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NBA playoffs, info from Woj

**** the small ball. Worst thing that happened to basketball is this 50 3-pointers per game stupidity.

Some options:

1. Move the damn line back
2. Adjust them to be worth 2.5 (rounded up for final score)
3. Limit attempts to 30 per game, with any over 30 accounting for only 2 points.
I have impression the refs will suddenly see it like every normal human outside of Houston when the Rockets get to play against Lebron and co.
I could see it going either way... no visiting crowd booing every time you call the flop foul... it could be easier to focus and make the right call.

If 2020 has taught me anything it is there is no floor... so I think Harden shooting 47 free throws per game is entirely possible.
Some options:

1. Move the damn line back
2. Adjust them to be worth 2.5 (rounded up for final score)
3. Limit attempts to 30 per game, with any over 30 accounting for only 2 points.
3 point line isn't the problem. It opens the court up and makes for great basketball... it is the acting I have a problem with.
Some options:

1. Move the damn line back
2. Adjust them to be worth 2.5 (rounded up for final score)
3. Limit attempts to 30 per game, with any over 30 accounting for only 2 points.

2 and 3 are silly and never happening. 1 is simple and should be done imo. Move it back about 15-18 inches. It’ll never happen though. I get the impression the league loves the 3 and chucking.
2 and 3 are silly and never happening. 1 is simple and should be done imo. Move it back about 15-18 inches. It’ll never happen though. I get the impression the league loves the 3 and chucking.
What is the purpose of changing the league's style of play... it has never been more popular. I'd rather watch dudes shoot than the constant post ups from the 90s.

They need to change foul seeking behavior. Like jumping sideways into guys, embellishing contact, and moving your arms into opposing teams arms when it is unnatural.

The other change I'd make is to eliminate the charge. You can replace it with a dislodging type offensive foul. If you ram a guy over in the post by barreling into him that is a foul. Just planting your body in front of someone and falling down on the slightest contact should be a no call. Its dangerous and it isn't basketball... just get in place and contest the shot. People sometimes laugh and say it will never work... if you play pickup ball you know it can... no one calls a charge in pickup ball... ever. You just try to play defense without fouling. It works... its better.
The purpose would be the balance. Lowpost men are archaic and it doesn’t have to be that way. You could have teams with vastly different styles of play. Imagine Gobert had some offense and could score 22-23 a game.
The 4 non-Jazz teams I want to see win it all:
Bucks - small market with a single star that doesn't shoot the 3. Hope it would make sure Giannis stays in FA and establish that you don't need a super team to win.
Rockets - I don't like watching Harden play, but he is incredibly under-appreciated and this would change his entire legacy. Would be great for D'Antoni to win a ring with a team that fully embraced small ball.
Toronto - It would be awesome for them to defend the title after loosing the best player to LA. I also think it would hurt the reputation of Kawhi, which I fully support because of the way he screwed the Spurs.
76ers - Would be cool for a team to win it that is focused on defense and is not a good 3 pt team.

The 4 teams I least want to win:
Lakers - So, so, many reasons. New reason for this year, I hate what AD did to get to LA.
Clippers - I hate what Kawhi did to get to LA. Also, I hate big market, warm, coastal teams.
Celtics - To many media members are Celtics fans. It would be obnoxious.
Rockets - I don't like how Harden plays and I don't want good things for Westbrook. (I realize I am sending mixed signals about the Rockets)

I don't like superstars trying to force trades to LA. I'd love to see the LA teams go out in the playoffs, and I've always wanted the Clippers and Lakers to play one another in the 2nd round.
The purpose would be the balance. Lowpost men are archaic and it doesn’t have to be that way. You could have teams with vastly different styles of play. Imagine Gobert had some offense and could score 22-23 a game.
We have balance imo… There will always be some homogeny to the league because people will copy what is working at the highest levels. In the 90s we all wanted low post guys... now shooting is at a premium. Rudy isn't as skilled... that is why he doesn't score... not because of the three point line. Lebron and Giannis dominate the paint in a different way. The warriors were fun as hell to watch.

I don't see the three point line as a problem... if people don't like watching teams shoot then maybe they don't like basketball... that's okay.
I don't see the three point line as a problem... if people don't like watching teams shoot then maybe they don't like basketball... that's okay.

The problem is that it's a gimmick. It seems crazy to award different points based on distance like we're talking shot put. Look at any other major sport. You get the same number of points for a touchdown or a field goal in hand football regardless of distance. In real football, a spectacular volley from 30 yards out is worth the same as a deflected tap in off your shin. Same goes for hockey, and same goes for baseball. If you want to get into minor sports, we've got volleyball, team handball, water-polo. Hell, even tennis. You don't get extra points for the difficulty of the shot.

I'm trying to think of another team sport that awards extra points based on distance. I can't. Basketball is just stupid that way. It's a 40-year old gimmick that got old about 30 years ago.
The problem is that it's a gimmick. It seems crazy to award different points based on distance like we're talking shot put. Look at any other major sport. You get the same number of points for a touchdown or a field goal in hand football regardless of distance. In real football, a spectacular volley from 30 yards out is worth the same as a deflected tap in off your shin. Same goes for hockey, and same goes for baseball. If you want to get into minor sports, we've got volleyball, team handball, water-polo. Hell, even tennis. You don't get extra points for the difficulty of the shot.

I'm trying to think of another team sport that awards extra points based on distance. I can't. Basketball is just stupid that way. It's a 40-year old gimmick that got old about 30 years ago.
Ummmm baseball... if you hit it really far they let all the guys score. All hits should be equal! No matter how far they go!

Its not a gimmick and it makes the sport so much better. Why do sports have to be the same? There are elements of it in other sports... long passes in football are worth the same amount as one yard runs but are much harder to pull off... so difficulty is factored in ya know. Football you can also "go for 2". Sinking a golf shot from farther away reduces you strokes etc.

Its a part of the sport... been around for 40 years... maybe other sports should evolve and add something like it to be more like basketball.
Ummmm baseball... if you hit it really far they let all the guys score. All hits should be equal! No matter how far they go!

The number of points you get in baseball has nothing to do with how far you hit it. It has to do with the number of people on bases. You can get 1 run by knocking it out of the park or 3 runs by hitting a line drive.
The number of points you get in baseball has nothing to do with how far you hit it. It has to do with the number of people on bases. You can get 1 run by knocking it out of the park or 3 runs by hitting a line drive.
In an individual at bat with no one on how far you hit it does matter... it can be worth 0 or 1. A player can also choose a more difficult play... trying to hit a home run or just slapping a single. So they can choose the risk/reward of the harder play.

The home run is as much a gimmick as the three pointer. Everyone is swinging for the fences now... so boring and dumb!

Basketball is fundamentally different than many other sports... why does this one weird thing become gimmicky because it does not have an exact match in another sport?
Ummmm baseball... if you hit it really far they let all the guys score. All hits should be equal! No matter how far they go!

Its not a gimmick and it makes the sport so much better. Why do sports have to be the same? There are elements of it in other sports... long passes in football are worth the same amount as one yard runs but are much harder to pull off... so difficulty is factored in ya know. Football you can also "go for 2". Sinking a golf shot from farther away reduces you strokes etc.

Its a part of the sport... been around for 40 years... maybe other sports should evolve and add something like it to be more like basketball.
A field goal is worth LESS than a touchdown, because it's... easier.
They need to change foul seeking behavior. Like jumping sideways into guys, embellishing contact, and moving your arms into opposing teams arms when it is unnatural.
Didn’t they put rules in place a few years ago but the refs were too stupid to enforce them?


The NBA will consider using NBA2K crowd sounds during the regular season and playoffs to improve the quality of games, via The Athletic.

