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2020 Presidential election

Meh sorry Brow, it's a waste of my time. I'm going to take a break for a bit. If we can't even have an adult conversation without immature name calling and we can't act like adults, this is pointless. Not you Brow but there are a few posters here that are just worthless. I'm not talking about their political differences, I'm talking about their complete lack of respect. Hell I've been called nearly every name in the book and even had one poster tell me he likes me less everyday for my political views. He's an intolerant bigot by definition.

It's not worth my time. I understand getting heated but once you have to resort to name calling because you're too immature to debate, it's beyond pointless. And to be clear I'm not entirely innocent as well but at least I recognize it and realize how it helps nothing.

Have a good one guys and Go Jazz!
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Those who have heard of taxes and never heard of insurance premiums agree with you.
Don't forget deductibles, and co-pays, and co-insurance.

Lol, super-late reply. That's what happens when you don't keep up on a thread.
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“But Thrill!

Remind me again why you advocate voting against the GOP at all levels of government!”

ProPublica also reports new details on the Trump campaign’s takeover of the Republican Party architecture, including this revelation:

Since Trump’s election in 2016, critical “voter scores” — sophisticated polling-based analytics that the RNC provides to party committees and candidates — have conspicuously omitted an essential detail for any down-ballot race: how voters in specific states and congressional districts feel about Trump. Republican insiders believe these analytics are being withheld to try and prevent GOP candidates from publicly distancing themselves from the president or leaking unfavorable results that embarrass Trump.
“They don’t want you to know if it isn’t good,” says former RNC chairman Michael Steele, a vocal Trump critic. “There’s a lot of data they’re sitting on that they’re not sharing.” Steele adds that today, “the RNC is not an independent actor; the RNC is now a part of the Trump campaign. The question now isn’t, ‘What do you need?’ The question is, ‘Do you support Donald Trump?’”


“But Thrill! You sound so hateful so bigoted! Some of your posts are just so full of hate against republicans. It seems so baseless and unfair!”

What this vote does is block Medicaid expansion (health care to the working poor) while democrats were at a 9/11 memorial paying respects.

But you know, me calling republicans out for this is like so hateful and bigoted. Amiright?

I wish certain members of this board would self reflect every once in a while. Maybe understand why so many are disgusted with the GOP as a whole, not just trump. From the obnoxious grifters like Shapiro and Hannity to the spineless senators, like Romney and Sasse, to the corrupt president and his family. This party needs to be reformed from the racist cult of personality it has become.

Rather than instantly label someone they disagree with politically as “hateful.” Open your eyes
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Sigh. The next 14 months are going to be loaded with lame republican ads distorting history and socialism as this, aren’t they? Ugh it’s going to be so long.

Sigh. The next 14 months are going to be loaded with lame republican ads distorting history and socialism as this, aren’t they? Ugh it’s going to be so long.

Its already been a long 3 years listening to tou twacks distort reality and spitting on everything so many people have died for and sacrificed for.

Ive yet to hear a single person make a coherent and logical argument in favor of socialism. Or point to any place socialism has been a success. Its all just virtue signaling and guilt tripping nonsense. Basically, this is your argument. Do it or you are a bad person.
Its already been a long 3 years listening to tou twacks distort reality and spitting on everything so many people have died for and sacrificed for.

Ive yet to hear a single person make a coherent and logical argument in favor of socialism. Or point to any place socialism has been a success. Its all just virtue signaling and guilt tripping nonsense. Basically, this is your argument. Do it or you are a bad person.
Lol yes, we are the ones making the "do this thing or you're a bad person" argument, definitely not whoever made that crap *** ad.

There are plenty of examples of democratic socialism working, and I know you've seen them. But I guess playing dumb is easier for you.
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This is one of the most unintentionally funny things I've ever seen, from one of the big brain geniuses at Ben Shapiro's Daily Wire no less.
Lol yes, we are the ones making the "do this thing or you're a bad person" argument, definitely not whoever made that crap *** ad.

There are plenty of examples of democratic socialism working, and I know you've seen them. But I guess playing dumb is easier for you.

Also, look who he directed it at. Wake up please. Hate is hate.

This is one of the most unintentionally funny things I've ever seen, from one of the big brain geniuses at Ben Shapiro's Daily Wire no less.

Yes and no.

It should be something that never even registers. America has done itself a massive disservice by not actively pushing bi-lingual education starting at kindergarten

The Ds that did this were absolutely pandering and attempting to appear “woke”. It was disingenuous at best.
Yes and no.

It should be something that never even registers. America has done itself a massive disservice by not actively pushing bi-lingual education starting at kindergarten

The Ds that did this were absolutely pandering and attempting to appear “woke”. It was disingenuous at best.
I don't think they were attempting to be "woke," they were in Texas speaking to a crowd that probably had a fair number of Spanish speakers in it. One of the moderators was from Univision and spoke at times in Spanish.

Attempting to be a little more inclusive by speaking a language which has been spoken in this country before its founding doesn't have to be pandering, or if it is, at least it's not disingenuous.
Abrasive as he can be, he's not guilty of distorting reality or "spitting on everything so many people have died for," whatever that means.

He’s guilty of hating on roughly half of America. Go read his posts for yourself. He’s called them all racists, ignorant, idiots, uneducated, sexist, bullies, xenophobic, demagogues...

He has openly and repeatedly advocated for their financial suffering as penance.

He absolutely is guilty of distorting reality. Don’t gets blinded by Trump being pure ****.

Fract me I don’t care. I’ll speak truth.

Hate is hate.