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Best Hamburger

I like Arby's but I can count on waking up in the middle of the night with a gut ache after eating there. Fast food laxative.
I like Arby's but I can count on waking up in the middle of the night with a gut ache after eating there. Fast food laxative.


I don't think I have ever escaped Arby's without having some issue with my digestive system. Maybe there's something in the cheese or sauce that I'm allergic to or something?
**** you guys

Arbys haterz
I love Arby's and suffer nothing from it. When I have indigestion I go get a Wendy's burger. The more patties the better. Something about all that grease calms my stomach. It clogs my arteries, but I can't feel that so it's a good trade.
salt city bacon cheeseburger is pretty fantastic. Lucky 13 has done sexy burgers too
Troutbum introduced me to that stuff at one of Gameface's poker nights and I became addicted for several months.

It's been a long road to recovery and your selfish posting actions may have just triggered a re-lapse.

Lulz at you Western bishes just now tasting the Louisiana crack.
Does Arby's even actually serve meat? I always thought it was a meat-flavored processed food product. The (possibly) red meat equivalent of american cheese, if you will, or fake krab.

Stopped eating at Arby's several years ago when I found that it set off my IBS like nothing else. Maybe I used too much horsey sauce, who knows, but talk about explosive. Wow. I once made my wife come running to see what had happened, and it had painted the entire bowl and my *** brown. It was bad.
Does Arby's even actually serve meat? I always thought it was a meat-flavored processed food product. The (possibly) red meat equivalent of american cheese, if you will, or fake krab.

Stopped eating at Arby's several years ago when I found that it set off my IBS like nothing else. Maybe I used too much horsey sauce, who knows, but talk about explosive. Wow. I once made my wife come running to see what had happened, and it had painted the entire bowl and my *** brown. It was bad.

They have chicken too *******
One of the best I've ever had is at a place called Copper Creek. Their garlic burger with blue cheese crumbles is awesome. And they still cook your meat to your specifications. Of course nobody here has ever eaten at Copper Creek because it would mean lowering yourself to travel to the west side of the Salt Lake valley.
They have chicken too *******

No way, if their beef causes this many problems I don't want to think what they are doing with salmonella-laced fowl. Yurk.
One of the best I've ever had is at a place called Copper Creek. Their garlic burger with blue cheese crumbles is awesome. And they still cook your meat to your specifications. Of course nobody here has ever eaten at Copper Creek because it would mean lowering yourself to travel to the west side of the Salt Lake valley.

I love copper creek and go there at least twice per month.

Best blue bacon burger I have ever had.

No one but Franklin and I remember Brand X Hamburgers in Springville?

I've never had a burger come close to it. He did something with the seasonings... I don't know what! Kosher salt? Onion salt?

It has even made its way to Yahoo.com


Deseret News:

Thorn said she wasn't worried when a McDonald's opened recently across the street from her hamburger outlet. The competition from the super chain hasn't hurt Brand X at all, she said.

"We have been busier since they've been here," she said. "The kid's meals have even increased."

Thorn lives next to her business, making the commute to work short. "I've beat a path in that asphalt," she said, pointing at the small parking lot between Brand X and her home. She and her husband Bryce Thorn began Brand X with a blue truck they cooked burgers in. Bryce Thorn died 11 years ago; Deanna Thorn has been running the business since then.

"He said, 'We're going to do this, and we're going to be Brand X,' " Thorn said. " He said, 'We'll compete with anybody.' "

Bryce Thorn cleared the land, they parked the truck and began selling hamburgers. It cost the Thorns $1,300 to go into business, and they sold $35 worth of hamburgers the first day. The current building was opened in January of 1985.

"We've never from the day we opened been without customers," Thorn said.

The key to Brand X's success lies in two secret recipes for seasoning salt developed by Bryce Thorn. The salts are now prepared personally by Deanna Thorn in her kitchen; she is the only person who knows the recipes.

One seasoning salt is used on the meat, while the other is sprinkled on Brand X's fries and tater babies.


It went out of business because the wife quit/died and none of the kids wanted the business. It is a crime if that seasoning recipe dies with them....

I want it... I need it!!! MUST HAVES IT!!!

One of the biggest frustrations of my life has been a former missionary buddy of mine. He worked at Brand X before his mission. He told me that he was going to tell me about the seasonings. But he doesn't have Facebook. He has since gotten married and has moved on with his life.

Darn it Elder Willmore! I need you!!!

I would basically host a jazzfanz night out of I could get that recipe just to demonstrate to you folks of its greatness. Those of you who missed out? You seriously just missed out on the Lebron James/Michael Jordan of Hamburgers. That's why we need to crack this seasoning salt secret!
No one but Franklin and I remember Brand X Hamburgers in Springville?

It was one the staples of my childhood. Art City drive in movies with Brand X burgers. You ever tried contacting the people directly about the ingredients? I bet you could weasel it out of them. If they didn't care enough to keep the joint alive, how protective could they be?
It was one the staples of my childhood. Art City drive in movies with Brand X burgers. You ever tried contacting the people directly about the ingredients? I bet you could weasel it out of them. If they didn't care enough to keep the joint alive, how protective could they be?

I think I may try and do that. Any tips? I've never tried to get someone's secret recipe before.
I think I may try and do that. Any tips? I've never tried to get someone's secret recipe before.

They're probably still locals, right? What you're going to have to do is bring them some complimentary Big Macs to their doorstep and convince them to eat it. Then, when they run to the bathroom to puke it up, you go ransack the kitchen and find the recipe.