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50 Reasons Not To Go To BYU


Well-Known Member
Apparently this was news a couple days ago, but haven't seen anyone talk about it yet. Wes Welker (Denver Broncos WR) tweeted at a JC recruit, during the kids official visit to BYU, that he had 50 reasons to not go to BYU and the kid should go to Texas Tech instead.

Wes "Mantooth" (whose mother is a saint BTW) didn't actually give the reasons, so I figured we collectively should do it. I'll start.

1. The whole Mormon thing.
Not sure if it's changed, and they give a **** about students now, but the BYU off-campus housing office/racket.
Porn is bad, but raunchy romance novels are available at the library. For shame.
6. Having to deal with, for the rest of your life, people thinking you care at all about the Utah/BYU rivalry when they find out that's where you went.
6. Having to deal with, for the rest of your life, people thinking you care at all about the Utah/BYU rivalry when they find out that's where you went.

*** you infection! byu sucks you freaking zoob!

haha PAC 12 bish! Independence=nobody likes you!!

2 BCS wins to none mo' trucka!
Here's a cute one: scheduling an appointment with a pre-med advisor and have it be another undergraduate student who knows less about the process than you do.
I'm a Mormon, big time BYU fan, and there's no way in hell that I would want to go to BYU. I've told my kids that as long as they don't go to the U to play sports, I'll support them and buy the gear, etc. Even with my kids there, I don't think I could lower myself to the level of having Utah gear in my house.
I'm a Mormon, big time BYU fan, and there's no way in hell that I would want to go to BYU. I've told my kids that as long as they don't go to the U to play sports, I'll support them and buy the gear, etc. Even with my kids there, I don't think I could lower myself to the level of having Utah gear in my house.

So what does that mean? You think they are better off going to the U? Many more questions but I'll leave it at that.