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hypotethical poll/discusion about favors kanter

So who would you take

  • Kanter

    Votes: 26 57.8%
  • Favors

    Votes: 14 31.1%
  • neither, i would go to the supermarket get me some cheese.

    Votes: 5 11.1%

  • Total voters
lets say for whatever reason jazz have to part with Favors or kanter.
the rest of the roster/coach is not important.

let me rephrase.
we are starting a team. we have no other players yet.
we have to choose between kanter and favors.

who would you choose.
considering salary would be equal.
This was a tough one. Kanter has a better overall game but Favors is a true defensive stud and those are hard to come by. I flipped and Kanter won.
I would probably say Kanter .. partly because I think we could also get more for Favors.
today I would take kanter.
kanter is imho the best big man on the jazz.

ofcourse if have already assembled a team and you would only be in need of 1 starting big. then depending on the 4 other players it could be either kanter/favors
Depends on if you believe on Favor's improving his offensive game a little or that Kanter will become less clueless on D.

Personally I am defense first sort of guy so I would start with Favors.
Kanter isn't clueless on D.

As of today, I'd choose Kanter. But of course I reserve the right to change my mind.
Decent defenders are hard to come by. Defenders like Favors are near extinct. It's much easier to find offensive players then defensive players of the caliber of Favors. Defense wins championships.
Kanter isn't clueless on D.

As of today, I'd choose Kanter. But of course I reserve the right to change my mind.

Next game watch him on D. He doesn't seem to read scouting reports. He appears to make bad rotations often. He has improved from completely clueless to just usually wrong.
Next game watch him on D. He doesn't seem to read scouting reports. He appears to make bad rotations often. He has improved from completely clueless to just usually wrong.
imho his defense looks amazing.
ofcourse when you watch big al for 43 minutes a night. you would think my grandmothers defense is above avg.

i just think kanters defensive "mistakes" are rookie mistakes.
bassically if you count the minutes played he is still a rook in my book
I'll take a defensive big over an offensive one any day! We already have one of those and look where it's taken us. I'm not saying Kanter is Al Jefferson on D, actually, it's not even close. Though neither is the comparison between Favors and Kanter on defense. Officer Favors!
to be honest it would come down to what kind of pg you had. if it was a quick pg that can break down defenses then favors. if not then kanter he has the better post up game.
I want the Jazz to package Favors into an All Star wing. Pipe dream, I know, but it would be the best way to build. As has been shown the last 3 summers, anyone can pick up a solid 4 in free agency.
Favors will be special guy on the defensive side with his lateral quickness and athletism but he will need someone next to him who has soft touch around the rim and midrange game to save his life to score. Because he can not prepare his position to score and his points come from offensive rebounding or p n r. Kanter needs defensive presence who has got lateral quickness and rotate earliest. But he demands double team even now to get stopped on the low block. Add his jumpers and offensive rebounds (He's 5th per 48 min) he's rare guy with offensive reputations at the age of 20 with so limited experience. So i believe his potential is more than Favors and it's more logical to have someone who can score in efficiency, grabs the rebounds well and tough. Also Kanter play either 4 or 5 due to opponent yet Favors is 5 to me. If we lose Favors ( I hope it never happens) such a guy like Dalembert may help but if we lose Kanter, you can not address true names easily.
to be honest it would come down to what kind of pg you had. if it was a quick pg that can break down defenses then favors. if not then kanter he has the better post up game.

This is the truth. If we get a good PG who can give Favors the ball in places he can succeed he will be very efficient offensively and of course his defense will be elite. This version of Favors where the coaching staff is trying to turn him into Al on the offensive side is failing.

If the team stays close to how it's currently constructed and we don't get a good PG I'll take Kanter 1,000 out of 1,000.
This is the truth. If we get a good PG who can give Favors the ball in places he can succeed he will be very efficient offensively and of course his defense will be elite. This version of Favors where the coaching staff is trying to turn him into Al on the offensive side is failing.

If the team stays close to how it's currently constructed and we don't get a good PG I'll take Kanter 1,000 out of 1,000.

Ain't no point guard going to help Favors not charge on the PnR. Guy is downright terrible at lateral movement around defenders (because he can't dribble two bounces in a row).
I want the Jazz to package Favors into an All Star wing. Pipe dream, I know, but it would be the best way to build. As has been shown the last 3 summers, anyone can pick up a solid 4 in free agency.

Disagree, we already have Burks, Hayward, and if Ty ever pulls his head out of his ***, Carroll, which is a good nucleus of wings. Wings are easier to find then elite defensive bigs.

However if I were a gm and another team came to me with an offer for their Allstar wing in exchange for Kanter I'd at least consider it, if that wing is a good scorer.