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Tough Day To Be In Law Enforcement

Speeding leads to the majority of accidents and kills lots of people. As does distracted driving like being on your cell phone. Why is it different to recklessly drive and endanger people.

It's not. Keep the ****ers off the street. You're arguing to let them go until their court date. I'm saying it's dangerous.
That is there job.

Just to be clear, you want cops to stop them and send them on their way with a court date, right? Do you not see the problem with that?

Describe the problem with that, that is not also a problem with the perpetrator spending the night in jail.
I went to high school with a couple of people who were killed before graduating.

When you take the car, the metaphorical gun has already been taken away. What's the point in the police risking further harm to themselves or the perpetrator than necessary?

Take the gun away from those who shoot lethal guns and miss at the innocent. No one died. Problem solved.
It's not. Keep the ****ers off the street. You're arguing to let them go until their court date. I'm saying it's dangerous.

So, you are arguing that all drunk drivers should be kept in jail until their court date, and no bail should be allowed?
Still waiting to here what harsher punishments have to do with bringing the guy in while he's drunk, once you stop whining about rhetoric.

Not interested, you've shown little interest in honest discussion, more interested in little digs about 'understanding arrest vs prosecution' and over the top ********. **** off.
Texting also should be much harsher, to compare someone driving 80 in a 70 to a drunk driver intellectually dishonest, but you know that. I also am not a fan of the .05 law here in Utah either. As that punishes a ton of non drunks. I'd almost rather have it just be no drinking at all or get an Uber.
I guess it depends on your definition. But there are many levels to this. But there are lots of things people do that equally endanger people to driving drunk that have almost 0 punishment. Drunk drivers generally get punished pretty hard.
I guess it depends on your definition. But there are many levels to this. But there are lots of things people do that equally endanger people to driving drunk that have almost 0 punishment. Drunk drivers generally get punished pretty hard.

What are these things you feel people are doing that aren't being addressed that are so dangerous?
It's not. Keep the ****ers off the street. You're arguing to let them go until their court date. I'm saying it's dangerous.
So you think cops should be the judges as well? You think any person drunk driving should stay in jail until their court date?

I very much disagree with that.
Not interested, you've shown little interest in honest discussion, more interested in little digs about 'understanding arrest vs prosecution' and over the top ********. **** off.

It's not my fault if you can't bother to follow a conversation and can't justify your own points.
What are these things you feel people are doing that aren't being addressed that are so dangerous?
Speeding and using a cell phone. Both sometimes face minor slaps on the wrist with a small fine. Putting on makeup, picking up something dropped, and other distracted driving usually face no punishment.
Speeding and using a cell phone. Both sometimes face minor slaps on the wrist with a small fine. Putting on makeup, picking up something dropped, and other distracted driving usually face no punishment.

A few years ago a guy rear-ended my car at a stoplight, going about 45. He said he was picking something up off the floor. I had a Town & Country, and he was driving a Seoul, so no big deal for me, but someone in a smaller car could have been killed. He should spend the rest of his life in jail, according to some, from what I can tell.
Texting also should be much harsher, to compare someone driving 80 in a 70 to a drunk driver intellectually dishonest, but you know that. I also am not a fan of the .05 law here in Utah either. As that punishes a ton of non drunks. I'd almost rather have it just be no drinking at all or get an Uber.

When I was in San Diego a few years ago for work I was in the Gaslamp District or whatever they call it.

I had 3 shots at a bar with my friends. I handle alcohol and function pretty "normal" compared to most. My coworkers and I left the bar to go to another for more drinks.

Outside the bar we saw a wrecked and mangled car on display that killed 6 people (I think 6.) The San Diego Police had 2 officers on the sidewalk taking breathalyzers to show people who've drank what their content was.

After 3 shots I felt like there was no way in hell I should be driving and was interested in blowing. I asked the cop on the sidewalk if I could try the breathalyzer and blew. I think I blew a .03 or .04 and remembered like wtf?! I didn't feel drunk but felt like I shouldn't be driving and I handle alcohol better than most.

How the **** is anyone gonna defend driving drunk?

Give em a court date and send em home! So cute it's disgusting. You don't care about lives.
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I'm having a really hard time understanding why sending someone home with a court date is less safe than arresting a drunk driver and keeping them overnight in a drunk tank.

Is the fear that they're immediately going to get back into a car and start driving around again? If so then that's really quite dumb.