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Tough Day To Be In Law Enforcement

I don't get what point you're trying to make here. This isn't on police officers. I didn't watch the video because twitter vids don't play unless I log in and I don't need or want to have anything to do with twitter.
So you’re commenting on a video that you haven’t watched? If you’re not going to watch the video then no wonder why you don’t understand the point I’m trying to make.
I don't get what point you're trying to make here. This isn't on police officers. I didn't watch the video because twitter vids don't play unless I log in and I don't need or want to have anything to do with twitter.

There's a certain type of criminal that gets treated with kids gloves by our law enforcement agencies. When the officer was talking about motives for this crime using the phrase "he had a really bad day yesterday" that is a pretty brazen example.

To be brief - it's language that excuses the actions of the criminal.
So you’re commenting on a video that you haven’t watched? If you’re not going to watch the video then no wonder why you don’t understand the point I’m trying to make.
So post a real link the video and not twitter garbage.

That and it summarized his statement and your reference is to that which is summarized. And you're somehow blaming police for a guy who went on a shooting spree.
So post a real link the video and not twitter garbage.

That and it summarized his statement and your reference is to that which is summarized. And you're somehow blaming police for a guy who went on a shooting spree.

I didn't read Thriller's response as blaming police for the shooting (maybe in a very broad what we tolerate type of way), but in criticizing what he saw as a poor response from the police.
I didn't read Thriller's response as blaming police for the shooting (maybe in a very broad what we tolerate type of way), but in criticizing what he saw as a poor response from the police.
Yeah, I get that. But this makes it seem like he's looking to find fault anywhere and everywhere. Makes him seem unreasonable, imho.
Yeah, I get that. But this makes it seem like he's looking to find fault anywhere and everywhere. Makes him seem unreasonable, imho.

First - my transcript of the short video:

"Investigators interviewed him this morning and they got the impression that yes, he understood the gravity of it, and he was pretty much fed up and kinda at the end of his rope, and yesterday was a really bad day for him and this is what he did"

There was fault. Thriller found it. I found it too. There is no good justification for going out of the way to be so understanding of the murderer in this press setting.

We see this behavior (excusing white criminals) over and over and over again, pretending it's not happening isn't the option I'm going to take.

In this case that's so cut and dry it likely just leads to softer language in a press interview (actually I can already see the building and classical for white criminals 'insanity' case), in other cases across our justice system it leads to very real world outcomes that negatively effect minorities in our country.
First - my transcript of the short video:

"Investigators interviewed him this morning and they got the impression that yes, he understood the gravity of it, and he was pretty much fed up and kinda at the end of his rope, and yesterday was a really bad day for him and this is what he did"

There was fault. Thriller found it. I found it too. There is no good justification for going out of the way to be so understanding of the murderer in this press setting.

We see this behavior (excusing white criminals) over and over and over again, pretending it's not happening isn't the option I'm going to take.

In this case that's so cut and dry it likely just leads to softer language in a press interview (actually I can already see the building and classical for white criminals 'insanity' case), in other cases across our justice system it leads to very real world outcomes that negatively effect minorities in our country.
So the police seemed to take a sympathetic perspective towards the killer. They should have focused on the victims and the lives lost and the devastation that will have on the people close to the victims and their community. 100%

You and Thriller have also 100% failed to acknowledge the victims or show any concern or compassion for them or the people who will be affected by this.

I'm not trying to defend the police on this other than to say that the stupid comment of that one stupid police officer isn't really an effective condemnation of the police in general and if this murder spree is up for discussion, the police shouldn't be the primary focus of that discussion, in my opinion.

I'm not some "back the blue," "thin blue line," "blue lives matter" police brutality apologist. I'm typically pretty down on police for their hyper aggressive approach that absolutely happens more often in poor neighborhoods and neighborhoods with majority minority populations. We live in a nation with significant systemic racism and that systemic racism is amplified in our police departments. I would certainly hope that police would take a more neutral position and simply enforce our laws.

So what criticism could I have of the officer who made those statements? That he wasn't as much of a raging jackass in regard to this perpetrator that he would have been if the perpetrator had been black? No! What I would say is that I hope he would have as much empathy for the next suspect of color as he has shown for this one. His attitude towards this suspect should be a guide for how he should treat all suspects, not a point of condemnation.
So the police seemed to take a sympathetic perspective towards the killer. They should have focused on the victims and the lives lost and the devastation that will have on the people close to the victims and their community. 100%

You and Thriller have also 100% failed to acknowledge the victims or show any concern or compassion for them or the people who will be affected by this.

I'm not trying to defend the police on this other than to say that the stupid comment of that one stupid police officer isn't really an effective condemnation of the police in general and if this murder spree is up for discussion, the police shouldn't be the primary focus of that discussion, in my opinion.

I'm not some "back the blue," "thin blue line," "blue lives matter" police brutality apologist. I'm typically pretty down on police for their hyper aggressive approach that absolutely happens more often in poor neighborhoods and neighborhoods with majority minority populations. We live in a nation with significant systemic racism and that systemic racism is amplified in our police departments. I would certainly hope that police would take a more neutral position and simply enforce our laws.

So what criticism could I have of the officer who made those statements? That he wasn't as much of a raging jackass in regard to this perpetrator that he would have been if the perpetrator had been black? No! What I would say is that I hope he would have as much empathy for the next suspect of color as he has shown for this one. His attitude towards this suspect should be a guide for how he should treat all suspects, not a point of condemnation.

So, my point in coming into this thread was to correct what I saw as a mis-interpretation of Thriller's post regarding the police statement. The original crime has little/no bearing in the situation, and attempting some sort of weird whataboutism guilt trip is just weird. May I note you've also 100% failed to acknowledge the victims - which I'm not surprised by, because it's not what any of us were ever talking about.

There's obviously some middle ground between raging jackass and the statement given.

I won't use my time on the issue further.
Yeah, I get that. But this makes it seem like he's looking to find fault anywhere and everywhere. Makes him seem unreasonable, imho.
How did you get that from my post?

I posted a link to the video of the press conference.

The response in the press conference was ridiculously bad. No other industry is allowed to be so awful continuously without serious consequences. Next time a teacher rapes or kills a student and the principal says, “he was having a bad day” let me know.

Want to know who really had a bad day yesterday? The people who he shot. It sucks for them since those are lives that will never come back. Those families are hurting right now and seeing the police downplay their hurt by describing this *** wipe as “having a bad day” is just inexcusable.

If the killer had been black, think the police would be saying, “he just had a bad day?” It’s just ridiculously bad PR from an industry that seems to do and say mind blowing stupid things every day with detrimental effects to our society.
Sounds like he might have been blowing all his money getting handies at these places. But is also could have just been because they were asian I guess. Either way some guy in Utah Valley probably knows a lot less than the cops that arrested and interviewed him. But maybe you are right.
It blows my mind how many people go to massage places for hand jobs. I have two friends who have gone for years and are addicted to the thrill of it. One of them was married and just recently got a divorce because it escalated to escorts he'd meet on IG.

I bet that kid went to those places so much and then they told him not to anymore for some reason. That, or his thrill addiction went to the grossest level it can.

Yesterday, I watched a video of a guy who made a machine that slapped a raw chicken so much it cooked it and then he ate it...

I hate people.
It blows my mind how many people go to massage places for hand jobs. I have two friends who have gone for years and are addicted to the thrill of it. One of them was married and just recently got a divorce because it escalated to escorts he'd meet on IG.

I bet that kid went to those places so much and then they told him not to anymore for some reason. That, or his thrill addiction went to the grossest level it can.

Yesterday, I watched a video of a guy who made a machine that slapped a raw chicken so much it cooked it and then he ate it...

I hate people.
I had to respond to this as I watched that same video on YT. The guy has been unrelenting for months in his quest to actually get the internal temperature up to an acceptable level.

It's genius really - beats 95% of the other garbage videos that YT loves to peddle for degenerate social influencers.
This keeps getting worse and worse. Hope the victims’ families get a thorough investigation (although I wouldn’t bet on it)

“Yesterday was a really bad day for him and this is what he did,” Jay Baker said during the joint news conference with the Atlanta Police Department about 21-year-old Robert Aaron Long.

But it seems the same spokesperson shared racist content online, including pointing the finger at China for the ongoing coronavirus pandemic—the same vitriol advocates say has fueled a horrific surge in violence against Asian Americans.
In a Facebook page associated with Capt. Jay Baker of the Cherokee Sheriff’s Office, several photos show the law enforcer was promoting T-shirts with the slogan “COVID-19 imported virus from CHY-NA.”

Imagine any other public employee getting away with posting **** like this. And then having such a disastrous press conference. Educators are fired for far less.

“bLuE lIvEs MaTtEr!”

As they disrespect races, act completely unprofessionally, and otherwise **** up. The “bro” culture in law enforcement needs to end. Reform the entire damn thing.

Nothing says “protect and serve” by posting **** like this
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I had to respond to this as I watched that same video on YT. The guy has been unrelenting for months in his quest to actually get the internal temperature up to an acceptable level.

It's genius really - beats 95% of the other garbage videos that YT loves to peddle for degenerate social influencers.
Totally agree. Haha.

It's just so fun to explain it to people who don't know.
It’s one thing to be an idiot, but even more idiotic for an idiot to use social media.
And yet... these people determine whether you live or die depending on if they like what you look like. And if they **** up, they’ll probably never be held accountable.

No other profession operates with such impunity. A few teachers in jordan school district got into hot water for teaching a unit on African Americans last month... during black history month!

And yet police get to do whatever the **** they want without any accountability. Sit on a guy’s neck for 9 mins? Kill a woman in her apartment? Blow up a guy’s skull and have him bleed from his ear? Post racist **** on social media and hold a horrendous press conference? No problem cuz in this country blue lives matter and we must fetishize the police!

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It’s one thing to be an idiot, but even more idiotic for an idiot to use social media.
A person I went to high school with posted something on Facebook that said a magnet stuck to her brother's arm and therefore would not get vaccinated along with her family because of witnessing it first hand. I commented with a link from Snoopes that goes over many details, claims, conspiracies that are going around about that right now. She responded by saying I'm not sure why you're posting this here. I saw what I saw and don't care to read anything you post - I'll put my faith in the lord.

I feel like the bigger idiot now trying to help someone that far stupid out.

The comments on the thread made my blood boil. I unfriended her. Hell, I don't know her other than she's not the brightest bulb.