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Official Utah/Minnesota/Philadelphia Pick Watch

Minny fan also prefer by far Mike dan D Lo. They understand the quality Mike bring on the table. They improve a lot specially on defense ( tonight was not but it eas a B2B). If KAT can join and add some scoring, they will be a good team. I' msuper happy for Rudy and Mike. Well deserved. Even if it hurt our pick. But i do not believe that DA make a mistake. This trade was to make us weaker and it works.
The problem is that we could have moved all the guys out in other trades while keeping NAW and not making the wolves better. What a massive failure from DA. Also NAW could be a huge piece for them long term and their future pg which sucks because they then turn into a defensive juggernaut. The fact that Hardy couldn't see how valuable NAW was is coaching incompetence.
Pretty massive B2B wins in Cali for Wolves. Top 10 lotto odds looks like it’s the Jazz or nobody.

I wanted two lotto picks :’(
The problem is that we could have moved all the guys out in other trades while keeping NAW and not making the wolves better. What a massive failure from DA. Also NAW could be a huge piece for them long term and their future pg which sucks because they then turn into a defensive juggernaut. The fact that Hardy couldn't see how valuable NAW was is coaching incompetence.
We could have moved those guys for a bunch of 2ndbround picks lmfao. The reason they had to give up NAW was because they wanted the Lakers pick and Minny knew they could squeeze Utah.
Such a stupid ****ing trade
I don't even know what you are saying in regards to "extra pick" . KAT isn't going to sink the team.
Everyone’s saying the trade that got us the Lakers pick was a bad trade right? We could have not done the trade and not helped Minny but also not got the pick.

I’m saying getting the pick even while making Minny better is worth it.
Danny Ainge rolled the dice on the Conley et al. trade and I’m cool with that. We could have gotten maybe 9 or so 2nd round picks for all the players we traded. Instead, we rolled the dice in a different manner and will get somewhere between the 5th and 44th pick in 2027. Beasley, NAW, Conley and Vanderbilt were unlikely to lead us to a championship. And it was also unlikely (but not impossible) that the 9 potential second rounders would either. But if we do strike gold with the Lakers pick (say we pick 10th and get a Paul Pierce type player) we could get a substantial contributor. If it falls apart and we just get pick 44, oh well. The Jazz have to take some real risks to win it all because we don’t have the advantages that currently exist for prime destinations like L.A.
Trading Conley and NAW to the Wolves when we own a bunch of their picks was such a stupid ****ing move.
I think it was 50/50 that it improved the Wolves or made them worse this season. They are still depending on a healthy Mike Conley for the stretch run. he doesn't stay healthy for long stretches of time.

Long term I think it bends the Wolves' trajectory down. I think they could have used a sign and trade to get value or a trade exception for Russell. Conley slams the door on that approach. They are going to be depending on the midlevel exceptions to improve going forward. I like NAW as a third string guard, but he isn't some sort of answer to anything. . .
Trading Conley and NAW to the Wolves when we own a bunch of their picks was such a stupid ****ing move.

Maybe. A couple years from now, both Conley and Rudy will be aging out, while Towns will be a free agent. Twolves could lose Naz Reid this offseason as well, and they won't have much to build with. Jazz could really score in the 2025 draft, plus they added the Lakers pick.
I think it was 50/50 that it improved the Wolves or made them worse this season. They are still depending on a healthy Mike Conley for the stretch run. he doesn't stay healthy for long stretches of time.

Long term I think it bends the Wolves' trajectory down. I think they could have used a sign and trade to get value or a trade exception for Russell. Conley slams the door on that approach. They are going to be depending on the midlevel exceptions to improve going forward. I like NAW as a third string guard, but he isn't some sort of answer to anything. . .
Agree with that. Minny trade give them a 2-3 years windows to achieve something in a West conference pretty tough. And only if they manage to optimize Ant-KAT-Rudy trio. The main difference for me compared to the jazz we had is that Ant for me seems to be more smart ( and less ego) than Don. The way he react last 4 games is impressive not looking at his stat but putting real effort on defense. Let's see. Things change fast in NBA.
4 Games ago, half of the forum were thinking that we were too good for tanking + our easy schedule. On the others hands Minny were probably going for 0-4 on a tough road trip. Result we went to 1-3 against bad teams and Minny win 3 games against good teams.....
Trading Conley and NAW to the Wolves when we own a bunch of their picks was such a stupid ****ing move.
I don't like that we had to include NAW, but if we don't include them in the trade, they still have DLo, who definitely did help them win a number of games.

...and when it comes to their future picks, I don't think this trade makes any difference.
Maybe. A couple years from now, both Conley and Rudy will be aging out, while Towns will be a free agent. Twolves could lose Naz Reid this offseason as well, and they won't have much to build with. Jazz could really score in the 2025 draft, plus they added the Lakers pick.
I think the Wolves should be very good in 2025.

All depends how Edwards. If he can take a big leap into a top 15 type guy then they will be making the playoffs. They could also move KAT if he never gels and get a lot of pieces back. Minott/Moore are also solid rookies who could be rotation players 1-2 years down the line, and they will have their 2024 draft pick.
I think the Wolves should be very good in 2025.

All depends how Edwards. If he can take a big leap into a top 15 type guy then they will be making the playoffs. They could also move KAT if he never gels and get a lot of pieces back. Minott/Moore are also solid rookies who could be rotation players 1-2 years down the line, and they will have their 2024 draft pick.
So much of it rests on one guy, Edwards, that I think it’s an amazing bet. I also think he could be amazing for a long time. Think he needs to take care of himself physically and they should be a playoff team over the 2023-2026ish period without hitting too many home runs. I do think something happens with KAT and it has opportunities to go very wrong. There’s a range of possibilities there that will make those picks super valuable either as trade assets or if we just retain them.
So much of it rests on one guy, Edwards, that I think it’s an amazing bet. I also think he could be amazing for a long time. Think he needs to take care of himself physically and they should be a playoff team over the 2023-2026ish period without hitting too many home runs. I do think something happens with KAT and it has opportunities to go very wrong. There’s a range of possibilities there that will make those picks super valuable either as trade assets or if we just retain them.
Agree. Same kind of bet we make before with Don. But i think Ant i a better player overall than Don. Let' s see.
Maybe. A couple years from now, both Conley and Rudy will be aging out, while Towns will be a free agent. Twolves could lose Naz Reid this offseason as well, and they won't have much to build with. Jazz could really score in the 2025 draft, plus they added the Lakers pick.
I'm not excited about the Lakers pick. If it's top-10 I will gladly eat crow but I have a feeling it's not going to be that good. I hope you're right about the Wolves sucking in a few seasons so we get some good picks. But in the short term we did them a favor.