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Donald is about to go through some things...

I hope there is enough there to throw some serious charges at these ****ing scum low life pieces of ****.
One of the things i hated about the trump era was how he used the flag as his own personal prop. Rather than the flag representing the country he tried to make it represent trump. Dont like trump, then you dont like the flag or country. seems like some of these groups are kind of following in his footsteps trying to commandeer works like patriot as their own word. How can we be bad people if we are called patriots?

63 replies and 2K likes? That's nice.

View: https://twitter.com/jakepaul/status/1535788374048575489

These hearings might as well be called the loser committee. They are targeting someone who already lost and are being conducted by backwards looking losers who have made this their centerpiece because obviously they have no answers for the huge mess they created. Jake Paul even missed a couple of bullet points with Defund the Police ostracizing anyone who didn't like being the victim of crime and engaging the DOJ in writing to call for bringing the full weight of the government against parents with school-aged children using provisions intended for terrorists.

If the January 6th committee hearings are the type of thing you like then please do enjoy them. As for the rest of America, including those who are registered Democrats:

View: https://twitter.com/jakepaul/status/1536371977471942656
These hearings might as well be called the loser committee.
That's a better description for the Benghazi hearings, and the anticipated Hunter Biden hearings.

They are targeting someone who already lost
Most murder trials target people who have no intention of committing murder in the future. Do you believe in ignoring all past crimes, or just those you approved of?

The funny part for me is I wouldn't care if Biden got removed. He was never my guy and I had Harris on my draft board above him to begin with so... go ahead.

But for real, I wouldn't approve of using the impeachment process without some sort of actual justification, which doesn't currently exist.

I always thought the Republican establishment should have embraced Trump's impeachment. They could have been done with him. They would have kept the White House (because despite things idiots say, impeachments don't overturn elections) and probably would have had a far better shot in the 2020 election.
Do you believe in ignoring all past crimes, or just those you approved of?
It isn't which crimes but rather who is doing the enforcing. I believe in law enforcement enforcing laws. I do not believe in letting any part of the government seize whatever power they want to go after political enemies. I can see how that will quickly spiral out of control.
It isn't which crimes but rather who is doing the enforcing. I believe in law enforcement enforcing laws. I do not believe in letting any part of the government seize whatever power they want to go after political enemies. I can see how that will quickly spiral out of control.
This isn't new and it hasn't spiraled out of control over the 200+ years of our history. So sleep soundly child, all is well.
It isn't which crimes but rather who is doing the enforcing. I believe in law enforcement enforcing laws. I do not believe in letting any part of the government seize whatever power they want to go after political enemies. I can see how that will quickly spiral out of control.
Congressional investigations have been around for a long time. Which other investigations have you objected to over the years? Did you object to the Benghazi hearings? Watergate?
The funny part for me is I wouldn't care if Biden got removed. He was never my guy and I had Harris on my draft board above him to begin with so... go ahead.

But for real, I wouldn't approve of using the impeachment process without some sort of actual justification, which doesn't currently exist.

I always thought the Republican establishment should have embraced Trump's impeachment. They could have been done with him. They would have kept the White House (because despite things idiots say, impeachments don't overturn elections) and probably would have had a far better shot in the 2020 election.
I believe what Bannon said in his rant was that they would impeach “everybody in the DOJ”, whatever that means. He was directing those remarks at Garland, not Biden. As far as impeaching Biden, I think we can at least expect an effort in that direction should the GOP take back Congress. I don’t think that impeachment will happen, but, at the least, gotta expect political tumult for the foreseeable future.
BTW, this is an MSN copy of a Washington Post article, posted to avoid the Post paywall. It’s an informative look, to say the least, of that Jan. 3rd meeting involving Jeffrey Clark of the DOJ, who had no business meeting with Trump at all….

So fun that thanks to trump now anytime a candidate wins an election that the GOP election officials dont approve of we can expect elections to not be certified and the results to be questioned. Yay

Sent from my iPad using JazzFanz mobile app
63 replies and 2K likes? That's nice.

View: https://twitter.com/jakepaul/status/1535788374048575489

These hearings might as well be called the loser committee. They are targeting someone who already lost and are being conducted by backwards looking losers who have made this their centerpiece because obviously they have no answers for the huge mess they created. Jake Paul even missed a couple of bullet points with Defund the Police ostracizing anyone who didn't like being the victim of crime and engaging the DOJ in writing to call for bringing the full weight of the government against parents with school-aged children using provisions intended for terrorists.

If the January 6th committee hearings are the type of thing you like then please do enjoy them. As for the rest of America, including those who are registered Democrats:

View: https://twitter.com/jakepaul/status/1536371977471942656

This comment surprised me, as it revealed nothing other than a man running from the truth as fast as he could run. I did not expect that from you. Some may say “but he’s never been interested in a full accounting of an effort to prevent the peaceful transition of power”. That may be, but to read your entire comment, claiming the committee exists for the sole purpose of Democrats creating a diversion from troubles you believe were created by Biden, when your entire comment itself is simply nothing but a diversion, because you do not want a full accounting of this attack on our elections, well, I just did not expect you to be this transparent in broadcasting your actual motivations in running headlong from a full accounting. Which accounting we are owed, and which accounting will help serve as the historical record of these events, and which we will bequeath future historians who will no doubt be interested in the facts uncovered by this particular committee.

Your entire comment reads like no more than a man fearful of the truth, and who is very angry that the American people are being afforded the opportunity to receive a full accounting of that truth. Who is resentful that the truth be known. And that misplaced anger at the fact that the truth will be uncovered is every bit as apparent as your desire to run headlong from it…..
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This comment surprised me, as it revealed nothing other than a man running from the truth as fast as he could run. I did not expect that from you. Some may say “but he’s never been interested in a full accounting of an effort to prevent the peaceful transition of power”. That may be, but to read your entire comment, claiming the committee exists for the sole purpose of Democrats creating a diversion from troubles you believe were created by Biden, when your entire comment itself is simply nothing but a diversion, because you do not want a full accounting of this attack on our elections, well, I just did not expect you to be this transparent in broadcasting your actual motivations in running headlong from a full accounting. Which accounting we are owed, and which accounting will help serve as the historical record of these events, and which we will bequeath future historians who will no doubt be interested in the facts uncovered by this particular committee.

Your entire comment reads like no more than a man fearful of the truth, and who is very angry that the American people are being afforded the opportunity to receive a full accounting of that truth. Who is resentful that the truth be known. And that misplaced anger at the fact that the truth will be uncovered is every bit as apparent as your desire to run headlong from it…..
Not at all. Not even close. I'm not at all upset over potential criminal charges being filed against the former President. There should be a full accounting with a full discovery and advocates on both sides in a proper setting. I am not the slightest bit fearful of the truth but I am fearful of the bread and circuses approach this legislature has decided to take in lieu of doing their actual legislating job.

When I pointed out that inflation was coming, it wasn't as a cover for Donald Trump. When I said a recession was becoming inevitable, it wasn't a cover for Donald Trump. When I pointed out the folly of Defund the Police, it wasn't as a cover for Donald Trump. When I pointed out the problem with making enemies of parents by having them broadly labeled as terrorists, it wasn't a cover for Donald Trump. When I point out the current dissatisfaction with the direction of the county, it isn't a cover for Donald Trump. You just see it that way because to you everything is Donald Trump. I know that you are not alone. We have real, current, serious problems and still many can't be bothered to spend 3 seconds on those problems for fear it would take away from their obsession over the guy who was the previous presidential office holder.

If you want to pick a closet in your house and build it into a shrine to Donald Trump where you light a candle to Trump every day so that he will always be in your life then you do you. If you are more of a yarn board guy then okay. You are free to make sure your computer is full of Trump related articles and your television screen constantly plastered with content talking about the guy who used to be president. I simply believe that people who think that way shouldn't be in office and am looking forward to seeing them all rightfully voted out of power for a generation.
When I pointed out that inflation was coming, it wasn't as a cover for Donald Trump. When I said a recession was becoming inevitable, it wasn't a cover for Donald Trump.
Since both were predicted before the 2020 election (in fact, aren't recessions always inevitable?), I agree.

When I pointed out the folly of Defund the Police, it wasn't as a cover for Donald Trump. When I pointed out the problem with making enemies of parents by having them broadly labeled as terrorists, it wasn't a cover for Donald Trump.
When you pointed out Sauron was rising again in the east, it wasn't a cover for Trump. When you pointed out the decline of magic in the world due to solar wind blockage, it wasn't a cover for Trump. If we're going fictional, go all out.

You are free to make sure your computer is full of Trump related articles and your television screen constantly plastered with content talking about the guy who used to be president. I simply believe that people who think that way shouldn't be in office and am looking forward to seeing them all rightfully voted out of power for a generation.
Some people care about history, some would rather repeat it.

Do you think Trump has any ongoing influence, for example, on a certain rural election board in New Mexico? If he has current influence, then we're not just talking about a former President. No one is trying to hold up election certification in response to Bush or Obama.

So fun that thanks to trump now anytime a candidate wins an election that the GOP election officials dont approve of we can expect elections to not be certified and the results to be questioned. Yay

Sent from my iPad using JazzFanz mobile app

Trump has chiseled out the foundation of our republic. We are on incredibly shaky ground. But oh, those gas prices! America is half-full of half-wits.