investing it into making our country better?