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2020 Presidential election

Biden isn’t alienating anyone who “isn’t far left.” It’s a ridiculous criticism. How is he alienating people? He’s as moderate as they come. It’s funny because he’s often criticized by “the far left” for being too conservative.

Let me be more clear or rephrase. I know Biden is a borderline republican, and at least as of late is attempting to distance himself from the far left. The problem is the far left, the vocal minority, the rioters, looters, cancel culture, the pc police, the every white person is a racist, etc ...... are the ones lumped in with all the other dems and are on the news all day every single day. Those that despise Trump more than anyone are being so god damned obnoxious and stupid they are pushing those on the fence towards him. Biden is just guilty by "association".
This is completely correct - I'm more than alarmed that over the last couple of months the definition of a "Karen" has gone from a white woman with a ridiculous sense of entitlement to basically every white women over 40 who lives in the suburbs and isn't running around screaming her head off like these ultra woke *****eads. This is the group that cost Hillary in 2016 and should really be a slam dunk for the Dems this time around.

If Biden gets elected, he'll do some good stuff, he'll do some bad stuff; but for the most part it will be the same old mediocre ********* coming out of the White House.

Donald Trump is a direct threat to our democracy on multiple levels - I say this with zero hyperbole. He has to not only lose, he has to get crushed. Otherwise, while Trump may be discarded, the "brand" will still be viable. And next time it won't be a insecure buffoon like him - it will be someone much smarter and more polished.
Beer liked this post but is too pure to put it into action. Sorry.
Let me be more clear or rephrase. I know Biden is a borderline republican, and at least as of late is attempting to distance himself from the far left. The problem is the far left, the vocal minority, the rioters, looters, cancel culture, the pc police, the every white person is a racist, etc ...... are the ones lumped in with all the other dems and are on the news all day every single day. Those that despise Trump more than anyone are being so god damned obnoxious and stupid they are pushing those on the fence towards him. Biden is just guilty by "association".

I think your reporting of the facts on the ground has a heavy selection bias.
I'm certain he is an aspiring autocrat. I'm certain that 95% of those that run on both sides are aspiring autocrats. He's too stupid to succeed, but sure he'll try. Just like Obama tried, and Bush tried, and so on and so on before them also tried. Maybe I'm too jaded, but everyone involved in all of this are scumbags. You have to be to get to the highest ranks of politics.

This is completely correct - I'm more than alarmed that over the last couple of months the definition of a "Karen" has gone from a white woman with a ridiculous sense of entitlement to basically every white women over 40 who lives in the suburbs and isn't running around screaming her head off like these ultra woke *****eads. This is the group that cost Hillary in 2016 and should really be a slam dunk for the Dems this time around.

If Biden gets elected, he'll do some good stuff, he'll do some bad stuff; but for the most part it will be the same old mediocre ********* coming out of the White House.

Donald Trump is a direct threat to our democracy on multiple levels - I say this with zero hyperbole. He has to not only lose, he has to get crushed. Otherwise, while Trump may be discarded, the "brand" will still be viable. And next time it won't be a insecure buffoon like him - it will be someone much smarter and more polished.

I agree with all of this and some of what beer was saying
I do think the Dems are losing some people due to all the rioting and protesting. I do think the Dems are losing some people by the ultra wokeness being demanded of everyone.

But then you have trump. This is an easy choice people.

Really really good post candrew

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Could be, I'm not big on either Kamala or Joe, but if people aren't willing to recognize the unique awfulness of Trump after the last few years I'm not sure anything Biden or "the far left" does will matter anyway.

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I think a lot of people, including myself, realize what a buffoon Trump and his admin are and are looking for the left to do ANYTHING reasonable or logical and aren't seeing it. So we feel like, what's the point? Just another slimeball president appointing corrupt people everywhere. No one looking out for the greater good, just trying to keep money in their billionaire benefactors pockets. I have absolutely 0 confidence Joe Biden will fix anything or make anything better. 0. None. I mean his main message of "Hey, I'm not Trump" isn't cutting it for a lot of people. The people he needs to vote for him. I really really really want to be done with Trump. I'm just not convinced Biden isn't just a slicker less abrasive Trump. I will not vote for Trump but Biden has done nothing to make me want to vote for him.

What makes you think Joe is just a slimeball who will appoint corrupt people all around him?

How many wives has he cheated on? How many fake universities has he created? How many charities has he frauded? How many times has he been impeached? How many people who worked on his many campaigns over the years have been convicted of crimes?

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app
I'm certain he is an aspiring autocrat. I'm certain that 95% of those that run on both sides are aspiring autocrats. He's too stupid to succeed, but sure he'll try. Just like Obama tried, and Bush tried, and so on and so on before them also tried. Maybe I'm too jaded, but everyone involved in all of this are scumbags. You have to be to get to the highest ranks of politics.
How many times did Obama and bush get impeached? How many of their cohorts were convicted of crimes?

If you can't see trump is different than all these other examples then you are simply broken.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app
I agree with all of this and some of what beer was saying
I do think the Dems are losing some people due to all the rioting and protesting. I do think the Dems are losing some people by the ultra wokeness being demanded of everyone.

But then you have trump. This is an easy choice people.

Really really good post candrew

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app
Can anyone who feels that Trump is on the upswing point to any actual evidence of this claim? He might be getting the traditional post-convention bump, but that **** always fades. And even with a bump all outlets show that he’s still in a significant hole.

I think all of these claims are popping off because we can imagine Trump making a comeback (like he did on 2016). But the difference between imagination and reality is obvi important to consider.