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The trade winds are a'blowin'...

We really have no idea what kind of coach Hardy is. It's the trial/error phase. People forget what the Jazz looked like before Gobert, it wasnt pretty. Then Quin found out how to use Gobert and was like "Ok, this is what we are going to build off and base **** off of"

Then the coach figures out what works best and everyone bitches about how they dont change things up enough.
Of course I've got no idea on Hardy as a coach. Dude's new, last season was a good surprise I guess...
However, ultimately it's about players, how you use them, how you react to things going south all over your mental schemes and basketball ideas.
What I do know is that "trial/error" does not describe accurately the madness/absurdity he's been showing this season... I hope it's over now, because IMO he's been hurting players..

On Snyder... don't get me wrong, Q absulutely did lots of good, was instrumental for the Jazz to return to life, and I recognize him for that.... Hey, I follow his games far more than I thought...
But when he's got a new level on reach he failed, in great part because he iced himself with his basketball mind untouched by reality...
I guess it’s really a matter of perspective. I mean with 13 potential bites at the apple between now and 29 we have one of the fullest War Chests in the League. I mean so what that most of the non Jazz picks will be lower first round. (And this year looks like we’re aiming lottery with our own even though they promised again that we were aiming playoffs). Does anybody remember where MVP Jokic was taken? How about Butler?

So twelve for sure - I mean, you realize that’s an entire squad right. So that means that we have to keep playing this silly tournament fishing game (catch and release) for the next five + years?

Stuck in the Turnstile. Welcome to the new Detroit!
We just got the best point guard in a stacked draft with the 16th pick. Ainge knows what he’s doing and has a ton to play with. Plenty of reasons for optimism.
We just got the best point guard in a stacked draft with the 16th pick. Ainge knows what he’s doing and has a ton to play with. Plenty of reasons for optimism.
No argument there but it’s frustrating as a fan particularly the double messaging. Are we really aiming to be back in the playoffs this year or aren’t we?

And it’s got to be confusing and disorienting for the players as well when they all have such uncertain futures and many with expiring deals.

Then it’s got to be frustrating for a very competitive and dedicated coach as well. I believe in Hardy and his approach with the players. But make no mistake that he’s wired for competition and has to feel torpedoed by management.
Cy's been hacked. Does anyone know where he lives so we can check up on him?
No that's definitely cy, he is blaming sexton for tht's bad play.

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If no one is untouchable, why are we even doing this? The goal is not to acquire assets, it is to win games. We traded Donny and Rudy when they both had lots of tread left on the tires. Continuing to do that is ridiculous.
No. The goal is to win a championship. That’s the directive Smith gave to Ainge. That means things like trading your two All-Star players for a boatload of assets.

A championship requires:
1. A superstar player. (Top 5)
2. 1-2 All-Star level complements.
3. 6 very good rotation players.
4. Luck

Of the above, we only have #2 in place. We have the assets to trade for #1 when opportunity knocks. Until then, they’re solving #3 through the draft and value plays, which is exactly what they should be doing.

You can rage about the trees, but thankfully our front office is birds-eyeing the forest.
This is something that should be very concerning to everyone when it comes to Hardy. Virtually every single player that was on this roster last year has regressed at least a little bit. I suppose you can make a case for Ochai recently but that feels a little more in spite of Hardy rather than because of him since Hardy hasn't exactly shown much trust in his based on his inconsistent minutes this year.
Just need to point out that your entire argument is constructed on a logical fallacy.
We have no idea if he will be the best PG 4 years from now.
Correct. But he’s the best PG now, has a basketball IQ through the roof and is beloved by his teammates. Hardy trusts him. The assist numbers are bonkers. For the 16th pick, that’s an ace.
Correct. But he’s the best PG now, has a basketball IQ through the roof and is beloved by his teammates. Hardy trusts him. The assist numbers are bonkers. For the 16th pick, that’s an ace.
Cason has been the better player thus far. Easier role sure, but he's been objectively better.
A championship requires:
1. A superstar player. (Top 5)
2. 1-2 All-Star level complements.
3. 6 very good rotation players.
4. Luck
#1 As a "requirement" is not true. (See: 22 Warriors, 19 Raptors, 14 Spurs)
#2 most champions have the one to complement their star, not 2.
#3 depends on what "very good" means. I wouldn't say last year's Jeff Green was a very good rotation player, or Donte DeVicenzo in 22, or Grayson Allen, Dwight Howard etc.).
From certain angles, Will looks like Harvey Specter.
