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Food for thought


Well-Known Member
Don't take this the wrong way mods and administrators, but I have something to say about the quality of this site.

In general, I like reading the stuff here, and I like posting here. But over the last few months, I have come to enjoy it quite a lot less. I could be wrong, but I think this is a general trend in a lot of posters here, as the site seems to have moved from talking about basketball to personal attacks and joking more than anything.

I do not know the root of all the problems, but the one complaint I do have is that I feel like the management sometimes has an attitude like "if you don't like it, take your lame *** somewhere else, we don't need your stupid **** here."

I understand that the site needs to have rules, and that the rules have consequences as well. Enforcing rules like an adult, in a civil and professional manner without personal attacks would go a long way towards placating a lot of the rule breakers, thus cutting out a lot of work for mods and administrators.

Maybe in the future just think about listening to some concerns before saying offhand comments like "and two shots were not given" or making trivial comments about grammar/usage when arguments and concerns are brought up. Moderators treating users like criminals is a serious concern. I would posit that most people who post regularly on this site do not wish to relive their middle school days.

If the goal is to have a popular site that brings Jason a bit of fun or money, then you ought to listen a little more to those who have the power to make it more popular, the user and the customer.
So PKM goes in to semi-botched-retirement and everybody starts pontificating about the state of the board? Hilarious.

It's the jazzfanz version of the film industry: the economy is bad, so there'll be a lot of films about the end of the world.
I'm afraid of Saul. I fear that if I do smth wrong, he might track my *** down in Turkey and send me to dance to the jailhouse rock.
[size/HUGE] fixed [/size];748149 said:
So PKM goes in to semi-botched-retirement and everybody starts pontificating about the state of the board? Hilarious.

It's the jazzfanz version of the film industry: the economy is bad, so there'll be a lot of films about the end of the world.

I have actually been thinking about this since before Christmas. But then again, the overall crappiness of the board probably has a lot to do with the crappy basketball product we watch most nights more than anything.
I have actually been thinking about this since before Christmas. But then again, the overall crappiness of the board probably has a lot to do with the crappy basketball product we watch most nights more than anything.

dude, the board has been declining for a while. Like, before you were ever around. I'm glad you've notice the trends in your time here.
Talking about how the site is going downhill makes it go downhill even faster to me. No one's going to be able to control how others post (except through reporting and moderating) so the best thing is to focus on doing the best job you can as an individual poster. Also, encourage what you determine as 'good' posting, and don't respond to 'bad' posting. Snapping one's fingers or writing a soliloquy isn't going to change anybody's behavior on an internet forum imo.
Someone quantify decline for me.

What makes this board great are the personal stories. If you want to improve it then start a thread about how you ripped your door off backing out of your garage or how you're going to drink a handle of whiskey in one night or how you hunt artifacts in Southern Utah or how you run cattle on the west desert.

To the fighting -- the feuds have been one of the best story lines for years. Keep 'em going.
Someone quantify decline for me.

What makes this board great are the personal stories. If you want to improve it then start a thread about how you ripped your door off backing out of your garage or how you're going to drink a handle of whiskey in one night or how you hunt artifacts in Southern Utah or how you run cattle on the west desert.

To the fighting -- the feuds have been one of the best story lines for years. Keep 'em going.

I think the feuds are great. People getting banned because moderators get offended is a weird situation though.
Nah, it's nothing to worry about to be honest.

There's less basketball talk because we don't know what the FO is doing. Are we tanking? Are we not tanking? Who knows?

If we're tanking - what's there to talk about? Guys won't be playing to the best of their abilities anyway so there's no need to discuss players' performance right?

And if we're not tanking - well do we really want to talk about who we'll get in the draft between Vonleh, GRIII and Garry Harris? Not after we had our hopes up about getting Jabari, Wiggins, Embiid and Randle.

UGLI has boycotted basketball talk for nearly 2 months now until we start tanking seriously - and for good reasons.
Someone quantify decline for me.

What makes this board great are the personal stories. If you want to improve it then start a thread about how you ripped your door off backing out of your garage or how you're going to drink a handle of whiskey in one night or how you hunt artifacts in Southern Utah or how you run cattle on the west desert.

To the fighting -- the feuds have been one of the best story lines for years. Keep 'em going.
You son of a bitch.
Nah, it's nothing to worry about to be honest.

There's less basketball talk because we don't know what the FO is doing. Are we tanking? Are we not tanking? Who knows?

If we're tanking - what's there to talk about? Guys won't be playing to the best of their abilities anyway so there's no need to discuss players' performance right?

And if we're not tanking - well do we really want to talk about who we'll get in the draft between Vonleh, GRIII and Garry Harris? Not after we had our hopes up about getting Jabari, Wiggins, Embiid and Randle.

UGLI has boycotted basketball talk for nearly 2 months now until we start tanking seriously - and for good reasons.

I have never seen him talk about basketball before those 2 months. Except for the Hawks pajamas.
I have never seen him talk about basketball before those 2 months. Except for the Hawks pajamas.


I talk ball a little, it just seems like after a little while everything has been dissected enough to where there is nothing new to add to the conversation.

Btw, what did you call me in your post? The most ******** around??

on the app. square bizness.

I talk ball a little, it just seems like after a little while everything has been dissected enough to where there is nothing new to add to the conversation.

Btw, what did you call me in your post? The most ******** around??

on the app. square bizness.
I called you both funny and butt hole because you be that many times against people. Funny when joke's on someone else. Butt hole when joke's on me.

I talk ball a little, it just seems like after a little while everything has been dissected enough to where there is nothing new to add to the conversation.

Btw, what did you call me in your post? The most ******** around??

on the app. square bizness.

You're plenty smart in that way.
I don't think the board has been in decline. Everyone's individual interest ebbs and flows and sometimes the posters you like to interact with post less or the subjects you like talking about fall to the back burner or whatever and your left with what you consider garbage and trolling. I think everything is good. I think the moderation is reasonable. I actually think they let way more go now than they did years ago. I think people are getting banned less often then they did years ago. Mod-hate is popular at the moment but it has happened before. No biggie.