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2020 Presidential election

Lol, of course you go right into attacking Trump. Easy target, I get it. Listen, I know Trump is a moron dumb *** **** head loser. BUTTTTTTT, he's going to win in November if the Dems keep alienating everyone who isn't on the extreme far left in identity politics. Kind of cutting off their nose to spite their faces thing going on on the left. I want so bad to vote for Biden, but him and Kamala are so sleazy, so disgusting, so full of ****, that I can't put them ahead of Donald. Just different types of ****** sleaze. And no, I will never in a million years vote for Trump, so if it comes down to it I'll go 3rd party or no vote. "But any vote not for Biden is a vote for Trump" - Thriller .... Maybe so but the dems have given me 0 hope they will be any better than the current admin. They are all clowns. Every single one of them.

Maybe take 2 seconds to step outside of yourself and look at the opposing argument. Try and see what the voters the left will need to get to win are thinking. It sure as hell doesn't seem like senile Biden or dumb *** Kamala are doing that.

Biden isn’t alienating anyone who “isn’t far left.” It’s a ridiculous criticism. How is he alienating people? He’s as moderate as they come. It’s funny because he’s often criticized by “the far left” for being too conservative.
I'm certain he is an aspiring autocrat. I'm certain that 95% of those that run on both sides are aspiring autocrats. He's too stupid to succeed, but sure he'll try. Just like Obama tried, and Bush tried, and so on and so on before them also tried. Maybe I'm too jaded, but everyone involved in all of this are scumbags. You have to be to get to the highest ranks of politics.

Trump has been encourage to subvert government regulations to a scale no previous President since Lincoln has done. It's not business as usual.

Good cool normal stuff.

Just to point out a difference between Biden's authoritarian tendencies and Trump's, while Biden (and the rest of the left) broadly support BLM protestors and the like they denounce rioting and violence ostensibly caused by them, while Trump cheers the violence of his far right goons on.

This is not an inconsequential difference imo.
Just to point out a difference between Biden's authoritarian tendencies and Trump's, while Biden (and the rest of the left) broadly support BLM protestors and the like they denounce rioting and violence ostensibly caused by them, while Trump cheers the violence of his far right goons on.

This is not an inconsequential difference imo.

BS. Biden and the Democrats have not denounced the rioting until very recently (not for the good of the country but because their poll numbers dropped). Trump has denounced it from the beginning.

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Some states are younger. I’ve always thought of Oregon as a “young person state” but haven’t actually looked at the demographics. I wonder if that’s figuring into Oregon’s low mortality rates? Utah has the lowest median age population in the nation and a population that largely refrains from smoking tobacco. That undoubtedly helps.

Of course, age isn’t always the greatest factor in death rates. Japan’s median age is really old yet due to policies and practices, their death rates have remained low. Had japan done what Trump and DeSantis have done, they’d be Looking at a complete catastrophe. I wonder what policies Oregon has put into place? Do you know? Utah was one of the first states to shut down schools. Then, the dominant religion messaged memebers to encouraging them to wear masks. Ironic that some of the most active members on social media are leading the crusade against masks @Eric moustos...

It’ll be interesting in coming years to see which policies were most effective and how genetics, lifestyle, and age effected things.
I live in Oregon. We locked down earlier (March 14th, I believe, the day before my birthday, or maybe it was the day after). All restaurants closed, all theaters, most offices, buses cut service way down and limited passengers (at least in Corvallis, where I live). It has slowly been opening back up (restaurants are now allowed to do dine-in with enough spacing, etc), but the governor has said we won't be back to pre-covid until there is a good vaccine.
Everyone just going to ignore this like they did Black Lives Matter?

"Cultural appropriation, at times also phrased cultural misappropriation, is the adoption of an element or elements of one culture or identity by members of another culture or identity. This can be controversial when members of a dominant culture appropriate from disadvantaged minority cultures.:

"Furthermore, jazz is considered an integral part of African American culture. ... Jazz music emerged out of “hot music” from New Orleans at the turn of the twentieth century and some of the structures were inherited from Africa and passed down to blacks from slavery to freedom (Dorsey, 2001)."