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TIL Thread

TIL how two people who crashed in the Yukon survived 49 days in -49°.

If you never heard of digg.com I highly recommend for web surfing and learning about lots of really cool random things.
Vrbo is not pronounced vee are bee oh but is pronounced verbo. I’ve been sounding so dumb.
TIL owls can sit cross-legged

This isn't a TIL but it's a TIR (today I remembered) something a group of us early elementary school kids were told. We were told that if someone was trying to rape, molest or abduct us to yell "FIRE!" because that would get people's attention and make them want to help. If we were to yell "RAPE!" people might not want to get involved. This was absolutely something that was told to a group of kids (7-9) in the good old 80s.