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Which Jazz player was biggest disappointment ever to you?

Larry Krystoviak was supposed to be this great player, but wasn't.

When was this? He was a throw-in in the trade. But now that you mention it, Jay Humphries may well be the most disappointing player in Jazz history. That trade was supposed to get the Jazz over the hump (no pun intended) but instead, they went backward.
When was this? He was a throw-in in the trade. But now that you mention it, Jay Humphries may well be the most disappointing player in Jazz history. That trade was supposed to get the Jazz over the hump (no pun intended) but instead, they went backward.

Agreed. And now that I think about it Jeff Malone was a disappointment. No range on his jumpshot, bad back and slow feet. It was a rough stretch looking for a replacement for Bobby Hansen and the Golden Griff.
Amaechi was more of a disappointment to me than Wright. I didn't have especially high expectations for Wright, for whatever reasons. I did think Amaechi was going to be a starter, though.
Definitely Amaechi. Was supposed to give Stockton&Malone the first legit scoring center of their career but was woefully out of shape, allowed his skillset to deteriorate and had no love for the game. A complete and utter waste.
Definitely Amaechi. Was supposed to give Stockton&Malone the first legit scoring center of their career but was woefully out of shape, allowed his skillset to deteriorate and had no love for the game. A complete and utter waste.

That's gaycist.
I look at this from a different viewpoint. To me it's Deron Williams. We all believed that we had the franchise PG after Stockton. At least I believed that way. I still love the guy though, on the contrary of the most of the Jazz fans.
With dishonarble mention going to Kris Humphries, Felton Spencer and Keon Clark I'd have to go with Luther Wright.

Wright joined the Team in 1993 as the #18 draft pick. Wright had been projected to go higher but 'fell' to the Jazz. The team had struggled the year before losing in the first round of the playoffs to Seattle. Mark Eaton had retired, Mike Brown was not getting the job done at center and Ike Austin was about to cash in on a big payday and leave town. The team was going through a major reload around Stockton and Malone and the center and sg spots were the positions needing upgrades.

At the time Karl was tearing the league up despite being gaurded night after night by the opponents Center and doubled by the pf.

To me at the time Wright seemed too good to be true, a gift sent down from heaven. When does a skilled, big bruising center fall to playoff team at #18? --NEVER, but he did!

Yes he was young, but the Jazz were also bringing in Felton Spencer. Two young centers, I was stunned. But it was Wright who captured my attention and inspired dreams of Jazz championship. He was a young, relativley unknown 7-2 270 lb guy and the highlights they showed about him on the local media were of thundering dunks and swatting shots out of the air. And everyone talked about how he had played for an established team at Seaton Hall and his coach gave the Jazz glowing reviews.

Even after he went crazy I wanted to believe that maybe just maybe..........

To add insult to injury I read where the jazz had reached a settlement with him on his contract. He went crazy, couldn't do his job and the Jazz still had to pay him his full contract, but the lawyers argued and got the payments stretched out over 25 years so me and the Millers can continue to be dissappointed until 2020.
We're still paying Wright? He just jumped to the top of my list. Kirelenko is high on my list, too. I loved the guy early in his career but he bailed on us mentally once he got paid.
Shandon Anderson. I thought he was the missing piece to a Utah Jazz championship. He left that role to become a trashy player because his agent Daniel Fegan is a piece of **** who can burn in hell.

I don't understand the Lopez stuff. Guy was solid & would have had a great career barring knee injuries. I have fond memories of him dribbling between his legs twice & then splitting double teams. I can't be disappointed in a #24 pick whose body fell apart.
Andrei Kirilenko. He was THE answer after the Stockton to Malone era. So much that the Jazz gave him a max contract even though he wasn't scoring that much, because of all of the other things that he brought to the table. They figured that with his raw tools he would have another gear to take making him almost statue material. Unfortunately after his big contract he went consistently downhill from year to year and was never worth the money.

In order to be the biggest disappointment, you have to have peoples hopes high, and AK did.
Darryl Dawkins.

There was so much hype when Chocolate Thunder joined the Jazz, then he lasted what ... three games?

I would also give honorable mention to Mel Turpin. Before Memo came along, Turpin was the best offensive center the Jazz ever had -- for his first 10 minutes of a game. And then minute 11 would come and he'd melt into a big pile of goo in the middle of the court.
Agree with Amaechi.

Kelly Tripucka was the biggest disappointment for me before him, although I blame Coach Layden for not being able to use his talents.
Andrei Kirilenko. He was THE answer after the Stockton to Malone era. So much that the Jazz gave him a max contract even though he wasn't scoring that much, because of all of the other things that he brought to the table. They figured that with his raw tools he would have another gear to take making him almost statue material. Unfortunately after his big contract he went consistently downhill from year to year and was never worth the money.

In order to be the biggest disappointment, you have to have peoples hopes high, and AK did.
Please stop repeating that BS nonsense about his contract and production.
Agree with Amaechi.

Kelly Tripucka was the biggest disappointment for me before him, although I blame Coach Layden for not being able to use his talents.

If we get to blame coaches, the I'd vote for Layden for what he did with Carey Scurry. I can remember a game against the Lakers when Scurry was killing the Lakers, then he got his fourth foul mid-way through the 3rd quarter and Layden put him on the bench for the rest of the game -- Jazz lost. Pat Riley made a point in the post-game interview of thanking Layden for not putting Scurry back in the game.