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I hate rapists...

Given the statistics I'd be stunned if there aren't victims that didn't report. I'd be further surprised if we didn't see some identified in the weeks and months ahead. This happens in virtually every serial rape case where once the dam bursts a whole flood of victims comes forward. We just saw this happen with Sandusky.


You are correct sir

Just how many women did this guy rape? Jeez! In just one week 3 additional women have come forward. And, I'm not sure the culture/religion has as much of an effect on reporting these rapes as the lack of evidence. One woman didn't pass the screening for lack of evidence. Doesn't mean it didn't happen still...

Perhaps lack of evidence is the #1 reason why rapes aren't reported?


Since his arrest last week, three additional women have stepped forward to accuse Gregory Peterson of attacking them, according to investigators.

Prosecutors in Salt Lake County actually screened cases of five women who claimed they were attacked by Peterson, but they declined to file charges involving one woman because of a lack of evidence.
I saw this on the news tonight as well. The Thriller should be, well, thrilled.

On the Facebook post I read the majority of the comments were about how it was good that Peterson wouldn't be a waste of taxpayer dollars. A few people expressed sympathy for the alleged victims and Peterson's family, but most were just glad to be rid of him.
I saw this on the news tonight as well. The Thriller should be, well, thrilled.

I'd never be thrilled with the death of anyone.

However, I would say that this appears to more likely than not, an admission of guilt. He took the chicken way out. All well. While he escaped earthly justice the more important sword of justice will soon appear. In that way, I feel really sorry for him although horrible to live through, he should have attempted (spent the rest of his life) to repent and change. He should have owned up to what he did instead of taking the coward way out. He seemed to always want to prevent folks from seeing what he really was. I guess being exposed as a rapist was just too much to handle.

Many are probably happy of the fact that taxpayer money won't be wasted on a trial, appeals process, and death penalty/lifetime prison costs. Consider me one of them, I guess. I really don't like rapists. I just wish our justice system was a lil more... Efficient...

"and thus we see that the devil will not support his children at the last day, but doth speedily drag them down to hell."

My questions are...

#1 How do the victims feel? Are they relieved? Happy? Do they feel robbed of justice?
#1a Do you think, in some messed up way, that the victims may actually feel guilt/feel responsible for this? Although, this would be an error in judgement for them, I could easily see women who might never quite get over their experiences with him blaming themselves in some twisted way for his suicide.
#2 What causes people to commit the crimes that he was accused of? Are there any common traits or patterns?
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On the Facebook post I read the majority of the comments were about how it was good that Peterson wouldn't be a waste of taxpayer dollars. A few people expressed sympathy for the alleged victims and Peterson's family, but most were just glad to be rid of him.

There are a lot of idiots on ksl...

Greg Ferran Him and Josh Powell are now neighbors!

Aaron Coltrin Rest in piss

Craig Petith Finally, some good news.

Rossa R-Malave One less pervert and one less GOP vote!

Rayanne Earl Reisner Too bad all the perverts in the world don't off themselves!! Save us taxpayers some money & help the victims cope with what happened to them.

Just a few gems there...

I laughed at this one... Ohhh politicians.. Stupid stupid...

Stephanie Maguire the question remaining is "was it legitimate or forcible" rape??????

Good ones:

Gardner Gee Maybe feeling bad for him and his victims are not mutually exclusive. Maybe we can be horrified by crimes and still hope for a criminal to be reformed-or better yet try to understand a criminal so we can understand how to prevent people from becoming criminals in the first place. Maybe we can recognize that punishment is only necessary as a deterrent-and punishment doesn't actually 'fix' the crimes done or give peace to victims. Maybe, just maybe we can recognize crime is a double tragedy-one in which victims lives are destroyed but that also destroys the criminal who is necessarily punished but who is also a human being who is loved by family and friends. Maybe if we can understand that we can live in a world where we focus more on compassion, love and preventing people from becoming criminals and reforming criminals and actually enjoy a world with less crime.

Bob Ulch the word that comes to mind is sad; sad that he let his life go on the direction it did, sad for his family and what they have gone through and are going through, sad for his victims and what they have had to endure, and sad that there seems to be no sense of compassion in our community.

Chris Homer I cannot even pretend to be surprised. This was one guy who was never going to be able to handle being outed for what he was, and took the cowardly way out. I always hate to see a life taken, but also wish his victims had the opportunity for their day in court.
I think rapists like thi guy deserve the death penalty. Same with any one involved with pedophilia. Death no second chances, no prison or counseling. They take you out back and cut you in half

I think the should get what they gave lol... you know like and eye for an eye... but instead he assulted and molesed a bunch of women so i agree with xsy i hope he gets a frsiky prison mate....

But the death pentally will work too, it seems a little to fast and emotionaly painless though...
I'd never be thrilled with the death of anyone.

However, I would say that this appears to more likely than not, an admission of guilt. He took the chicken way out. All well. While he escaped earthly justice the more important sword of justice will soon appear. In that way, I feel really sorry for him although horrible to live through, he should have attempted (spent the rest of his life) to repent and change. He should have owned up to what he did instead of taking the coward way out. He seemed to always want to prevent folks from seeing what he really was. I guess being exposed as a rapist was just too much to handle.

Many are probably happy of the fact that taxpayer money won't be wasted on a trial, appeals process, and death penalty/lifetime prison costs. Consider me one of them, I guess. I really don't like rapists. I just wish our justice system was a lil more... Efficient...

"and thus we see that the devil will not support his children at the last day, but doth speedily drag them down to hell."

My questions are...

#1 How do the victims feel? Are they relieved? Happy? Do they feel robbed of justice?
#1a Do you think, in some messed up way, that the victims may actually feel guilt/feel responsible for this? Although, this would be an error in judgement for them, I could easily see women who might never quite get over their experiences with him blaming themselves in some twisted way for his suicide.
#2 What causes people to commit the crimes that he was accused of? Are there any common traits or patterns?

You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.
"He should have attempted (spent the rest of his life) to repent and change." Not likely given the violence, pre-planning and number of his attacks. In fact, the next step up the ladder for him was probably killing one of his future victims if/when she resisted too much.

He deserved the death penalty and he got it. His victims testified against him during the investigation and have been spared going to court and having to see his sneering face. It was a surprise for him to get out on bail, but he finally did the right thing. In fact, if you believe what he did deserves the death penalty, a criminal taking his own life is about the only way to make that happen nowadays.
Gardner Gee Maybe feeling bad for him and his victims are not mutually exclusive. Maybe we can be horrified by crimes and still hope for a criminal to be reformed-or better yet try to understand a criminal so we can understand how to prevent people from becoming criminals in the first place. Maybe we can recognize that punishment is only necessary as a deterrent-and punishment doesn't actually 'fix' the crimes done or give peace to victims. Maybe, just maybe we can recognize crime is a double tragedy-one in which victims lives are destroyed but that also destroys the criminal who is necessarily punished but who is also a human being who is loved by family and friends. Maybe if we can understand that we can live in a world where we focus more on compassion, love and preventing people from becoming criminals and reforming criminals and actually enjoy a world with less crime.

I went to school with this guy, and I always liked him. I agree with everything he says here.
Poor poor rapist. I can't stand bleeding hearts who waste compassion on the scummiest people in society.

If you have been raped, had any close relative raped it doesn't matter why the perpetrator raped you/them, you just want them off the streets so they don't destroy the lives of other people. This guy gave the world a gift when he eliminated himself from society.
Poor poor rapist. I can't stand bleeding hearts who waste compassion on the scummiest people in society.

If you have been raped, had any close relative raped it doesn't matter why the perpetrator raped you/them, you just want them off the streets so they don't destroy the lives of other people. This guy gave the world a gift when he eliminated himself from society.

As usual, you show your amazing talent of being unbelievably slow. From the Department of Justice:

The average sentence for criminals convicted of rape in the United States (and released in 1992) is 117 months. The average time served is 65 months, which equates to 56 percent of the actual sentence served.

Old data, but likely still in the same ball park. The point is, most rapists are out of prison and back "on the streets" in 5 to 6 years. So, during those 5 to 6 years, you would rather have them be miserable, hate life, and get macked in the rear, right? As for me, I'd rather we focus on fixing whatever issues that person has, if possible, and try to mold him into a normal citizen who contributes to society. Tell you what, I'll take the second option as a neighbor. You can keep your option for your neighbor. Good luck. (although, you're so damn ugly I'm pretty sure if they threw you onto an island full of rapists who have had nothing but sodomy on the menu for a few months, they'd probably opt for the brown-round surprise.)
As usual, you show your amazing talent of being unbelievably slow. From the Department of Justice:

Old data, but likely still in the same ball park. The point is, most rapists are out of prison and back "on the streets" in 5 to 6 years. So, during those 5 to 6 years, you would rather have them be miserable, hate life, and get macked in the rear, right? As for me, I'd rather we focus on fixing whatever issues that person has, if possible, and try to mold him into a normal citizen who contributes to society. Tell you what, I'll take the second option as a neighbor. You can keep your option for your neighbor. Good luck. (although, you're so damn ugly I'm pretty sure if they threw you onto an island full of rapists who have had nothing but sodomy on the menu for a few months, they'd probably opt for the brown-round surprise.)

Damnit Trout! Leave PearlWatson alone and stop getting banned!