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Donald is about to go through some things...

What the hell happened in 1942?
Okay, so you found a typo. The point still stands. There was a WSJ-NORC poll out a couple days ago showing that 83% of Americans think the economy is ‘Poor / not so good’. They are feeling inflation bite. As desperately as the Biden administration tries to blame Russia, everyone knows inflation and gas prices have been rising since Biden took the oath of office. Even strong Biden supporters here on this board will admit some apprehension over the economy.

The idea that the Democrat’s primetime spectacle highlighting an event that took place a year and a half ago in which everyone already knows everything because media has already covered it to death is going to generate any new sentiment is nothing but folly.

The left-friendly media outlets will be breathlessly outraged with screens filled with pundits who exclaim how unprecedented this attack on democracy was. Thousands of the articles will be published demonizing the Republican party writ large and praising the Democrats for America’s defense. The needle of public opinion might even move a couple of points until that same public has to go to a gas station and are reminded of how bad the democrats have screwed up the economy.

No. It isn’t going to hit the fan like never before. That is nothing but wishful thinking.
Okay, so you found a typo. The point still stands. There was a WSJ-NORC poll out a couple days ago showing that 83% of Americans think the economy is ‘Poor / not so good’. They are feeling inflation bite. As desperately as the Biden administration tries to blame Russia, everyone knows inflation and gas prices have been rising since Biden took the oath of office. Even strong Biden supporters here on this board will admit some apprehension over the economy.
As a person who did not support Biden, I have few concerns over the economy. Inflation happened as demand exceeded supply; that's basic capitalism. It will slow down/stop when that equation balances. Why do you hate capitalism?

The idea that the Democrat’s primetime spectacle highlighting an event that took place a year and a half ago in which everyone already knows everything because media has already covered it to death is going to generate any new sentiment is nothing but folly.
You don't know what's going to be said. Then again, since Fox News is refusing to cover it, millions of Americans will never know, so you're not alone there.

The left-friendly media outlets will be breathlessly outraged with screens filled with pundits who exclaim how unprecedented this attack on democracy was.
How can it be an attack on democracy when you don't think we are a democracy?

It was unprecedented for that scale of an election. The US Civil War was not an attack to change the outcome of an election, and neither was the Pearl harbor attack. However, it's true enough that we've had conservative outright overturn elections in our history, literally kicking elected official out of office with the force of guns. So, I guess you're OK with that.

No. It isn’t going to hit the fan like never before. That is nothing but wishful thinking.
Here I agree.
Okay, so you found a typo. The point still stands. There was a WSJ-NORC poll out a couple days ago showing that 83% of Americans think the economy is ‘Poor / not so good’. They are feeling inflation bite. As desperately as the Biden administration tries to blame Russia, everyone knows inflation and gas prices have been rising since Biden took the oath of office. Even strong Biden supporters here on this board will admit some apprehension over the economy.

The idea that the Democrat’s primetime spectacle highlighting an event that took place a year and a half ago in which everyone already knows everything because media has already covered it to death is going to generate any new sentiment is nothing but folly.

The left-friendly media outlets will be breathlessly outraged with screens filled with pundits who exclaim how unprecedented this attack on democracy was. Thousands of the articles will be published demonizing the Republican party writ large and praising the Democrats for America’s defense. The needle of public opinion might even move a couple of points until that same public has to go to a gas station and are reminded of how bad the democrats have screwed up the economy.

No. It isn’t going to hit the fan like never before. That is nothing but wishful thinking.

You’re fooling yourself if you think inflation solely lies on Biden’s shoulders. Newsflash. A pandemic hit. And Trump doling out trillions was a, if not thee, major factor in knowing inflation was really gonna hit us sooner rather than later. It’s ancillary if interest rates, as one factor, rose before he left office. Inflation was happening and it’s no one person’s fault. Biden and his office felt the need to add to it (it’s arguable whether that was necessary) and with an overly inflated stock market and the national debt increasing 39% under Trump, it was happening one way or another.
You’re fooling yourself if you think inflation solely lies on Biden’s shoulders. Newsflash. A pandemic hit. And Trump doling out trillions was a, if not thee, major factor in knowing inflation was really gonna hit us sooner rather than later. It’s ancillary if interest rates, as one factor, rose before he left office. Inflation was happening and it’s no one person’s fault. Biden and his office felt the need to add to it (it’s arguable whether that was necessary) and with an overly inflated stock market and the national debt increasing 39% under Trump, it was happening one way or another.
Russia invading Ukraine didn’t help things either.

Most countries are seeing inflation right now due to Covid. And it’s not like Covid is over. It’s still shutting down major parts of the global market. Only complete morons and/or partisans who don’t understand basic economics think inflation can be blamed on any one president. The alternative would’ve been austerity which would’ve resulted in a far worse economic picture.
As a person who did not support Biden, I have few concerns over the economy. Inflation happened as demand exceeded supply; that's basic capitalism. It will slow down/stop when that equation balances. Why do you hate capitalism?

You don't know what's going to be said. Then again, since Fox News is refusing to cover it, millions of Americans will never know, so you're not alone there.

How can it be an attack on democracy when you don't think we are a democracy?

It was unprecedented for that scale of an election. The US Civil War was not an attack to change the outcome of an election, and neither was the Pearl harbor attack. However, it's true enough that we've had conservative outright overturn elections in our history, literally kicking elected official out of office with the force of guns. So, I guess you're OK with that.

Here I agree.
Fundamentally, wasn’t Jan 6 and the Big Lie that led up to it (and continues to this day) wrong? I don’t have high expectations for these hearings. I know that the majority of Republicans already have their minds made up. Just like they did with condoning Trump’s blackmail of Zelensky. Which is sad. But at some point, right matters no matter what value lacking dishonest and unserious posters here and offline think. Lying about election fraud and trying to overturn the election was ****ing wrong. And it still is wrong since these folks continue to peddle the lie even today.
You’re fooling yourself if you think inflation solely lies on Biden’s shoulders. Newsflash. A pandemic hit.
Yes. A pandemic hit the whole world, not just the United States and the whole world is not seeing our level of inflation. Secondly, Trump does not have the power of the purse. While that also absolves Biden, it does clearly paint the guilty party: Democrats. The later stimulus packages passed on party line votes with no Republican support. The inflation we are seeing now would be even worse had it not been for the principled stand of Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema who were racked over the coals for standing in the way of what the Democrats were trying to push through. Democrats should not be allowed near the levers of power for a generation for how bad the Democrat House, Democrat Senate, and Democrat President using party line votes and executive orders has messed up the United States. Public opinion polling and the early returns from yesterday's voting shows the majority of the country to be with me on that.
Yes. A pandemic hit the whole world, not just the United States and the whole world is not seeing our level of inflation. Secondly, Trump does not have the power of the purse. While that also absolves Biden, it does clearly paint the guilty party: Democrats. The later stimulus packages passed on party line votes with no Republican support. The inflation we are seeing now would be even worse had it not been for the principled stand of Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema who were racked over the coals for standing in the way of what the Democrats were trying to push through. Democrats should not be allowed near the levers of power for a generation for how bad the Democrat House, Democrat Senate, and Democrat President using party line votes and executive orders has messed up the United States. Public opinion polling and the early returns from yesterday's voting shows the majority of the country to be with me on that.
I just want to make sure...

This inflation is almost entirely the result of things that happened after the people elected in NOV. 2020 took office?

Not the Fed, not the previous Senate, Congress or White House? Not external factors that exist for the entire industrialized world?

That's what you're going with?
Yes. A pandemic hit the whole world, not just the United States and the whole world is not seeing our level of inflation. Secondly, Trump does not have the power of the purse. While that also absolves Biden, it does clearly paint the guilty party: Democrats. The later stimulus packages passed on party line votes with no Republican support. The inflation we are seeing now would be even worse had it not been for the principled stand of Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema who were racked over the coals for standing in the way of what the Democrats were trying to push through. Democrats should not be allowed near the levers of power for a generation for how bad the Democrat House, Democrat Senate, and Democrat President using party line votes and executive orders has messed up the United States. Public opinion polling and the early returns from yesterday's voting shows the majority of the country to be with me on that.

Trump is far more dangerous to our country than any recession ever could be. Ask the Germans about following a madman into the abyss. And what's interesting is there were a lot of Germans even after World War 2 who still loved Hitler, their brainwashing was so thorough. The similarities are profound, rallies and all.
That's what you're going with?
No. The weird cut-off thing that you are trying to do is what you're going with. Here in reality, the Speaker of the House in the pre-NOV. 2020 116th Congress and the Speaker of the House in the 117th Congress is the same person. What I'm going with, and what America is going with, is: "it does clearly paint the guilty party: Democrats."
Trump is far more dangerous to our country than any recession ever could be.
You mean the ex-President who isn't in any political office, isn't on social media, and is of a party that doesn't have the House, Senate, or Presidency currently? I do not understand the obsession of some who insist on living in the memberberries past. We have real problems, real democrat house, senate, and presidency-created problems here in 2022 that need addressing. Democrats need to take their Tide Pods, fidget spinners, and cable subscriptions off to someplace else so the adults can get to work fixing their mess.
You mean the ex-President who isn't in any political office, isn't on social media, and is of a party that doesn't have the House, Senate, or Presidency currently? I do not understand the obsession of some who insist on living in the memberberries past. We have real problems, real democrat house, senate, and presidency-created problems here in 2022 that need addressing. Democrats need to take their Tide Pods, fidget spinners, and cable subscriptions off to someplace else so the adults can get to work fixing their mess.

The past? Who do you think the brainwashed trumptards will support?
Since, to the best of my knowledge, this is the first time a sitting president attempted to prevent a peaceful transition of power, I do think, at the least, it is important for the historical record to get this straight. To document how this effort by Trump,all played out.

I mean, regardless if his attempt stood a chance of succeeding, if we are just going to say “it’s in the past, it did not succeed, we have more pressing problems that demand attention”, well, the latter is true, but the public’s confidence in the integrety of our elections(which the Big Lie seriously damages. It is a literal body blow to our body politic to instill that belief about our elections going forward) is critical to the functioning of our elections and our democracy.

Some have been fond of reminding us that “we are a republic”. Well fine, that does not mean we do not have representative democracy as well. But here is the thing: Jan. 6th, and Trump and his allies efforts to prevent a peaceful transition, if and when it ever succeeds is an effort to turn the United States into a BANANA REPUBLIC.

Preventing the peaceful transition of power is what happens in a BANANA REPUBLIC. I prefer that not happen! Silly me!

But, I’m also realistic. I do believe it will be tough to get the American public to care enough about what happened. Inflation, gas prices, a war in Europe, gun violence, all these most pressing issues may see to it that far fewer than hoped will pay attention to Thursday’s opening, and subsequent public sessions.

That would be a shame. A president of the United States attempted to go full banana republic. I want everything that happened to be part of the public record, and I want future historians to have this material. The fact that Trump failed in 2020 is simply no excuse to treat 1/6 and the plans behind that date as no big deal.

Honestly, I do believe people who see efforts to turn our country into a banana republic as “didn’t work, no biggie” don’t think very highly of their own country. I think “shame on them”, but I’m cognizant of human nature, I can forgive all the Trumpsters and weak on civics Americans, it’s tough to clearly see history while it’s in real time. I fear not enough people will care. What that portends for 2024 and beyond, well, this is all of an existential nature from my perspective. I wish my country and future generations of Americans the best. I hope these types of elections do not become the norm.
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Since, to the best of my knowledge, this is the first time a sitting president attempted to prevent a peaceful transition of power, I do think, at the least, it is important for the historical record to get this straight. To document how this effort by Trump,all played out.

I mean, regardless if his attempt stood a chance of succeeding, if we are just going to say “it’s in the past, it did not succeed, we have more pressing problems that demand attention”, well, the latter is true, but the public’s confidence in the integrety of our elections(which the Big Lie seriously damages. It is a literal body blow to our body politic to instill that belief about our elections going forward) is critical to the functioning of our elections and our democracy.

Some have been fond of reminding us that “we are a republic”. Well fine, that does not mean we do not have representative democracy as well. But here is the thing: Jan. 6th, and Trump and his allies efforts to prevent a peaceful transition, if and when it ever succeeds is an effort to turn the United States into a BANANA REPUBLIC.

Preventing the peaceful transition of power is what happens in a BANANA REPUBLIC. I prefer that not happen! Silly me!

But, I’m also realistic. I do believe it will be tough to get the American public to care enough about what happened. Inflation, gas prices, a war in Europe, gun violence, all these most pressing issues may see to it that far fewer than hoped will pay attention to Thursday’s opening, and subsequent public sessions.

That would be a shame. A president of the United States attempted to go full banana republic. I want everything that happened to be part of the public record, and I want future historians to have this material. The fact that Trump failed in 2020 is simply no excuse to treat 1/6 and the plans behind that date as no big deal.

Honestly, I do believe people who see efforts to turn our country into a banana republic as “didn’t work, no biggie” don’t think very highly of their own country. I think “shame on them”, but I’m cognizant of human nature, I can forgive all the Trumpsters and weak on civics Americans, it’s tough to clearly see history while it’s in real time. I fear not enough people will care. What that portends for 2024 and beyond, well, this is all of an existential nature from my perspective. I wish my country and future generations of Americans the best. I hope these types of elections do not become the norm.

But, I’m also realistic. I do believe it will be tough to get the American public to care enough about what happened. Inflation, gas prices, a war in Europe, gun violence, all these most pressing issues may see to it that far fewer than hoped will pay attention to Thursday’s opening, and subsequent public sessions.

Don't forget social media. The vast majority of people are more concerned about what their neighbor posted on Facebook or in watching the latest Twitter-storm, or spending hours bingeing netflix or youtube than dealing with anything as trivial in their lives as politics. Donald isn't dominating twitter anymore, so who cares? That is the sad truth of it.
Don't forget social media. The vast majority of people are more concerned about what their neighbor posted on Facebook or in watching the latest Twitter-storm, or spending hours bingeing netflix or youtube than dealing with anything as trivial in their lives as politics.
Facebook, Netflix, Twitter, and YouTube offer up content that is new. Of course it is more compelling. Democrats are trying to create a 'best of' episode out of clips that everyone has already seen. You could rewatch a piece of a speech you've seen dozens of times made by the former president a year and a half ago or you could see what happened when a wild bear wandered into a yard and a husky thought he had a new friend. Does the bear maul the husky? Does the bear run away? Do they actually try to be friends? And holy crap did it cost a lot to fill the gas tank on my car!

You can complain about people wanting to see something new or complain about other people complaining over the democrat-created problems like inflation and gas prices that directly affect them, but that is human nature.
So this happened: https://www.yahoo.com/news/white-supremacists-patriot-front-detained-230402258.html

Dozens of masked members of the white supremacist group Patriot Front were arrested late Saturday as they prepared to stage a riot near a Pride event in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, authorities say.

The group had traveled from all over the country to sow chaos during the LGBT event, White said. They came from states like Texas, Utah, South Dakota, Arkansas, Oregon, and Virginia. Law enforcement was quick to derail the group's plans, he said, thanks to “one concerned citizen.”

“We received a telephone call from a concerned citizen who reported that approximately 20 people jumped into a U-Haul wearing masks, they had shields, and ‘looked like a little army,’” he said.
So this happened: https://www.yahoo.com/news/white-supremacists-patriot-front-detained-230402258.html

Dozens of masked members of the white supremacist group Patriot Front were arrested late Saturday as they prepared to stage a riot near a Pride event in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, authorities say.

The group had traveled from all over the country to sow chaos during the LGBT event, White said. They came from states like Texas, Utah, South Dakota, Arkansas, Oregon, and Virginia. Law enforcement was quick to derail the group's plans, he said, thanks to “one concerned citizen.”

“We received a telephone call from a concerned citizen who reported that approximately 20 people jumped into a U-Haul wearing masks, they had shields, and ‘looked like a little army,’” he said.
I hope there is enough there to throw some serious charges at these ****ing scum low life pieces of ****.