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WWIII, The Mother of all Oil Wars, Shaping Up

So, I bumped my thread. Germany had to get the gas pipeline finished so they could burn clean gas and "go green". Joe follows orders. The Rockefeller Circle believes in the doctrine "Use Theirs First". gonna take a helluva long time to empty Russia's gas fields. We're gonna go to wind and solar and nuke electric, but only because all this stuff is Rockefeller Country too, now.

We''ve got a mining boom going. The Rocks now own the mines too. Copper, all that electric stuff.

There's just too much oil. We have to give it all a bad name or make it impossible to explore or produce. Nuke Russia, maybe.

That's what is playing in the heads of our Establishment cronies.
So rather than starting a new thread, or asking for a thread merger, I am taking my comments to this one. Some people have their own dedication to their views, and they can just keep them in their own little bubble I suppose. This thread can justly be jtermed "Babe's Bubble" or somesuch if anyone thinks so, but my purpose is to avoid propaganda and unsupported claims if possible,or at least to put conflicting views in the same frame.

I am not a member of the CFR but I have lived all my life under the shadow of gossipping members of the CFR, working for several of them, relatedto others, and neighbors to others. I subscribe to their magazine Foreign Affairs.

Here is an article that I think is pretty good, but does not do justice to the Russian position still. Biden is a member of the CFR, and his groupies and/or team are largely members. The views you find in this sourcce will be controlling US Foreign Policy, except for perhaps restricdted disclosures being acted up as "intelligence". I think our intelligence is unfortunately "bought and paid for" by "interests", and does not serve the US people very well.

But this is still good reading.....

Here's the CFR analysis of the dispute, historically.

Looking at Russia's proposed new treaty, the questions become, fundamentally, whether or not we want to impose severe new conditions on Russia that would logically require Russia to build up it's military to maintain its security. Whether we are talking nukes or more conventional weapons. I think the concerns are reasonable and need to be addressed.

The larger risk for us is the breakup of the UN, with China and some other countries leading a new world union.

We just can't afford Biden or Soros bringing down the UN tent.

And while the CFR is making it sound like our promises were just vague remarks, you have to just know our State Department and diplomats are lying to us, for no good reason. I wonder if this boondoggle is meant to be just another phase in the takedown of the US while imposing on us fascist government.
Russia's buildup of military along borders with Ukraine made the news last night. Biden is demanding the Russians back away. Biden is not objecting to fascist, actually NAZI-linked movements active in Ukraine. Biden is impudently insisting his son's Ukranian/NAZI oil company Burisma get the European contracts for natural gas and oil, and not Putin's Russian oil supplier,. A few weeks ago, Biden threatened sanctions on companies participating in the building of the Russian oil/gas pipelines to Europe, all while he has effectively shut down oil pipeline construction in the US.

Hunter's Burisma must have a better price and the monopoly in Europe. This is very important to US national interests. Burisma and Hunter are all-important US interests. The US military must be activated and prepared and in place to protect Busisma and Hunter's interests.

Meanwhile, China is doing daily demonstrations over Taiwan and Japanese waters around the islands once peopled with Formosan (related to Filipino) natives.

This kind of distorted foreign policy signals that China can do what China wants, while we harass Putin and ally ourselves with NAZI political ideologues in Eastern Europe. Biden's s Buddies.

Biden's Buddies in China are actually operating slave labor and political suppression camps, butchering unwanted human minorities and selling the body parts to US medical providers.

At stake are the world's largest oil resources, more than the whole world of developed resources located in Siberia's "North Slope".

If we engage in a provocation against Russia, like the whole NATO/NAZI Ukrainian play went down in 2014, it would leave Siberia open to Chinese aggression. Putin has tired to appease the Chinese by doing a deal to build a pipeline to China. A concession to China which in no way really assures that China would not just go up there.
Ukrainian Oil/NAZI?

Here's the CFR analysis of the dispute, historically.

Looking at Russia's proposed new treaty, the questions become, fundamentally, whether or not we want to impose severe new conditions on Russia that would logically require Russia to build up it's military to maintain its security. Whether we are talking nukes or more conventional weapons. I think the concerns are reasonable and need to be addressed.

The larger risk for us is the breakup of the UN, with China and some other countries leading a new world union.

We just can't afford Biden or Soros bringing down the UN tent.

And while the CFR is making it sound like our promises were just vague remarks, you have to just know our State Department and diplomats are lying to us, for no good reason. I wonder if this boondoggle is meant to be just another phase in the takedown of the US while imposing on us fascist government.
Biden and Soros? Wait what’s Soros got to do with this? And I thought the Bidens were on the side of the Ukrainian oil NATO NAZIS? Are you suggesting that Jewish Holocaust survivor, George Soros is helping NAZIS? Why would the UN break up again? And how does this make any sense?

Seriously, is where do you get your info from?
Biden and Soros? Wait what’s Soros got to do with this? And I thought the Bidens were on the side of the Ukrainian oil NATO NAZIS? Are you suggesting that Jewish Holocaust survivor, George Soros is helping NAZIS? Why would the UN break up again? And how does this make any sense?

Seriously, is where do you get your info from?
I have historically viewed you as the most worthless of all JazzFanz contributors because, as a teacher of I think middle school kids, you just know everything already. Not unusual for schoolteachers. But my parents were teachers too, and some of my siblings, who also never knew how I come up with ideas that aren't in the schoolbooks. A second reason to consider it useless to try to explain stuff in here, or to you, is that people with established belief systems considered worth converting others to believe, are the worst listeners.

However, I consider it worthwhile to put my stuff in here because sometimes I learn from others. And it doesn't hurt my ideas if someone doesn't agree, especially if they can say why they don't agree.

I believe that had I lived in Ukraine for decades and if I had a hundred of Ukranian friends all across the divides whatever they are, I might have different opinions than what I now have about all that. It's just my way. learn a little where I can however I can. Teachers or no teachers.

But thanks for these questions.

I don't think Soros was ever in any camp under any arrest. If he was ever arrested, in my estimation of him, he would have bailed himself out in the most conspicuously dishonorable way possible, by pretending to be a snitch, a collaborator, or even a believer in the Reich. So since I wasn't there and don't know him personally, maybe I would change my mind if I had good reason, or information.

Some people say Trump is a disruptor, but I believe what I think I know about Soros would make him 100x the disruptor. He pays people to do political ops. I believe he places his investments in a smart sort of plan to exploit international troubles or regime change, and effectively buys opportunistic ideologues or agitators, and reliable operatives to manage the affairs. I believe he is an "influencer" at high levels of world political issues. I don't think he cares about having governments that cannot be corrupted nor exploited. It would boil down, in my view, to the fact that he is more of sociopath than anything else. Nothing else matters but Soros, so far as he is concerned. And it's all about the money, bro.

I first learned that he had hired some agitators, drawn in a larger portion, from historical Nazi sources, remnants of believers lets say, in Eastern Europe, with anti-Russian or anti-Communist convictions perhaps. Or even from groups of actual communist believers who just hate Putin for whatever reason. Reasons hardly matter. What matt3ers is whether they can be bought, and relied on, for being an agitator on either side of a divisive issue in the target country. Soros wsould gladly pay agitators to populate the ranks of both sodes tp create a leverage
situation. I think he read The Prince or maybe Trotsky or any of about a hundred political tacticians you could find teaching the method.

Explaining people like Soros as honest citizens with any convictions at all is the mistake you should avoid.

So Soros had a hand in the 2014 election victory of a fascist in Ukraine who was anti-Russian, and Biden has been corruptly exploiting the situation for years, taking bribes through various intermediaries like Hunter. Neith wantsw Zelensky to succesed. Both want hjim gone. And many CFR interests want Putin gone because he hasn't been very productively exploitable for them.

And as for you last questions, it's actually possible for people to get ideas from thinkiing rather than from ideological propagandists or lying media. The quality of those ideas can be improved by talking to other people, some of whom might have even done some thinking of their own. Some of whom may have a few additional facts to offer.

The future of the UN is at risk because of the manner it has been exploited primarily by British and American interests. I think Xi's idea of a new world order would lay waste to Brit-Am interests in a permanent manner. People like Putin and Xi are not stupid pigeons for western exploitation. Putin has simply tried to keep non-Russian loyalties out of Russia. Xi has been smarter than our manipulators like Maurice Strong was, or Jon Huntsman Sr was or Jon Jr is. Our CFR people have been pretty stupid, imo.

Our best interest is get a new crew and take over all the labors necessary to repair our governments affairs. Non-corrupt. Interested in American values and culture. yah know. Freedom and Human Rights and the traditions of Western legal concepts like limited governance and meaningful elections.
The Minsk agreement called for negotiations with the separatists and the Ukraine, but Ukraine has since repudiated that agreement. Russia's recognition of the separatist states is being treated as outright violation of Ukraine sovereignty by the West, particularly UK and USA. Not so much France and Germany I think. Yesterday we were saying we would all get back to negotiations with the offensive slur "Unless Russia invades" without a similar slur against Ukrainian military invasion of the "separatist" states. Many Russian ethnic people have evacuated into the Rostov area, where it looks like Russia will welcome them while perhaps charging genocide type offenses against them by Ukraine.

Putin is talking about decades long NATO expansions contrary to Russian expectations or our promises in the 1990 era, Russia has been in disorder and weakened while NaTO has violated that expectation, until now. Now Russia apparently believes they can enforce that expectation while posing as a benevolent close neighbor to states who have not joined NATO. This might be a step towards a rebirth of Soviet Russia. I don't think they have ideas of Federalism like the JUSA has with "sovereign states' rights" as we once imagined. But we do not really have the credibility anymore.

And that is the most important thing. If you want a strong America projecting "American Values" whether via globalist ideals or liberty ideals, you have to have a non-corrupt government at home. Period.
Russia, or "Putin", has done what I thought they would not do. I did not think they would have recognized formally the separatists in the Donbas. I would have thought they would simply annex the area held by the separatists. Now, as calling the separatists legitimate states and recognizing their leaders, he has announced that Russian military assistance is available if asked for.

Ukraine's Zelensky has come over more to the West in his stands, especially in refusing to honor the Minsk accord which was the basis for ceasefire in the Donbas,

So, the driving force behind the Russian and Separatist positions is the fascist nature of the West, by which I mean the way our governments are managed and how we treat others. Putin sees the UN and Western governments as tools for Western interests, be they new tech giants, media masters of the universe, oil cartels or other cartels. He has accordingly tried to eliminate access for these interests inside Russia to natural resources. Putin is not an absolute dictator, but something not so far off from that. I'm sure he has his own problems with keeping financial interests happy with his governance. Perhaps he is himself his own brand of fascism. But he does make strategic appeals to Russian nationalism and any likely fruitful allies abroad.. He attends the Russian Orthodox services regularly,and positions himselfas a protector of people where he can.

But our reason for picking on him, pushing NATO ever closer, is to force him to open up Russia. We are encroaching on what were his stooges, his markets.

I have no doubt this is an oil war. With ouraim to get and shut down Russian oil. Or just use theirs first. Russia likely has more oil than the rest of the world, maybe twice or thirice that. It is the definitive future of oil.

"We can't let him (Putin) have that oil" is the thought topmost in any Rockefeller or UN Globalist strategist. We will go nuke for that oil.

unless we dump Biden somehow pretty quick.
I have historically viewed you as the most worthless of all JazzFanz contributors because, as a teacher of I think middle school kids, you just know everything already. Not unusual for schoolteachers. But my parents were teachers too, and some of my siblings, who also never knew how I come up with ideas that aren't in the schoolbooks. A second reason to consider it useless to try to explain stuff in here, or to you, is that people with established belief systems considered worth converting others to believe, are the worst listeners.

However, I consider it worthwhile to put my stuff in here because sometimes I learn from others. And it doesn't hurt my ideas if someone doesn't agree, especially if they can say why they don't agree.

I believe that had I lived in Ukraine for decades and if I had a hundred of Ukranian friends all across the divides whatever they are, I might have different opinions than what I now have about all that. It's just my way. learn a little where I can however I can. Teachers or no teachers.

But thanks for these questions.

I don't think Soros was ever in any camp under any arrest. If he was ever arrested, in my estimation of him, he would have bailed himself out in the most conspicuously dishonorable way possible, by pretending to be a snitch, a collaborator, or even a believer in the Reich. So since I wasn't there and don't know him personally, maybe I would change my mind if I had good reason, or information.

Some people say Trump is a disruptor, but I believe what I think I know about Soros would make him 100x the disruptor. He pays people to do political ops. I believe he places his investments in a smart sort of plan to exploit international troubles or regime change, and effectively buys opportunistic ideologues or agitators, and reliable operatives to manage the affairs. I believe he is an "influencer" at high levels of world political issues. I don't think he cares about having governments that cannot be corrupted nor exploited. It would boil down, in my view, to the fact that he is more of sociopath than anything else. Nothing else matters but Soros, so far as he is concerned. And it's all about the money, bro.

I first learned that he had hired some agitators, drawn in a larger portion, from historical Nazi sources, remnants of believers lets say, in Eastern Europe, with anti-Russian or anti-Communist convictions perhaps. Or even from groups of actual communist believers who just hate Putin for whatever reason. Reasons hardly matter. What matt3ers is whether they can be bought, and relied on, for being an agitator on either side of a divisive issue in the target country. Soros wsould gladly pay agitators to populate the ranks of both sodes tp create a leverage
situation. I think he read The Prince or maybe Trotsky or any of about a hundred political tacticians you could find teaching the method.

Explaining people like Soros as honest citizens with any convictions at all is the mistake you should avoid.

So Soros had a hand in the 2014 election victory of a fascist in Ukraine who was anti-Russian, and Biden has been corruptly exploiting the situation for years, taking bribes through various intermediaries like Hunter. Neith wantsw Zelensky to succesed. Both want hjim gone. And many CFR interests want Putin gone because he hasn't been very productively exploitable for them.

And as for you last questions, it's actually possible for people to get ideas from thinkiing rather than from ideological propagandists or lying media. The quality of those ideas can be improved by talking to other people, some of whom might have even done some thinking of their own. Some of whom may have a few additional facts to offer.

The future of the UN is at risk because of the manner it has been exploited primarily by British and American interests. I think Xi's idea of a new world order would lay waste to Brit-Am interests in a permanent manner. People like Putin and Xi are not stupid pigeons for western exploitation. Putin has simply tried to keep non-Russian loyalties out of Russia. Xi has been smarter than our manipulators like Maurice Strong was, or Jon Huntsman Sr was or Jon Jr is. Our CFR people have been pretty stupid, imo.

Our best interest is get a new crew and take over all the labors necessary to repair our governments affairs. Non-corrupt. Interested in American values and culture. yah know. Freedom and Human Rights and the traditions of Western legal concepts like limited governance and meaningful elections.
I haven’t taught middle school for years.

But keep talking about Soros. You’re really convincing others here that you’re not crazy.
Here's the good advice we don't want:

NATO expansion is the fact that drives Russian decisions to push back. Russia and China have issued statements that Taiwan is "sovereign China territory" even while Russia is calling the separatists in Donbas new independent states.
Your source is RT.

Do you know what that stands for? Dont you think they’d have an interest in blaming the west for Russian expansion?

Why are you getting your information from RT?

Putin has been pretty clear, he views the breaking up of the Soviet Union as a catastrophe. And he wants to restore the Soviet Empire. He literally called Ukraine illegitimate. After he swallows Ukraine, what will be his next target? Estonia? Latvia? Belarus? Will he eventually threaten Finland or Poland?

He makes no mention of NATO here in his speech the other day. He does however try and make the case that Ukraine isn’t a legitimate soverign state:

It is now that radicals and nationalists, including and primarily those in Ukraine, are taking credit for having gained independence. As we can see, this is absolutely wrong. The disintegration of our united country was brought about by the historic, strategic mistakes on the part of the Bolshevik leaders and the C.P.S.U. leadership, mistakes committed at different times in state-building and in economic and ethnic policies. The collapse of the historical Russia known as the U.S.S.R. is on their conscience.
Last edited:
Russia's buildup of military along borders with Ukraine made the news last night. Biden is demanding the Russians back away. Biden is not objecting to fascist, actually NAZI-linked movements active in Ukraine. Biden is impudently insisting his son's Ukranian/NAZI oil company Burisma get the European contracts for natural gas and oil, and not Putin's Russian oil supplier,. A few weeks ago, Biden threatened sanctions on companies participating in the building of the Russian oil/gas pipelines to Europe, all while he has effectively shut down oil pipeline construction in the US.

Hunter's Burisma must have a better price and the monopoly in Europe. This is very important to US national interests. Burisma and Hunter are all-important US interests. The US military must be activated and prepared and in place to protect Busisma and Hunter's interests.

Meanwhile, China is doing daily demonstrations over Taiwan and Japanese waters around the islands once peopled with Formosan (related to Filipino) natives.

This kind of distorted foreign policy signals that China can do what China wants, while we harass Putin and ally ourselves with NAZI political ideologues in Eastern Europe. Biden's s Buddies.

Biden's Buddies in China are actually operating slave labor and political suppression camps, butchering unwanted human minorities and selling the body parts to US medical providers.

At stake are the world's largest oil resources, more than the whole world of developed resources located in Siberia's "North Slope".

If we engage in a provocation against Russia, like the whole NATO/NAZI Ukrainian play went down in 2014, it would leave Siberia open to Chinese aggression. Putin has tired to appease the Chinese by doing a deal to build a pipeline to China. A concession to China which in no way really assures that China would not just go up there.
Far right parties in Ukraine constitute less than .002 percent of the Ukrainian parliament or 1 out of 450 seats.

So where did you get this idea that Nazis are taking over Ukraine?

Oh, gotcha. Putin said it:

The Ukrainian authorities — I would like to emphasize this — began by building their statehood on the negation of everything that united us, trying to distort the mentality and historical memory of millions of people, of entire generations living in Ukraine. It is not surprising that Ukrainian society was faced with the rise of far-right nationalism, which rapidly developed into aggressive Russophobia and neo-Nazism.

Don’t you think that Putin might be exaggerating concerns over nazism and NATO to justify his invasion of ukraine in attempting to restore the Soviet Empire? Like don’t you think that could be a possibility at least?


Don’t you think Ukraine might prefer closer ties to The West over Russia given their history?

From Tsar Nicholas’s pogroms:
Stalin’s starving of landowners and Ukrainian elites:
Decades of living under harsh Soviet rule:
The Chernobyl disaster:
Russian interference in elections:
Russian invasion of Crimea:
Current Russian authoritarianism:
'Slave labour' in the prisons of eastern Ukraine http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-37512356

Gee, why wouldn’t Ukrainians want to stay in this relationship? Like don’t you think Russia’s abusive behavior towards Ukraine might impact their desire to remain close to Russia?
Yes, I confess. I was listening to the radio. Some guy in NYC with a one-hour gig and claiming to be a former anti-Terrorist task force agent, with friends.

Says Biden call Putin bad names. Says Russia recalled its Ambassador. Says China talked back to Americans in Alaska. Says Soros owns a Ukrainian oil pipeline. Says Ukraine is "massing" 300 tanks and 10000 soldiers on the front with the rebel Russians in two eastern districts. Says Russia is moving 1000 tanks and loading planes with paratroopers. Says the US and allies are planning war games over the Balkans and the Black Sea, 25000 troops playing. Says Biden threatened sanctions on EU contractors building Russia's natural gas pipeline to Europe.

So the US Corporate Fascist Junta....../ ya know, George Soros, Bill Gates, et al, are willing to go to war for the oil cartel...... ya know, all of Biden's backers, including Liz Cheney "the War Monger".

I've been seeing a sort of stiff America First line in Foreign Affairs, the Brit/Am political trumpeteer rag. The real Trump wasn't going to play war. Now we have the War Mongers in full "control".

Mark Levin, a sort of war monger himself, might bristle and wonder whose war this is, but his opinion of Putin is about the same as Biden's. Putinj is public enemy number one for the CFR, because he talks openly about the operation, questioning The New World Order as Law: "It's not New Law, it's No Law." Thus he calls out the US/West Establishment as thugs who won't abide any agreement or respect any boundaries. Both Russia and China have gone "rogue" so far as the old order of things. We will have to fight to hold our own here.

OK, so if you read the LaRouchies, WWI, WWII and the UN are Brit geopolitical products for keeping the Brit merchants in the global top drawer. We did WWI when central europe was planning to "go around" the British Merchant Marine by building a railroad to Asia. That was why Russia had to be knocked out of the market with a revolution. We did WWII for the same reason, to stop the same menace to Brit trade monopolies. And Oil.

So here's your man of the hour: Joe Biden. Protecting his son's oil gig in Ukraine.

I confess, this is a mess. Googling around, I see a lot of Soros references regarding Ukraine. seems inconsistent with Burisma interests. Lots of references to the Greens wanting to sack the Russian pipeline, Greens with Soro's backing.

So let's get this straight. There is plenty of gas. John D. Rockefeller would as a matter of habit, buy competitors and just shut them down, then raise prices. That's why oil companies bankroll greenies generally. That's why the West shuts Russia out of the deal. That's why Huntsman didn't get his foot in the door in the oil business there. Nobody says it, nonoby is allowed to say it. but we have to keep Russia in the boonies jand off the the stage. Freeze them out of development funds. They have more oil than the rest of the world combined. They could collapse our prices and shut down our businesses, if they could get our technology.
You recognize that capital research is chaired by members of The Heritage Foundation, Cato Institute, and Koch industries, right? Whatever they are, it’s not non-partisan. It helps to know the bias of your sources.
Your source is RT.

Do you know what that stands for? Dont you think they’d have an interest in blaming the west for Russian expansion?

Why are you getting your information from RT?

Putin has been pretty clear, he views the breaking up of the Soviet Union as a catastrophe. And he wants to restore the Soviet Empire. He literally called Ukraine illegitimate. After he swallows Ukraine, what will be his next target? Estonia? Latvia? Belarus? Will he eventually threaten Finland or Poland?

He makes no mention of NATO here in his speech the other day. He does however try and make the case that Ukraine isn’t a legitimate soverign state:
I find this a reasoned defense of the US position. However, I have been going to RT and looking at what Putin is saying myself.

You misrepresent my source when you claim George Kennan is RT. I found his writing unbearable though.

Your post reflects not an intellectual honesty so much as a crude attempt at slander. You, like most of our media and Establishment,are resorting to polarizing rhetoric.

I came to my basic ideas mostly by reading the news over the past fifty years. I saw the Cold War and the Reagan years. I didn't believe Russia was really giving up on everything. I expected a resurgence of the USSR, failing of real progress inside the ring of former holdings. There have always been commies in those places, and others with Russian ties, even if most people wanted independence.

I see Putin responding to Biden by ramping up his rhetoric to match.

I don't think he jis strong enough to just take back tose countries. and I don't think China is strong enough to just expand around its perimeter. But we are letting things go that way. I wasn't happy with Biden on the exit from jAfghanistan. It sent all the wrong messages around the world.

We have to be a strong country and a lot better at resolving disputes with negotiations. We should have pushed Zelensky to negotiate, and we should not have pushed NATo so much. Putin has discontinued the nuke treatiesw and eveloped new missile technology to compensate for what we have done..

I linked two credible authorities in the page above. One an Irishman on the ground in Ukrainian Donbas, the other an author of a well-researched history of the past sixty years of US-Russian diplomacy. Those jpeople are my sources not RT.
I find this a reasoned defense of the US position. However, I have been going to RT and looking at what Putin is saying myself.

You misrepresent my source when you claim George Kennan is RT. I found his writing unbearable though.

Your post reflects not an intellectual honesty so much as a crude attempt at slander. You, like most of our media and Establishment,are resorting to polarizing rhetoric.

I came to my basic ideas mostly by reading the news over the past fifty years. I saw the Cold War and the Reagan years. I didn't believe Russia was really giving up on everything. I expected a resurgence of the USSR, failing of real progress inside the ring of former holdings. There have always been commies in those places, and others with Russian ties, even if most people wanted independence.

I see Putin responding to Biden by ramping up his rhetoric to match.

I don't think he jis strong enough to just take back tose countries. and I don't think China is strong enough to just expand around its perimeter. But we are letting things go that way. I wasn't happy with Biden on the exit from jAfghanistan. It sent all the wrong messages around the world.

We have to be a strong country and a lot better at resolving disputes with negotiations. We should have pushed Zelensky to negotiate, and we should not have pushed NATo so much. Putin has discontinued the nuke treatiesw and eveloped new missile technology to compensate for what we have done..

I linked two credible authorities in the page above. One an Irishman on the ground in Ukrainian Donbas, the other an author of a well-researched history of the past sixty years of US-Russian diplomacy. Those jpeople are my sources not RT.
Accurately describing what Putin is doing isn’t cynical. He’s actively trying to recreate the Soviet Union. And you’re damn right I’m partisan against a ruthless autocrat like him. If protecting the sovereignty of Ukraine and the Baltic states is partisan, then label me that, please. Why do you like Putin? Why are you cheering for him?

Is it because you’re bored with liberal democracy?
Is it because you don’t think he’s a bad guy?
Or is it because you desire his brand of authoritarianism here in America?

Why are you going to RT to read their translation of what Putin is saying? Like you understand that RT is Putin’s primary propaganda arm to the west, right?
You recognize that capital research is chaired by members of The Heritage Foundation, Cato Institute, and Koch industries, right? Whatever they are, it’s not non-partisan. It helps to know the bias of your sources.
The Koch brothers have recently taken up some common ground with George Soros I hear. I have no way of fully analyszing all the crossing interests behind people. I look for the facts they try to advance, jor supposed facts. It's hard to gaet anything that is all thatimpartial or objective.

I might listen to Levin or Hannity, but where I have reason I don't just buy the load being sold. Unfortunately, our bureaucracy and our media are imo the worst offenders. Well, next to China and Russian media.

I am worried about the Philippines. New Presidential and VP elections coming in a few months, and Ferdinand Marcos' son "Bong Bong" is running with Duterte's niece as his VP partner. And nobody with any solid backing to oppose them.
Accurately describing what Putin is doing isn’t cynical. He’s actively trying to recreate the Soviet Union. And you’re damn right I’m partisan against a ruthless autocrat like him. If protecting the sovereignty of Ukraine and the Baltic states is partisan, then label me that, please. Why do you like Putin? Why are you cheering for him?

Is it because you’re bored with liberal democracy?
Is it because you don’t think he’s a bad guy?
Or is it because you desire his brand of authoritarianism here in America?

Why are you going to RT to read their translation of what Putin is saying? Like you understand that RT is Putin’s primary propaganda arm to the west, right?
You are lying about me here. Simple as that.

RT is about as good as CNN. But you can't deal with propaganda without reasoned analysis of the validity of positions.

During the end of WWII, we made a treaty with Russia regarding Germany and Eastern Europe. That was a bad treaty. General Patton called the Commies "bastards" and wanted to just keep on rolling to Moscow. During the Korean War, Generfal McArtghur wanted to just take Korea free and clear, and even maybe take on the Russians and Chinese to boot.

You sound like you're crazy for war, but we are not capable of defending places near Russia very well. Putin sees us as weak, Biden as an easy mark.

We should settle for a NATO that is a defensible line, with some independent countries in between. Putin would be smart to take that deal, because he isn't strong enough to take back those former holdings either. A lot of people want their independence.

I hope the escalation of rhetoric gives way to negotiating a reasoned compromise. That would mean, perhaps a pull back of forces from recent additions NATO, no missles placed there no baes othat ground. An agreementnot to permit Ukraine to join NATo,or else Russia will just take ground near the bases on the Black Sea, like they did Crimea.

Then take a new look at our military and build it up so Putin exhausts his funds trying to match us.
Far right parties in Ukraine constitute less than .002 percent of the Ukrainian parliament or 1 out of 450 seats.

So where did you get this idea that Nazis are taking over Ukraine?

Oh, gotcha. Putin said it:

Don’t you think that Putin might be exaggerating concerns over nazism and NATO to justify his invasion of ukraine in attempting to restore the Soviet Empire? Like don’t you think that could be a possibility at least?


Don’t you think Ukraine might prefer closer ties to The West over Russia given their history?

From Tsar Nicholas’s pogroms:
Stalin’s starving of landowners and Ukrainian elites:
Decades of living under harsh Soviet rule:
The Chernobyl disaster:
Russian interference in elections:
Russian invasion of Crimea:
Current Russian authoritarianism:
'Slave labour' in the prisons of eastern Ukraine http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-37512356

Gee, why wouldn’t Ukrainians want to stay in this relationship? Like don’t you think Russia’s abusive behavior towards Ukraine might impact their desire to remain close to Russia?

I've worked for a Ukranian-born scientist, have an in-law with family roots there. Good on you to report Stalin's genocide in Ukraine in the 1930s which the NYTimes just ignored while jpushing Stalin as a great new leader.

I dispute the reports on Ukraine's present alignment. You don't have to be a racist skinhead with a swastika on your sleeve to be a fascist. You only need to be working for financial interests contrary to the welfare and rights of ordinary people. Biden's buddies are all that.

Zelensky might have cleaned up some corrupt influencers if Biden hadn't got a deal through with Hunter.

You mistake my position in almost every sense. I am not any kind of pro-communist or advocate for authoritarianism. When the honchos go to war with honchos, it's the little people who die.

I believe our corrupt Establishment has all kinds of unworthy relationships all around the world. Xi, Putin, and our own elites. People have to buy leadership, all pigs in a poke.

I don't think Trump is really all that different. Just not owned outright by the old guard people have been trying to vote out for decades.

When you have a cause to push, it's your game to line up all the ducks you can find to make it fit, but then, imo, the interests you serve forget it all to make new cases on their next project. Just words, no real commitments. That's what todays fascsim is. I have never though Putin much better than Hillary or Obama. Sure they will fight one another to prove "King of the Hill", but it's all "Bowery Wars" like the Aztecs used to run with their "enemies". March the men across the field, kill a bunch, take some prisoners, and enjoy the sight while drinking and pinching pretty butts. It's the ordinary people who die, and who are the slaves. The elites are above all that.

And you push their rhetoric to make the wars justifiable.......
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I've worked for Ukranian-born scientist, have an in-law with family roots there. Good on you to report Stalin's genocide in Ukraine in the 1930s which the NYTimes just ignored while jpushing Stalin as a great new leader.

I dispute the reports on Ukraine's present alignment. You don't have to be a racist skinhead with a swastika on your sleeve to be a fascist. You only need to be working for financial interests contrary to the welfare and rights of ordinary people. Biden's buddies are all that.

Zelensky might have cleaned up some corrupt influencers if Biden hadn't got a deal through with Hunter.

You mistake my position in almost every sense. I am not any kind of pro-communist or advocate for authoritarianism. When the honchos go to war with honchos, it's the little people who die.

I bvelieve our corrupt Establishment has all kinds of unworthy relationships all around the world. Xi, Putin, and our own elites. People have to buy leadership, all pigs in a poke.

I don't think Trump is really all that different.
Here's the famous babe has been there done that comment right out of the gate.

The NYT in the 1930s? Do you figure the same people are still in all the same positions 90 years later? You got any links to those 1930s NYT articles?

Love the obsession with Hunter. Dogs got what it thinks is a bone and it's gonna chew that bone. Too bad what you got was a chewy delivered to you by your preferred propaganda outlets.
I've worked for Ukranian-born scientist, have an in-law with family roots there. Good on you to report Stalin's genocide in Ukraine in the 1930s which the NYTimes just ignored while jpushing Stalin as a great new leader.

I dispute the reports on Ukraine's present alignment. You don't have to be a racist skinhead with a swastika on your sleeve to be a fascist. You only need to be working for financial interests contrary to the welfare and rights of ordinary people. Biden's buddies are all that.

Zelensky might have cleaned up some corrupt influencers if Biden hadn't got a deal through with Hunter.

You mistake my position in almost every sense. I am not any kind of pro-communist or advocate for authoritarianism. When the honchos go to war with honchos, it's the little people who die.

I believe our corrupt Establishment has all kinds of unworthy relationships all around the world. Xi, Putin, and our own elites. People have to buy leadership, all pigs in a poke.

I don't think Trump is really all that different. Just no owned outright by the old guard people have been trying to vote out for decades.

Here's the famous babe has been there done that comment right out of the gate.

The NYT in the 1930s? Do you figure the same people are still in all the same positions 90 years later? You got any links to those 1930s NYT articles?

Love the obsession with Hunter. Dogs got what it thinks is a bone and it's gonna chew that bone. Too bad what you got was a chewy delivered to you by your preferred propaganda outlets.
Don't be an idiot.

You could just deal with a few facts without the slurs.

Mark Levin talks about the NYT quite a lot,but here is another source.

People come and go, but fixed interests carry on their trade.