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Tough Day To Be In Law Enforcement

Agree, except for the hard punishment stuff. My SIL got a dui last year, got like $2,00 fine and 12 months probation. Didn't even lose her license. That's not cool.

Did she hire a lawyer who specializes in drunk driving cases? I actually temped out here in NJ like 18-19 years ago for a guy who was a stud in the field. Charged $5,000 up front to take the case. Those costs could escalate some, depending.
Nah. Driving drunk is worse than speeding. This is simply fact. A sober driver who is speeding is unlikely to wake up the next day to find their car parked on their lawn with a dent in it and wonder how they got home last night and how that dent got there.

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That is being extremely drunk if you dont remember for a lot of people. The equivalent of that is driving extremely fast. Both are very dangerous and very stupid.
That is pretty light. Although the cost in insurance as well will be huge to them, probably about 12k. Also if they do it again it gets much harsher But is that the normal punishment? I rarely hear of people getting a DUI and not losing their license. But every situation is different. Did she blow barely over the limit and was driving just fine or pulled over?

I have had friends sleep in the back of their vehicles in a proper parking lot and wake up to a police. They are given a harsh DUI. It always seems so dumb to me.

She blew like a .19, was a belligerent bitch to the cop (she is a huge bitch in general), did get cuffed and taken to jail but somehow got bailed out and I could never even find a mugshot (unfortunately). She only got pulled over because multiple cars called police about an erratic driver.

Unfortunately I know a few dui'ers and thats pretty much the norm for 1st, even 2nd time offenses. Fine, probabation, license gone for 90 days at most.
If I'm way drunk and pissed off then that uber driver might just have an unruly passenger on their hands and might need the police again before they get me home.

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Yeah, I am actually not a fan of the uber/taxi thing. That is not something they want to deal with. That is why I think they should be able to call a friend or family. If they cant and seem reasonable maybe you can use digression and let them take a didi if they arent that bad. This depends on how drunk. If you are barely over the limit or if you are fall down drunk. Also if you are pissed off and being mean and a threat to people then by all means take them to jail for the night.
There are far more drunk drivers on the road than I realized when I look at the stats, about 121 million a year. Speeding might not be quite the same but it still is putting people lives at risk. Its also the amount. Having a beer and driving isnt a big deal. Going a few over the speed limit isnt a big deal. Having a bunch of beer is a big deal. Going way over the speed limit is a big deal.

Cell phones on the other hand have been shown to be equally dangerous or more dangerous than drunk driving.

I dont mind punishment for drunk driving. I dont like that people get on their moral high horse and condemn drunk drivers and say what awful people they are but they also drive in a way that puts people lives at risk. Speeding is dangerous.

Yeah, there's a ton, and it makes me awful bummed. Agreed on all things having degrees and that needing to be considered, each situation is unique.

I promise to continue never using my cellphone while driving and only very rarely speed (there are instances in big cities where it's notably safer to go with traffic vs attempting to drive the speed limit).

I am not arguing for holding a drunk overnight as punishment. It is an attempt to decrease risk to the public (including the drunk individual who we would often have trouble getting to the right location). I can see the argument for some other type of dedicated public servant to take them home in an attempt to ensure no more driving that evening. Not foisting it on some Uber driver.
Did she hire a lawyer who specializes in drunk driving cases? I actually temped out here in NJ like 18-19 years ago for a guy who was a stud in the field. Charged $5,000 up front to take the case. Those costs could escalate some, depending.

ha ha no, her lawyer was a moron and she was a bitch in court and was terrible at showing up on time. It was just like no one wanted to deal with it so they just tried to get it over with as much as possible.
I'm having a really hard time understanding why sending someone home with a court date is less safe than arresting a drunk driver and keeping them overnight in a drunk tank.

Is the fear that they're immediately going to get back into a car and start driving around again? If so then that's really quite dumb.
If your drunk and angry (after getting a DUI) then you don't a car to cause more trouble. You might throw rocks at cars driving by in the street, start a fight with a stranger, pee in public, kick over a garbage can, any number of things.

In fact, I cant recall for sure, but there might be a law against being drunk in public.

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ha ha no, her lawyer was a moron and she was a bitch in court and was terrible at showing up on time. It was just like no one wanted to deal with it so they just tried to get it over with as much as possible.

Loved that job. I got paid ****. Like $15 an hour. But I was basically a secretary, calling courthouses to reschedule cases, type letters, etc. Dude was chill as ****. He had another guy in his practice (not sure if he was a partner or not) who was pretty cool too. And his wife worked with me also as a secretary. Then he had an ex-cop on staff or retainer or something who would also testify about ****. Poke holes in what the cops had done. Had the breathalyzer been re-calibrated in the last two weeks (think that was the length of time that was recommended), like that.
1) It's safer for the police to avoid confrontations or de-escalate. What if this guy in Atlanta had grabbed the gun instead of the taser?
2) Why are you worried about the drunk person driving a different car that same night, but not driving the same car drunk the next night? Which is more likely?
3) It's not about protecting drunks, it's about safety for everyone.
I think what's being missed in this convo is that some of you think that their car is out of the equation so everything is all good

I have been a big time partier in my day. I didn't need a car to cause trouble. Pull me over for a DUI when I'm ****-faced and then let me go? Good chance I will be up to no good again later that night even without my vehicle.

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She blew like a .19, was a belligerent bitch to the cop (she is a huge bitch in general), did get cuffed and taken to jail but somehow got bailed out and I could never even find a mugshot (unfortunately). She only got pulled over because multiple cars called police about an erratic driver.

Unfortunately I know a few dui'ers and thats pretty much the norm for 1st, even 2nd time offenses. Fine, probabation, license gone for 90 days at most.
I almost always here people losing their license for 90 days, a class, and a 2k fine. Plus needing insurance that costs them an extra 12k. That is assuming they didnt hurt anyone or anything. That is still a hefty punishment. Most places/people I know if they hit that 3rd DUI get hit pretty hard at that point. I think putting in the breathalyzer things is a good punishment. It costs money and embarrasses them, plus they it seems to stop people pretty well.
If your drunk and angry (after getting a DUI) then you don't a car to cause more trouble. You might throw rocks at cars driving by in the street, start a fight with a stranger, pee in public, kick over a garbage can, any number of things.

In fact, I can recall for sure, but there might be a law against being drunk in public.

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Ugh. So our intramural football team my last year in college was sick. I was the qb. 7 on 7. We ran a lot of option **** since I was fast as ****. Won our first two games 60-0 iirc. Anyway, our rb/s was a clown. He got ********d drunk at one of the college watering holes in Trenton. Club 14. Was pissing outside the bar around closing time. Cops approached. He took off down an alley or some ****. They arrested him. I wanna say he even got roughed up because I think he was in the hospital. I know he didn’t play for us the rest of the season. Think he broke a leg or something, I forget. But it made fairly big headlines iirc. I was pissed at him. Kid was always a clown and never learned. We could’ve been awesome. But I blew my hammy out a month later and thus was mediocre at regionals.
If your drunk and angry (after getting a DUI) then you don't a car to cause more trouble. You might throw rocks at cars driving by in the street, start a fight with a stranger, pee in public, kick over a garbage can, any number of things.

In fact, I can recall for sure, but there might be a law against being drunk in public.

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If you're dropped off at home I would think the likelihood of that kind of behavior diminishes.
If you're dropped off at home I would think the likelihood of that kind of behavior diminishes.
Who is doing the dropping off. Am I a hostage in their vehicle or could I say "drop me off here at the 7-11, I want to buy some more beer".

If they get me home do they stay outside my home to make sure I don't leave again?

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Who is doing the dropping off. Am I a hostage in their vehicle or could I say "drop me off here at the 7-11, I want to buy some more beer".

If they get me home do they stay outside my home to make sure I don't leave again?

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Pretty much, if you have to go home, it's damn close to being arrested.
Let's say you are wealthy so the fines and whatnot don't scare you. You can pay for the best lawyers and bribe judges.

Then a cop pulls you over when you are drunk and you're like sweet I'm just gonna get a ride home.

Maybe the going to jail part could be a big reason that deters a person from drinking and driving. Maybe it's the biggest deterrent. I am terrified of going to jail. I have paid plenty of fines in my day though and been to court plenty. The jail part is what keeps me from drinking and driving more so than the later court date and punishments administered at that time.

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Pretty much, if you have to go home, it's damn close to being arrested.
I have been hearing that an Uber comes and picks me up. That doesn't seem similar to being arrested to me. I take ubers all the time and have never felt under arrest

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app
Who is doing the dropping off. Am I a hostage in their vehicle or could I say "drop me off here at the 7-11, I want to buy some more beer".

If they get me home do they stay outside my home to make sure I don't leave again?

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Just spit balling here but the town I live in has a free service available that anyone can use to get a ride home after a night of drinking, I think 99/100 people pulled over for a DUI would accept the ride home in lieu of a night in jail.
I almost always here people losing their license for 90 days, a class, and a 2k fine. Plus needing insurance that costs them an extra 12k. That is assuming they didnt hurt anyone or anything. That is still a hefty punishment. Most places/people I know if they hit that 3rd DUI get hit pretty hard at that point. I think putting in the breathalyzer things is a good punishment. It costs money and embarrasses them, plus they it seems to stop people pretty well.

Yeah, the insurance is a killer. But it's not up to insurance companies to punish dangerous citizens.
Just spit balling here but the town I live in has a free service available that anyone can use to get a ride home after a night of drinking, I think 99/100 people pulled over for a DUI would accept the ride home in lieu of a night in jail.
Exactly. The night in jail is a huge deterrent to drinking and driving.
Take that away and there are still deterrents (fines, higher insurance, losing license, etc) but certainly less of them cause you eliminated one of them. For me the time in jail is the biggest deterrent. Take that away and increase my likelihood of drinking and driving.

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