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Jazz at Nets, 3/26, 5:30PM MT--KFNZ, ROOT, WFAN, YES

Can someone tell Ty that he has %100 job security so he'll relax stop getting cold feet for playing with the youngsters in games like these?

relax guy you need to rest.jpg
Can someone tell Ty that he has %100 job security so he'll relax stop getting cold feet for playing with the youngsters in games like these?

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Can some one also tell him when his starters have played a game the night before that went to 4 OT's that it's ok to sit them when his team is up by 20 with 5 minutes to go.
Poor Deron; he can't even be a Prima Donna right.

While he pouted/mouthed his way to the Jersey shore (and maybe to the Brooklyn Bridge, if Mark Cuban doesn't bail him out), CeePeeThree diva'd himself a ticket to Tinseltown to play with that Kia guy who can dunk. And unlike Chrissy, Deron doesn't make teammates nearly as much better.
Deron wouldn't commit to a team that had done nothing but throw players overboard and get worse for the previous 8 months, Chris Paul forced a trade.

For being such a stickler about facts, you sure like to throw a bunch of bull **** around.
Okay, you are right about 93-94... I should have been more clear... I was talking about mid-90s, preferably 96-97...

Holy ****, stop talking. You're talking about the same team that won 72 games the season before, and the only team to feature three All-Defensive 1st team selections? That is one of the best teams of all time. And again, we're talking about the greatest player ever, and you're mad that Deron Williams isn't that. Get real.
Just when you think CJ couldn't say anything dumber, he goes ahead and establishes yet another bar of stupidity.

Yes, CJ he makes bad decisions, so he MUST listen to hip-hop. And of course we all know that anyone who listens to hip hop MUST make bad decisions.

....I was merely responding to a posters claim that the Nets are a basketball franchise in total disarray....and since Jay-Z is part owner of the team and no doubt signed off wholeheartedly on the Deron Williams trade, in which the Jazz took that team to the cleaners, he definitely bares part of the blame! He, no doubt, was thinking "Yeah, we can get Deron, that will help us bring other big name stars to our team....and in no time we will be top dog of N.Y. even ahead of the Knicks!" Well, it hasn't worked out that way, now has it? Both N.Y. teams are in shambles with virtually no end in sight to straighten out either team!
Okay, you are right about 93-94... I should have been more clear... I was talking about mid-90s, preferably 96-97...

You might be saying, Well yeah Hanginthere... They still had guys like Dennis Rodman, Ron Harper, and Toni Kukoc... Yeah... Well after the Bulls these guys became NOTHING!

Rodman was a walking circus and HORRIBLY overrated IMO... All he could really do is rebound and make an outlandish shot every once in a while... A guy like that wouldn't last very long on any team in the NBA today...

Toni Kukoc went from team to team and never did anything...

Granted, Ron Harper was a little older once he left, but he didn't do anything special after the Bulls either...

Jordan was a great leader that made the players around him better than what they were...

You could say the same for Stockton and Malone... Guys like Shandon Anderson, Chris Morris, Greg Foster, Bryon Russell, etc played their best basketball here with them in Utah... But when they went elsewhere, they were never heard from again...

My point is... Deron is doing nothing to make those players on the Nets around him better... Not a damn thing, and that was apparent last night...

Rodman overrated? Serious? All he could do is rebound? What about defense? Also, defense and rebounding win championships, that is a little saying used by many.

Also, the making players better can be heavily attributed to the systems Sloan and Jackson ran. They were able to give player's roles they can fulfill and succeed in. They didn't just aimlessly throw players out there like a lot of coaches do who don't run strict systems. Obviously it has do have great players in those systems for them to succeed at a high level and make the other pieces work.

Dwill did a great job of making players better in Utah. Or are you saying Brewer should be capable of scoring 14 ppg?
How do you know? You work in the front office? You think if Ty loses games, thus losing the Utah Jazz $$$ he'll keep his job?

Common sense and reality disagree with you.

This is my opinion based on what I see during the game.

And this forum gave me the right to say my opinion. You can deal with that, right?

Or you want to say that if we are not from the front office - we can't critique or discuss our coach's decisions?
Pretty funny, but parr for the course here on Jazzfanz

Thing is, most fanz here have set their agenda and their story about what is happening. They got pissed and they want to stay pissed.
Last thing they want to do is admit they are wrong.

Same with last night. Jazz lose a close game. Fanz here can't accept that the jazz lose a game, so they get pissed and blame Corbin and say that they will be proven right when the jazz lose big against NJ because the starters are tired.
Tonight, they are proven wrong, the starters do well and we win the game. That SHOULD make everyone happy, but for these fanz, they had their story crushed, so they are pissed off.

No team goes undefeated. There are always gonna be losses to bad teams every year. But some fanz just can't take it. They want to stay negative because that is what they are. They can't enjoy what the jazz are doing because they already went all in on their negativity.It's too bad. Most fans I know are actually enjoying all of this. I know I am. Playoffs here we come.

It's like the silly fan in Major League 2. He gets so mad at the team when they have some rough times, that he can't even enjoy it when the team wakes up and starts winning. He still goes to all the games just so he can tell all the fans that they are stupid for believing and yell at all the players for sucking.
At the end, when the team is on the verge, he finally stops it and wants to join all the happy fans in the celebration. They all look at him like "what an idiot" but then shrug and say "oh well"

Astute post. And I totally relate to it. I am happy for the team when they win, even though my desire for a second lottery pick wants to be mad with the W. And I am glad for the losses that ensure the second lottery pick, even though it is hard to root against the guys I love so much. This is a great group of guys. And even though Jefferson isn't the future of the Jazz I really like him and would love for him to get to the playoffs. QUESTION: Has Jefferson EVER made the playoffs before?
Win, Lose - either way I'm happy AND sad.
Astute post. And I totally relate to it. I am happy for the team when they win, even though my desire for a second lottery pick wants to be mad with the W. And I am glad for the losses that ensure the second lottery pick, even though it is hard to root against the guys I love so much. This is a great group of guys. And even though Jefferson isn't the future of the Jazz I really like him and would love for him to get to the playoffs. QUESTION: Has Jefferson EVER made the playoffs before?
Win, Lose - either way I'm happy AND sad.

Nope. Big Jeff has not sniffed the POs...he was so excited to come here mainly because he thought playing with Deron would get him there. Then KOC wisely blew that team up, brings in his successor, and all Jeff does is help the young bigs get better. How can you not like that kind of a character guy. As a player he is not perfect, but he is better than Boozer and a heck of a team player as well as being an offensive gift from God.

I'm unequivocal in wanting the Jazz to make a run at the play offs this year. It will just build in our team a sense that management believes in them, and that the Utah Jazz fight for every game.

Just think about those poor fans whose team packs it in, year after year they strengthen a culture of losing. I want the Jazz to build a culture in this team of over achieving...even if it cost us a pick that would be offset by the players growing into a team that believes in themselves. I think we have the young talent in Burks, Hayward, Kanter, and Favors to be a great team down the road. People rant about developing them by giving them PT, I think winning helps develop them even better. Let them earn the PT on a PO team and they will be much better off.
Holy ****, stop talking. You're talking about the same team that won 72 games the season before, and the only team to feature three All-Defensive 1st team selections? That is one of the best teams of all time. And again, we're talking about the greatest player ever, and you're mad that Deron Williams isn't that. Get real.

Okay, then answer me this Mr Know it all... If Jordan was lets say, out for the season that year... Do you really think that team would have been any better than a .500 ballclub??

Yes, I'm sorry, Jordan was that good... And maybe this is an unfair comparison... But again, my initial point was "SUPERSTARS" (which Dwill is NOT) make ordinary players look EXTRAORDINARY...

Just name me ONE of those Bulls players that did ANYTHING after leaving the Bulls?? JUST ONE!

You can't do it, because they were all ORDINARY players, role players, nothing more (aside from Scottie Pippen of course)..

I remember those years VERY well...

And don't give me this all pro/all-star/defensive player of the year, etc ******** either, because that is just a popularity contest and always will be... More times than not, it's really not based on statistics, it's based on VOTES...

So save it!
This is my opinion based on what I see during the game.

And this forum gave me the right to say my opinion. You can deal with that, right?

Or you want to say that if we are not from the front office - we can't critique or discuss our coach's decisions?

You can have all the opinions you want, and so can I. You are arguing that Ty has 100% job security and should just play the young guys wins and losses aside. I saying, based off years of league wide coaching trends and sound business practices, that the Jazz would never guarantee any coach 100% job security. Critique the coaches decisions all you want, but if you say something that I think is ridiculous I have every right to point it out. It is a message board after all.
That was sarcasm that Ty makes mistakes that he didn't play youth enough.
And I was agree with that "sarcasm". I mean with the fact that he didn't play young guns enough.

I don't even care about his job is secure or not.
Okay, then answer me this Mr Know it all... If Jordan was lets say, out for the season that year... Do you really think that team would have been any better than a .500 ballclub??

Yes, I'm sorry, Jordan was that good... And maybe this is an unfair comparison... But again, my initial point was "SUPERSTARS" (which Dwill is NOT) make ordinary players look EXTRAORDINARY...

Just name me ONE of those Bulls players that did ANYTHING after leaving the Bulls?? JUST ONE!

You can't do it, because they were all ORDINARY players, role players, nothing more (aside from Scottie Pippen of course)..

I remember those years VERY well...

And don't give me this all pro/all-star/defensive player of the year, etc ******** either, because that is just a popularity contest and always will be... More times than not, it's really not based on statistics, it's based on VOTES...

So save it!

If Jordan is out, can we replace him with any player equal to his contract value that year? You take out any team's best player and they are going to be worse.

Dennis Rodman did a ton before joining the Bulls. Like TWO DPOY's, average 19 RPG IN A SEASON, TWO CHAMPIONSHIPS, TWO TIME ALL STAR, 5 TIME NBA 1st DEFENSIVE TEAM. All without Jordan.

But all of that **** is just ordinary.

Kukoc had all his prime years with Jordan. The 2 years after he left, he was still a good player. Then he dropped off after hitting 32 (the usual time wings start to drop off).
You can have all the opinions you want, and so can I. You are arguing that Ty has 100% job security and should just play the young guys wins and losses aside. I saying, based off years of league wide coaching trends and sound business practices, that the Jazz would never guarantee any coach 100% job security. Critique the coaches decisions all you want, but if you say something that I think is ridiculous I have every right to point it out. It is a message board after all.

Nah, Bjunior is a Super Hero. His power is being able to physically see job security. When Corbin and Miller gaze into each other's eyes he sees the bond of an unbreakable job.