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"Booming economy"

Food prices increased 10.1% from last January — the ninth-consecutive double-digit annual increase for that category, though still down from its August peak.

Shelter costs, which includes rent and the cost of homeownership, increased 7.9%. That's the fastest annualized rate since 1982. Rent costs increased 8%, another new record.

The U.S. economy is revealing itself to be difficult to slow down, Bank of America economists said in a note last week, citing an extraordinary 517,000 jobs added in January. That means any forthcoming recession is likely to be mild and wouldn't happen until the second half of 2023, they suggested.

Still, there's evidence that the economy is indeed slowing down. Monday, the New York Federal Reserve reported that the median expected growth in household income dropped from 4.6% to 3.3%. That is the largest one-month drop in the nearly 10-year history of the survey.

In other words, U.S. households are not only expecting a slowdown in income; they also expect that slowdown to be quite large.

The rise in food prices has been especially salient for households attempting to make ends meet. Costs for food at home increased 11.3% between January 2022 and January 2023, while costs for food away from home rose 8.2% over the same period.

“The broad-based improvement needed to be seen in order to feel good about where inflation is headed is still lacking,” McBride continued. “The leading contributors continue to be categories that are staples of the household budget: food, shelter, electricity, natural gas, apparel, vehicle insurance, and household furnishing and operations.”

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It's pretty well established that calling an African American "boy"(remember a guy got banned from the Delta Center for this) is racist. It is a historically racist reference that was used to talk down and belittle to slaves. But here's Biden being racist....again.. Sadly the party that created the KKK only cares about blatant, and this is blatant racism when they can use it to their benefit. For proof watch this forums silence yet we all agreed that the guy who called Westbrook "boy" was rightfully banned. It's called closet racism. @The Thriller the Qanon won't say a word though 3 post up he's condemning others

"You got a hell of a new governor in Wes Moore, I tell ya,” Biden grinned. “He’s the real deal, and the boy looked like he could still play. He got some guns on him.”

-Biden the historically racist Democrat that Democrats love.
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"Get on your knees, boy!"

“He’s the real deal, and the boy looked like he could still play. He got some guns on him.”

Those sentences are the same according to SteakNEggs.

He thinks he made a valid point.
-Biden the historically racist Democrat that Democrats love.
More specifically, that the black Democrats love. His first primary win in South Carolina was on the strength of the black vote. It's almost like black people can tell who's made an unfortunate word choice and who's being hateful. I think black people, like other people, understand this difference. Do you think black people can't tell? Maybe we should ask Howard Cosell.

He thinks he made a valid point.
I agree with SteakandEggs that Biden has a lot of racism/sexism/etc. in his words and his historical actions, but he seems to have changed course in his actions, while still struggling with the words part.
"Get on your knees, boy!"

“He’s the real deal, and the boy looked like he could still play. He got some guns on him.”

Those sentences are the same according to SteakNEggs.

He thinks he made a valid point.
So calling a black person boy is ok now...

Nice job...

In the United States and Africa, the term “boy” was used as an insult towards black men and slaves by white racists. Used during slavery and the Jim Crow era to indicate black men were of lower social status and less than a man, this word is demeaning today.

Blacks were not viewed as full-fledged people, but as mentally, physically, and spiritually inferior beings to whites. In order to survive, it was essential for black men to mask their masculinity. They had to become invisible, yet visible examples of the racial rules that white society expected them to be, the “good ole’ boy.”

Go up to any African American and call them boy and see their response. To sit and act like it's no big deal is saying a lot.

(please really don't as it is offensive and derogatory outside of JazzFanz)
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More education for the guys who don't understand why the word boy is used. But... By all means, show me where your racist president you are sticking up for has called a white person a boy. This is flat out racism and GF is sticking up for it. Blatant racism.


In most situations, the word "boy" is not a problem. Used to describe a Black man, however, the word is troublesome. That's because historically, White people routinely described Black men as boys to suggest they weren't on equal footing with them. Both during and after enslavement, Black people weren't viewed as full-fledged people but as mentally, physically, and spiritually inferior beings to White people. Calling Black men "boys" was one way to express the racist ideologies of yesteryear.

Despite its widespread use as a racial putdown, in Ash v. Tyson Foods, the U.S. Court of Appeals decided that "boy" cannot be considered a racial slur unless it's prefaced with a racial marker such as "Black." This decision has sparked controversy, considering that White people typically didn't call anyone "Black boys" during Jim Crow, but simply "boys."

The good news, according to Prerna Lal of Change.org, is that the U.S. Supreme Court reversed the holding, ruling that "the use of the word 'boy' on its own is not enough evidence of racial animus, but that the word is also not benign." That means the court is willing to consider the context in which "boy" is used to determine if it's being uttered as a racial epithet.
“Unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly diverse attitudes about different things,”

Racism is thinking one race is better than the other. Stick up for racism more GF then tell others how bad Trump is

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

GF's hero being blatantly racist about Obama. But what do you think he meant by this GF? Do you agree that Obama was the and I quote directly "first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy"? I think that is racist by definition just as I have common sense that calling a black person "boy" is wrong and disagree with GF that it's ok and acceptable. This isn't the 1700's anymore but obviously were going backwards.
I'm not going to call people racist but they are extremely ignorant and maybe should research before sticking up for racism like.

"When I read about Kentucky Republican Congressman Geoff Davis using the word "boy" in reference to Sen. Barack Obama, I immediately thought of a routine, and subsequent book, by comedian Cedric the Entertainer.

While watching the movie, "The Kings of Comedy," Ced had me rolling in the aisle talking about being a "grown *** man," and that eventually became the title of his best-selling book, "Grown-A$$ Man."

For those who think that African Americans are too sensitive over this issue, and it's just a well-meaning person making a mistake, I understand that. But others must understand the history of African Americans, and what it has always meant to black men for someone to call them a "boy."

One, it's the ultimate sign of disrespect, and is often more offensive than calling them the N-word. For years black men were summarily dismissed and treated with disregard. It was as if their stature was diminished when someone white called them a boy. I've heard black men describe the hurt and pain of growing up and having someone white call them a boy in front of their own child.

Again, I know some are reading this and saying, "Why can't we all just get along and forget all this race stuff?"

That would be great, but our history is truly our history, and there are things left over that when said, immediately conjure up those feelings of old.

Do you remember the images from the sanitation strike that the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was leading in Memphis in 1968? The most striking visual was that of the male protestors wearing signs saying, "I Am A Man!"

There was a reason they were wearing those signs."

Just curious, those claiming to have NOT KNOWN that using the word, “boy” as a white person to a black person wasn’t racist, could you please:

A. Tell me where you’re from (city and state). Just curious because I wonder how many urban areas in Utah are ignorant of this? Or if it’s isolated to the rural areas where the population is homogeneous?
B. Tell me what books you’ve read about slavery and social justice.

Because, I’ll be honest, I didn’t think it was possible to live in America in 2019 and not know that calling a black person a “boy” was racist. The connection of whites demeaning blacks as “boys” has a long and extensive history going from slavery to Jim Crow to even President Obama. I can’t remember who it was but early in his career a white congressman referee to Obama as “boy” and it caused outrage among the African American community.

For those looking for some good reads:

* 12 Years a Slave (incredible nonfiction story. Far better than the movie and the movie was outstanding)
* To Kill a Mockingbird (classic)
* Black Like Me (written in the 1950s by a white journalist who made his skin dark and experienced life in the Deep South as a black man)
* White Rage (gives you a completely different perspective on Kaepernick and BLM)
* The New Jim Crow (change your views on the war on drugs)
* Just Mercy (my favorite, change your views on capital punishment)
Maybe learn something from @The Thriller even though he will now stick up for his racist president because he has no real morals.

Edit: and just like that as usual GF was quick to mock then runs away once he gets educated.

"Because, I’ll be honest, I didn’t think it was possible to live in America in 2019 and not know that calling a black person a “boy” was racist. The connection of whites demeaning blacks as “boys” has a long and extensive history going from slavery to Jim Crow to even President Obama. I can’t remember who it was but early in his career a white congressman referee to Obama as “boy” and it caused outrage among the African American community."
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I'm not going to call people racist but they are extremely ignorant and maybe should research before sticking up for racism like.
Unless and until you address why Biden had and has continuing, strong support from black Democratic voters, you're just blowing wind. I think black voters know who tries to help them and who doesn't.
So Racist Biden says Putin has committed war crimes and he's right and I'll give him credit but this is the guy that bombed 7 innocent children over literally nothing during the Afghanistan withdrawal.

Democrats love racist war criminal Biden.
This is so juvenile. It’s like someone like myself saying “Republicans love Putin’s crimes against humanity”.
Or calling an entire demographic a cult like you have done repeatedly. Crazy how you can do it but you cowardly get angry when others do it. You're a flat out hypocrite Red. An OG juvenile(that's you Culty @Red) calling others juvenile. Thing is... you're serious with your bigotry, you spend paragraphs lecturing me on how much you hate Trump supporters because they think differently. Me? I'm just being a facetious dick.

Maybe next time you wanna be a juvenile bigot think about your own childish hatred and how big of a hypocrite you are. Thanks.
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OMG the horror. LMFAO the petty things Democrats get mad about.

Jesse Benton, 45, of Woodlands, Texas, had charged Russian national Roman Vasilenko $100,000 to have a picture taken with Trump on Sept. 22, 2016, at the Ritz Carlton in Philadelphia, according to court records.

Benton's company Titan Strategies pocketed $75,000 of the fee and passed along the remaining $25,000 as a contribution to Trump’s campaign committee,

Edit: I'm still laughing my *** off. I mean, I'm glad the guy is in jail but if this is all you have and it doesn't have anything to do with Trump? You got nothing.
Not surprise dudes are willing to overlook Biden being racist but yet some random Republican takes pictures and the Trump addicts get angry. What does this have to do with Racist Joe btw? It's very telling that nobody can ever point to Bidens flaws but are quick to bring Trump into the equation that has nothing to do with anything. One day you guys are going to have to go to Trump rehab and get with today. There are glaring issues right now and until you addicts all get serious about current issues, we might be f*ed. Your heroin Trump has nothing to do with anything right now. Get with it... Grow up. Be an adult.
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