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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

According to VICE, the issue was never about sick pay to start with, but overwork, exhaustion, and safety:

Ya these people are "allowed" like 4 days off a year. Like the article says it can be difficult to schedule days off etc.

It really is just about corporate greed, and control. I'm just skeptical of the government stepping in on things like this. Sure you can argue that they were trying to avoid a catastrophe with the supply chain, but it's also coordinated by the workers. The workers finally have some leverage to the tune of 2 billion a day and the government steps in to strike a deal before they can go on strike. A deal that over half of the union members don't like, they are being forced to accept by the government. However you want to look at it "the government" not republican or democrat "the government" sided with the big corporation over the workers. It's a top vs bottom issue, not a left vs right issue.

I will be interested to see if they do pass more legislation about the sick days and time off. This vice article sure makes it seem unlikely the workers are being heard at all. I could see our government doing some sort of Uber deal here where they later pass legislation for sick days, but they make an exception for the rail company like they did for Uber and Lyft, screwing those folks even worse.
Yeah, this is ********. The Saudis aren't our friends and we shouldn't want them to be.

This knocks Biden down a few points in my book for sure. I have no respect for this move at all and this one is 100% on Biden.
Biden, 2 months ago, asked for help on delaying the oil cuts and Saudi Arabia said no deal. Then Biden turns around and helps out them out. They are not our friends and I haven’t seen much help from them.

Yeah, this is ********. The Saudis aren't our friends and we shouldn't want them to be.

This knocks Biden down a few points in my book for sure. I have no respect for this move at all and this one is 100% on Biden.

Gotta keep gas prices down at any cost.

I read in the comments multiple people saying this has something to do with jared kushner. I dont have any idea why they are saying that though.

Someone else said the saudi dude has immunity as the leader od a country or some **** as well.

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I have no problem with Biden doing this he’s my god and savior he can do no wrong. Besides, gas prices and judges. Those are the only two things that matter to me. It excuses everything else, including moral lapses, like excusing a piece of crap Saudi leader. I need muh progressive judges!
Gotta keep gas prices down at any cost.

I read in the comments multiple people saying this has something to do with jared kushner. I dont have any idea why they are saying that though.

Someone else said the saudi dude has immunity as the leader od a country or some **** as well.

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For what this guy had done to Khashoggi I think the U.S. should schedule a meeting between him and Biden telling him it is about a very significant arms exchange. Then when he gets to the meeting immediately kill every last person with him using like SEAL team 6 or whatever, strap him to a chair and inform him that we're going to take his arms in exchange for some ammunition that will be delivered directly to his legs. Then rip his arms off while he's conscious and then shoot him in both knee caps. Fly him back to Saudi Arabia and dump him onto the tarmac and fly away.

Tell the Saudis they can go be friends with Russia.
For what this guy had done to Khashoggi I think the U.S. should schedule a meeting between him and Biden telling him it is about a very significant arms exchange. Then when he gets to the meeting immediately kill every last person with him using like SEAL team 6 or whatever, strap him to a chair and inform him that we're going to take his arms in exchange for some ammunition that will be delivered directly to his legs. Then rip his arms off while he's conscious and then shoot him in both knee caps. Fly him back to Saudi Arabia and dump him onto the tarmac and fly away.

Tell the Saudis they can go be friends with Russia.
What about trump? What about Bush? What about Eisenhower?!

Progressive judges are the only things that matter to me. Also, abortion. I’m very pro choice… /s

I really wish america made it more of a focus to emphasize human rights. We can leverage our power to compel countries (or at least attempt to hold accountable) countries that spit on human rights. If we don’t stand up for these values, who will?
is Brittney Griner really being exchanged for a Russian arms dealer ????
Yes, altho, to be clear, this arms dealer has been in prison since 2008 (the last 10 of them in a US prison, prior to that it was Thai, I believe). He has probably lost all his contacts, and any who are left will obviously not trust him any more. He also has served 10 years of a 25 year sentence, which woould probably bring him close to being eligible for parole/early release, anyway.

I wish we had been able to get Whelan as well in the deal, but that wasn't on the table. The Russians say he's a spy, and we don't have any spies to trade for him.
Yes, altho, to be clear, this arms dealer has been in prison since 2008 (the last 10 of them in a US prison, prior to that it was Thai, I believe). He has probably lost all his contacts, and any who are left will obviously not trust him any more. He also has server 10 years of a 25 year sentence, which woould probably bring him close to being eligible for parole/early release, anyway.

I wish we had been able to get Whelan as well in the deal, but that wasn't on the table. The Russians say he's a spy, and we don't have any spies to trade for him.

i think the point is she's a private citizen who broke their laws. Not a soldier or spy etc
i think the point is she's a private citizen who broke their laws. Not a soldier or spy etc
Correct. Outside of the fact that she's high profile, she's a civilian, railroaded for a minor crime.

Here's a question I haven't seen asked, BTW. Why didn't they find it when she was boarding the plane/checking in for her flight?
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Spies and people like that are traded often. There's a bit of a gentlemen's agreement to not come down to hard on them because all major powers have their agents in those places too.

I don't know any specifics about this particular guy. I imagine he's particularly horrible.