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Trade SZN

But there are 100 jokes and I'm so happy Boston gets to live through a Gordo decision. I think if he opts in they have a trade ready for him. If he opts out he might be able to find something he likes better. I think he is holding onto hope Indy can get something done.

It would be nice if he could just delay this until Thanksgiving and screw that up for the good folks in Boston. . .
the Jazz had better be on the phone trying to get Gordon and tucker for Conley

Gordon, O'Neal
Bog, Ingles
Tucker, Niang
Gobert, Bradley, Davis
Brooklyn may not even have a bench if they try and trade for Harden.
Kyrie says they don’t need a bench... or coaches... he’s says fans are completely unnecessary.
He literally said that Denver called him on the DM trade. He laid the ground work and they called him. I think he's active but that he doesn't push like some do. I have my reasons to believe this is how he operates. The Conley trade hung out there forever and then fell flat on deadline day for example. We gave a fair offer and they shopped it for a week or so before declining to move him at the deadline... we had no other deal to pivot to because he waited too long.

I think it comes from him being laser focused on one player or prospect and then waiting on that one thing to work. He sold picks before and said there weren't guys they liked... he locks in early on guys... its why Locke has been able to predict picks in the past. I don't think he is the aggressor in trade deals.
We can simply agree to disagree. I think KOC was aggressive in exploring options but slow to pull the trigger. DL has created more movement than KOC did and has demonstrated a willingness to move people. and make draft day trades. It is fair to say that the trade for Conley didn't pan out the way any of us wanted but that does not mean it wasn't an aggressive move. Being very active and making trades are different things.

The OG Hayward story breaker. He’d actually be a perfect fit in Atlanta. I wonder what kind of stuff Ainge is frantically trying to do to make a run for Harden.

The OG Hayward story breaker. He’d actually be a perfect fit in Atlanta. I wonder what kind of stuff Ainge is frantically trying to do to make a run for Harden.

He will say he was super close on a Harden deal just like he does with every big player or good player drafted. Herro was next on the board and they snatched him up... he had no other assets to move up to get his guy.
We can simply agree to disagree. I think KOC was aggressive in exploring options but slow to pull the trigger. DL has created more movement than KOC did and has demonstrated a willingness to move people. and make draft day trades. It is fair to say that the trade for Conley didn't pan out the way any of us wanted but that does not mean it wasn't an aggressive move. Being very active and making trades are different things.
Let's not count Conley out just yet... Let's see at least a half season that he hopefully stays healthy.
I think it will be #6 and Dedmon for Gordon and #14 and 26.
With D'antoni joining Nash in BKN I think they may be able to make that work. I could be wrong but you'd think they would be happy to run fast breaks all damn day.