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Donald is about to go through some things...

Kudos, this one is a bit different. So do you believe that Trump is raising elites up or tearing elites down?

Any effect Trump has is purely a happenstance product of his self-serving interests, which are mostly ego-driven and without care of anything other than greed. He will build up or tear down elites based on the day but for the most part he builds up elites, especially shady ones who stroke him.
Any effect Trump has is purely a happenstance product of his self-serving interests, which are mostly ego-driven and without care of anything other than greed. He will build up or tear down elites based on the day but for the most part he builds up elites, especially shady ones who stroke him.
Fully agree. Good post.
I'm pretty sure that I am left of The Thriller politically. He's a mainstream Democrat.
You can check it yourself, but The Thriller is more statistically likely to resonate with identitarian characteristics than you do.

Searching for usage of the term 'diverse' comes up with 48 for The Thriller but 28 for you.
Searching for usage of the term 'black' comes up with more than 200 for both of you but for you the 200th post had a date of 15-Aug-18 while The Thiller's was more recent at 19-Jul-18.
Searching for usage of the term 'white' for you the 200th post had a date of 2-Jun-20 while The Thiller's was more recent at 5-Nov-21. (he really likes that one)

The frequency of The Thriller classifying people by their skin color and/or gender is higher than yours. He is more likely to see people as a class rather than a collection of individuals than you are as evidenced by frequency of term usage. Sorry if that hurts your feelings but he is more collectivist than you and less individualist than you. Classically speaking, on the scale between Progressivism and Liberalism, he's farther toward Progressivism than you are.
You can check it yourself, but The Thriller is more statistically likely to resonate with identitarian characteristics than you do.
1) You obviously aren't factoring in my pre-crash posts.
2) I don't see that as being a reliable measure of leftist beliefs/positions

That said, you do you.
2) I don't see that as being a reliable measure of leftist beliefs/positions

That said, you do you.
I wasn't rating leftness, but progressivness. Resonance with collectivisim is the determining factor on a liberal versus progressive scale, and The Thriller is in the progressive left camp, not the super-left,or the ultra-left, or the classic-left, or whatever metric you want to judge leftness by, but his collectivist tendencies mark him as more of a progressive than you are.
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Resonance with collectivisim is the determining factor on a liberal versus progressive scale,

1: a political or economic theory advocating collective control especially over production and distribution
also : a system marked by such control

2: emphasis on collective rather than individual action or identity

You're using the term incorrectly. Talking about race, gender, etc. is focusing on individual identities and common experiences they have. Ignoring factors contributing to our identities would be collectivism.

Also, earlier, you referred to The Thriller as an identitarian. You messed up that word too. The Thriller doesn't match any of the definitions

1. concerned with promoting the interests of one's own cultural group
2. a person who espouses identitarian politics
3. (sometimes capital) a member of an extreme right-wing political movement in Europe that opposes migration and multiculturalism
Socially, we are not all the same race, and it's collectivism to say we need to be treated as a monolith instead of as individuals.
It is collectivism to see all of society as a group. It is also collectivism to divide people into racial group, or gender groups, or religious groups, or trade groups. The important part of your statement is "instead of as individuals".
It is collectivism to see all of society as a group. It is also collectivism to divide people into racial group, or gender groups, or religious groups, or trade groups. The important part of your statement is "instead of as individuals".
Per the definition: emphasis on collective rather than individual action or identity. Stripping people of their identities is collectivism, by definition. I guess that creates some cognitive dissonance in you, but the definition is clear and I will not bother to argue it further. I cede you the last word.
Per the definition: emphasis on collective rather than individual action or identity. Stripping people of their identities is collectivism, by definition. I guess that creates some cognitive dissonance in you, but the definition is clear and I will not bother to argue it further. I cede you the last word.
There is no cognitive dissonance. Collectivists group people into collections of people and treat the members of the group as a monolith. For example, collective bargaining refers to bargaining with a collective (union) rather than with the individuals comprising the workforce. Modern collectivists recognize that people can belong to multiple collectives. This concept is referred to as 'intersectionality'. As far as lumping people into collectives, you don't do that as much as The Thriller. He is a more progressive leftist than you are, and you are a more liberal leftist than he is. I don't know which is considered more left, but if you want to take The Thriller's progressive crown then you've got to up your game of classifying people by their ethnicity, political leanings, etc. It might help if you start claiming there is only one of something on this site and insist that everyone else is just a sock puppet for the one. Or you could just be happy being you.
Modern collectivists recognize that people can belong to multiple collectives. This concept is referred to as 'intersectionality'.
Actually, intersectionality is a entirely different concept. That's Rufo-level, aggressively, deliberately wrong.

The “Banality of Crazy”

There’s a puzzle at the heart of Trump news and it’s this: why doesn’t the press go FULL BLOCK CAPITALS when a leading presidential candidate, yet again, incites violence?

If Joe Biden called to execute shoplifters, do you think there’d be a big headline in the New York Times, or do you think you’d have to scroll well past the articles on pumpkin spice lattes and DogTV to find out about it?

We all know the answer.

When Joe Biden didn’t trip but nearly tripped last week, it was headline news. How absurd is that? A candidate who didn’t quite fall over is a bigger news story than a candidate calling to execute shoplifters? (For the record, roughly ten percent of the US population shoplifts, so millions would face potential execution under Trump’s proposal).

This is what I call the Banality of Crazy—and it’s warping the way that Americans think about politics in the Trump and post-Trump era.


The “Banality of Crazy”​

There’s a puzzle at the heart of Trump news and it’s this: why doesn’t the press go FULL BLOCK CAPITALS when a leading presidential candidate, yet again, incites violence?

If Joe Biden called to execute shoplifters, do you think there’d be a big headline in the New York Times, or do you think you’d have to scroll well past the articles on pumpkin spice lattes and DogTV to find out about it?

We all know the answer.

When Joe Biden didn’t trip but nearly tripped last week, it was headline news. How absurd is that? A candidate who didn’t quite fall over is a bigger news story than a candidate calling to execute shoplifters? (For the record, roughly ten percent of the US population shoplifts, so millions would face potential execution under Trump’s proposal).

This is what I call the Banality of Crazy—and it’s warping the way that Americans think about politics in the Trump and post-Trump era.

I’d just like the media to inform Americans what the former president and current GOP frontrunner is saying. That would be nice.
With the media failing to cover Trump (because he gives them clicks), it gives him a free pass to continue to grow his authoritarian movement with the most radicalized in the country:

Imagine if Biden or Obama had said this about Fox News. I recently read that he’s calling the Jan 6 insurrections hostages. Which would make police and prosecutors, what exactly? Terrorists? This is dangerous rhetoric.

This is a great read. Republicans are circling the wagons around Trump. Soon, billionaire donors, CEOs, the media, and party officials will be back to doing everything possible to get him back into power. Are Americans ready to face a Trump that might be stronger than ever?

I’d just like the media to inform Americans what the former president and current GOP frontrunner is saying. That would be nice.
View attachment 15482
With the media failing to cover Trump (because he gives them clicks), it gives him a free pass to continue to grow his authoritarian movement with the most radicalized in the country:

View attachment 15484
Is there some part of the country where MSNBC is a broadcast channel? If Biden were to make that mistake, it'd be a pile-on talking about Biden's age.
This is a great read. Republicans are circling the wagons around Trump. Soon, billionaire donors, CEOs, the media, and party officials will be back to doing everything possible to get him back into power. Are Americans ready to face a Trump that might be stronger than ever?
That was a bleak read. I feel the inevitability of Trump 2.0 to a degree, I’ve been slack jawed at one seems like a “going to have to learn the hard way” inevitability for awhile, grasping at any “good” news, but the future suggested in that narrative won’t come as a surprise if it happens.