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Also, welcome Jordan Clarkson. He has become more refined as a scorer, as far as my observations go.
I think he plays smart/efficient. He's been consistent throughout his career, takes care of the basketball and definitely isn't a chucker.
Most common complaint about him is that he is a blackhole. Smart basketball player is not something I would call him. He has been very efficient this year, though. Hope he can keep that up.
Most common complaint about him is that he is a blackhole. Smart basketball player is not something I would call him. He has been very efficient this year, though. Hope he can keep that up.

He's not perfect but he's likely the best PG on our roster, consistency-wise anyways.
What I'm confused about is why the f*** do we want Clarkson? Redundant score first guard. We already have Mudiay. Our bench defense is about to get even worse. He's a poor defender just like Mudiay, Niang and (sometimes) Green. He doesn't rebound, just like Niang and Green. He's a low assist guy just like Mudiay, Niang and Green. He's a low deflection/block/steal guy just like Mudiay, Niang and Green.

Ay yi yi. Not a fan. A move needed to be made but I'm not sure this was it.

I too wanted to hold strong until we got a great defender, facilitator, rebounder and with good size. And totally thought it was within reason for the semi warm corpse of Dante Exum.

WTF, DL/Zanik?!
I hope I'm wrong about this trade and this turns out to be an amazing move.

I'm really really really worried about our bench defense though. Especially in the playoffs. The thought of Mudiay, Clarkson and Niang on D is beyond cringe.
I too wanted to hold strong until we got a great defender, facilitator, rebounder and with good size. And totally thought it was within reason for the semi warm corpse of Dante Exum.

WTF, DL/Zanik?!
Nobody is giving anything of importance away for Dante and his contract.
Holy s*** I cant believe it. I never though DL would actually part with Dante. Clarkson has some flaws but he's a big upgrade over Exum and he gives us something we've desperately needed, a scorer off the bench.
I doubt he will play as the point guard. He's played as a shooting guard the whole season for the Cavs.

He and Mudiay are both 6'5. I can see arguments to each side as to which should play PG and which should play SG.