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Archeologists find David's palace.

Some believe some don't. What I don't get is how either side could find the other dumb for their chosen belief system.
Messing with you for basically acting the exact way you are disagreeing with. Nothing proves a point like lowering yourself to their standards.

Fair enough. Well sorta. I guess. Just feel like you have to hit this guy over the head with a brick for him to understand some of these things.
Fair enough. Well sorta. I guess. Just feel like you have to hit this guy over the head with a brick for him to understand some of these things.

After so many hits I don't think Bean can learn anything else ever again, haha.
Links/examples? Atheists criticize the way the stories occurred or who actually caused some natural events. Not that the people/groups/cities never existed.

You really think atheists find the idea of Jerusalem, kingdoms, and wars as laughable? No. They don't necessarily believe all the stories and experiences of the people in these societies that are contained in the bible. Do you believe all the stories and miracles of Mohammad? The Buddha? etc.?

Examples please. Who has ever said something that is now disproved with this recent archaeological find?

Again, links to atheists criticizing the geography of the bible as laughable? Those generally aren't the things that atheists criticize.

This is a silly criticism of atheists. Even Mormon/Christian apologists/historians criticize many of the timelines laid out in the bible along with believing Christian/Jewish academics. Many will also admit that many of the books of the bible were not written when claimed. Are you saying that you believe the earth is only 6,000 years old then like the bible states? Or that the earth was created in 6 days? I mean, I can't imagine a believer like you would ever criticize the time frames stated in the Bible.

No, we read it. It just doesn't quite say that. You didn't talk about it "making anyone a believer," but you made a comment implying atheists are too dumb to understand basic history regardless of whether they are "Christian or believe in it spiritually." You said nothing about becoming a believer or religious. And then you used the word "hypocritically" in a way that doesn't make sense.

Again, links? Besides a 15 year old kid who believes he's smarter than everyone, please point me to credible books/articles that deny the historicity of the bible, its people, and its geography on the whole. Then, I will link you to Mormon articles by general authorities admitting errors in the book regarding timelines, geography, people, and events.

Link to atheists denying these places exist? Does anyone dispute that?

Your overall argument is like claiming that people who don't believe in the Doctrine and Covenants/writings of Joseph Smith are also dismissing him as a historical figure or the Mormon experience as a fairy tale. It seems atheists must somehow be amazed to learn Joseph Smith was a real person that really taught people and started a church. And that seeing the Nauvoo and Kirtland temples somehow validates the Mormon religion.

You are mischaracterizing atheist views either intentionally or unintentionally. You've created a strawman that isn't even convincing to the other believers here.

The irony of McGib completely dairy-queening BeanClown all thread long, is that McGib is LDS himself.

Dear Beantown,

As an atheist, I find it odd how so many people are in disbelief of my disbelief. As others have already noted almost everyone(excluding the Alltheist) rejects 90% of religious teaching. So please don't make comments that imply that I am stupid for not believing in your god.

I'm not going to try and convince you that there are flaws in the bible or that god doesn't exist because I respect your right to believe what you want. Please respect, mine.

P.S. I made up the term Alltheist
I don't believe in Albanian men. Never seen one.
I do, however, believe in the Easter bunny because I see it at the mall.
I don't believe in Albanian men. Never seen one.
I do, however, believe in the Easter bunny because I see it at the mall.

I'm thinking the Mall is the exact place you're likely to find a certain AlbaniCanadann boy.

Check HipstrsRus first.
I don't believe in Albanian men. Never seen one.
I do, however, believe in the Easter bunny because I see it at the mall.

You believe in the Easter bunny because you see a man dressed as one at the mall? That's strange.
Yo bros 'n moes.. I like to say dairy queening.. say it wit me??


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