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Summer League Conclusions

I think people are too hard on Exum. During the summer league when evaluating really young players you have to look for single plays, flashes of something special. Their overall game is going to hurt because the competition level is just so much higher then when he's used too, the games are chaotic, and its hard to adjust.

Exums passes to the bigs in the paint were amazing. He will get a few assists a game off of those plays and no other play maker on the team is capable of those kinds of passes. You put Kanter and Favors at the other end of those passes and they are automatic two points.

He also showed that unreal first step. Once he figures out how to really utilize angles a little better he is going to be impossibly to keep him out of the paint.

I'm MORE optimistic about exum after the summer league then I was going into it. Yes, he has a TOOON to work on but he has a few elite abilities that have be really excited.

The official Twitter account states the game's live on Nba tv. Enough of this broadcasting ****...

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Their depth is one of the Spurs biggest strengths. Because Utah really does want to model themselves in that team-oriented manner, I can easily see more players getting quality minutes through the whole season. This will allow the team to stay fresh despite playing at a frantic pace and running despite the altitude.

One silent and probably unintentional consequence of such an approach is that less minutes per player lower the physical stress of the 82 game season. I think players will be less fatigued from that type of minute distribution and rotation, which will have a positive impact in team injuries. Most basketball injuries are stress related from repeating movements and motions over, and over again. Using more players in your rotation helps to lower those types of injuries.

My football team uses the same principles to help lower or eliminate injuries due to fatigue.

Good point on the injury prevention. Spurs are generally the freshest team heading into the playoffs because they rest players. I thought it was absurd when the league fined them for doing so.

But I'm calling it right now: if Hayward's minutes go down and his per game points, rbds and assists don't go up, the haters are going to flood the board with "told you so" posts. No one on SA averaged > 30 mins last season: Parker, Duncan and Leonard were all at 29 mins during the regular season. Six others were between 19-25 mins. Do individual stats suffer a bit because of that? Yes, they do. Parker at 16.7 pts/per was their leading scorer. Unbelievable! Would you really say Parker was a #1 option? I'm not so sure SA had defined "options."
Well, one full year and another summer league. I will admit his 30%/14% as a sophomore in summer league is much better than last. Why, at his rate of improvement, he may actually look like an NBA-ready shooter by 2020!

I just see two lead guards who can't play together in the backcourt. Which one do you keep as the PGOTF: the one who will always be short and slow and has not shown any promise as a shooter, or the one with lightning quick speed, great BBIQ and instincts (by what we hear from the GM and coach) who is extremely tall for the position and fast enough to be a good defender?

Lol, yes he has sucked as a shooter but there is more to NBA ball then that and he has made strides in those other areas. His leadership, passing, D...all looks better. Plus he was always fairly good at not turning the ball over.

Basically Burke is a mixed bag. Obvious problems but some good points as well. I am happy that we have him and hope he continues to improve.
I think people are too hard on Exum. During the summer league when evaluating really young players you have to look for single plays, flashes of something special. Their overall game is going to hurt because the competition level is just so much higher then when he's used too, the games are chaotic, and its hard to adjust.

Great points.

Exums passes to the bigs in the paint were amazing. He will get a few assists a game off of those plays and no other play maker on the team is capable of those kinds of passes. You put Kanter and Favors at the other end of those passes and they are automatic two points.

That's been my frustration after every game. He would have been sitting with 6+ assists every game but everyone was sturggling to finish the easy shots that he was being set up with.

He also showed that unreal first step. Once he figures out how to really utilize angles a little better he is going to be impossibly to keep him out of the paint.

You could tell from his play that he was soaking it all in. He played very conservative IMO. Once his understanding of the offense increases you'll see him perform even better.

I'm MORE optimistic about exum after the summer league then I was going into it. Yes, he has a TOOON to work on but he has a few elite abilities that have be really excited.

Is TOOON the Australian version of ton?

Also, Exum's shooting was much more concerning then I previously believed. I really hope that he gets a lot of attention working in that over the next few months. If he has a shot that has to be respected, then watch out.
Great points.

That's been my frustration after every game. He would have been sitting with 6+ assists every game but everyone was sturggling to finish the easy shots that he was being set up with.

You could tell from his play that he was soaking it all in. He played very conservative IMO. Once his understanding of the offense increases you'll see him perform even better.

Is TOOON the Australian version of ton?

Also, Exum's shooting was much more concerning then I previously believed. I really hope that he gets a lot of attention working in that over the next few months. If he has a shot that has to be respected, then watch out.

I agree that his assist numbers will improve when he has the O down and he has better talent around him. Also I have liked the effort on D. I think his conditioning has affected his shot. It will improve once he is in 5,500 ft above sealevel shape. Having said that he still needs to work on it and improve it even more than being fresh will do.
I agree that his assist numbers will improve when he has the O down and he has better talent around him. Also I have liked the effort on D. I think his conditioning has affected his shot. It will improve once he is in 5,000 ft shape. Having said that he still needs to work on it and improve it even more than being fresh will do.

His defense was better then I expected. He got called for some questionable fouls against SA. He was staying in front of his man but the whistle was still being blown against him.
Good point on the injury prevention. Spurs are generally the freshest team heading into the playoffs because they rest players. I thought it was absurd when the league fined them for doing so.

But I'm calling it right now: if Hayward's minutes go down and his per game points, rbds and assists don't go up, the haters are going to flood the board with "told you so" posts. No one on SA averaged > 30 mins last season: Parker, Duncan and Leonard were all at 29 mins during the regular season. Six others were between 19-25 mins. Do individual stats suffer a bit because of that? Yes, they do. Parker at 16.7 pts/per was their leading scorer. Unbelievable! Would you really say Parker was a #1 option? I'm not so sure SA had defined "options."
And I'm not so sure that Utah will either. In a league that is dominated by the Superstar player, it's refreshing to see some teams take a step back and focus on building a winning team. Superstars still have a role to play, but I'd much rather be where the Jazz are right now than where Houston is. Their relentless pursuit of a third superstar has probably mucked up the window of opportunity to be successful with the two that they currently have. I'd rather have two stars and a slew of talented players around them, than mortgage the present and future to try to add another one.

Now that the Big 3 in Miami forced the owners to push for reform through the CBA, I think that's the type of team that will be most successful moving forward. A good combination of star players, quality role players around them and young players on cheap contracts (or veterans for minimum contracts) providing the depth.
I'll start off by saying I rate guys tough but fair. I know it's just summer league and their chemistry is next to nothing but that's not a huge "excuse" for me. Many guys have kicked *** in SL and there's no reason our guys couldn't either.

Burke looks clearly better. Way better defensively which is huge. Calmer, in control and clearly more comfortable running things. His lack of athleticism/size still concerns me but I like the development I've seen so far. His shots didn't fall but he didn't exactly have a cast of offensive studs out there with him. Overall, I'd rate him a B-/C+. Defensively, I'd give him an A- but offensively, his shooting and inability to do whatever he wants on the court vs. SL guys concerns me.

Gobert looked good. How good was he really considering the competition, I don't know. But I'd be surprised if he didn't play virtually every game he's healthy and get at least 11 minutes a game this year. To me, a lot of that will depend on Kanter and how well he buys in. Early on though, if Rudy continues to look strong in camp and in pre-season, I'm playing Gobert about 12-16 minutes a night in two 6-8 minute increments, if I'm Quin. If he plays solidly, maybe he can play more or dare I say it, supplant Kanter in the starting lineup if the latter looks lazy in defense. That doesn't mean he would be a 30 minute/night starter. But perhaps he could play as much as 24 minutes if things fall right. I doubt it though and expect more like 12-14 minutes per. Overall, I'd give him a B+. He still needs to go up quickly and aggressively as soon as he gets that ball within three feet of the rim. He's too long not to. His free throw shooting is also obviously a concern but his form is very good imo which leaves me hopeful.

I'm crazy about Hood. Admittedly, I have no idea how he did on defense in the SL. My eyes tend to wander. But offensively, he was our best player imo. The game two 7/10 was scary. But so was his obvious ability to drive to the hoop and score from within seven feet in multiple ways. I was impressed. I said in another thread that the way he drives, stops at about seven feet out, pivots, and makes a move (he has a few different ones), all so quickly and confidently, reminds me a ton of Richard Hamilton. Different sizes and physiques, yes, but that hard plant, pivot, spin move is almost identical to Rip. I know the league's going against this but I'd actually love to see us march out a big lineup of Exum, Hood, Novak, Booker, Gobert some this year. Overall, I'd rate Hood an A- and I only say an A- because I have no idea how he was on defense. Maybe he deserves higher.

And Mr. Exum. Honestly, I don't know what to think. Once we won the coin flip with Boston, I texted PKM and told him I wanted Exum (who I thought would be there) and Early. And now that we have the former, I'm excited. But his shooting worries me. Really worries me. I do have confidence that Quin, and as an extension of him, his staff, will work with the kid on his shooting (he seems too loose in his shot as if he almost flips it up imo) but right now, it's a monstrous concern to me. The form isn't Ronnie Brewer bad but Ronnie at least seemed to set up well on his shots. Exum just sort of awkwardly tosses or flips them up. I'm excited, don't get me wrong. But if this seems to be a major issue this year, we need to literally throw 1M+ at Engelland next off-season. Whatever it takes to be honest. We can't wait two or three seasons for the kid to be 21-22 to try to get an "expert" to work with him. We need someone as soon as possible. But we'll see how the season progresses. Either way, his quickness, speed, length, iq, passing, rebounding (for his position), and defensive potential has me very excited. But his shooting's a major work in progress as is his body. He's lean which wouldn't worry me so much if he seemed to absorb contact or play through it confidently. He did so at times but not often in SL. I think two to three years of consistent lifting with trainers (Grover still?) will help him a ton here but even if he gets stronger, he needs to play stronger. I'd give him a B-/C+ here just like Burke but for different reasons. His pros and cons have already been mentioned. I'd like to give him a B because he hasn't played so much lately from what we know but man, his shooting from everywhere on the court (FT included), conditioning, and semi-lack of physicality/aggressiveness to a lesser degree are all concerns. Again, I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt but against SL guys, he should've had more "moments."

I don't necessarily disagree with any of this, but let me say a few additional things about Exum:

Does San Antonio rely on Tony Parker's shooting? No. And this was more true of the young Parker. His main contribution on offense (over alllll these years) is to get north-to-south really quickly; in the half-court, he is supposed to get by the perimeter defenders and then pass (he's brought the hockey assist to the NBA). In Tony's rookie season he played 29.4 minutes a game and attempted only 8.3 shots per game. In other words, he was given a limited role, and those limits were entirely determined by what he could do well. His role expanded from there.*

Snyder will do something similar with Dante. He should be able to penetrate and kick as well as play solid defense. He could score fewer than 10 points per game while shooting 40% and 30% and still have a successful rookie season.

BTW, Parker only attempted two free throws per game as a rookie. I think Dante could have an identical role and shoot something like 7.

All told, I hope Dante is given a short list of things to do. And that the list is determined by his strengths. I'm absolutely certain his shooting percentages will be poor this year, but I still think that he can contribute AND, ULTIMATELY, SCORE MORE POINTS THAN THE NUMBER OF SHOTS HE TAKES.

*Everything I just wrote reminds me so painfully of the hatchet job that Corbin & Co did in the evolution of Burks. ****.
Good point on the injury prevention. Spurs are generally the freshest team heading into the playoffs because they rest players. I thought it was absurd when the league fined them for doing so.

But I'm calling it right now: if Hayward's minutes go down and his per game points, rbds and assists don't go up, the haters are going to flood the board with "told you so" posts. No one on SA averaged > 30 mins last season: Parker, Duncan and Leonard were all at 29 mins during the regular season. Six others were between 19-25 mins. Do individual stats suffer a bit because of that? Yes, they do. Parker at 16.7 pts/per was their leading scorer. Unbelievable! Would you really say Parker was a #1 option? I'm not so sure SA had defined "options."
I'm calling it right now: If Hayward averages < 30 mpg, all of his stats decline, and the Jazz win a championship like the Spurs did, I guarantee you won't see any "told you so" posts.
People see the warts in Exum's game in this year's Las Vegas Summer League, but seem to forget how horrible Trey was in last year's Orlando Summer League yet it had almost no bearing on how he played in the regular season.
Also, lol at anybody saying Exum couldn't have played worse. I realize it's hyperbole, but c'mon people...
[size/HUGE] fixed [/size];875903 said:
I don't necessarily disagree with any of this, but let me say a few additional things about Exum:

Does San Antonio rely on Tony Parker's shooting? No. And this was more true of the young Parker. His main contribution on offense (over alllll these years) is to get north-to-south really quickly; in the half-court, he is supposed to get by the perimeter defenders and then pass (he's brought the hockey assist to the NBA). In Tony's rookie season he played 29.4 minutes a game and attempted only 8.3 shots per game. In other words, he was given a limited role, and those limits were entirely determined by what he could do well. His role expanded from there.*

Snyder will do something similar with Dante. He should be able to penetrate and kick as well as play solid defense. He could score fewer than 10 points per game while shooting 40% and 30% and still have a successful rookie season.

BTW, Parker only attempted two free throws per game as a rookie. I think Dante could have an identical role and shoot something like 7.

All told, I hope Dante is given a short list of things to do. And that the list is determined by his strengths. I'm absolutely certain his shooting percentages will be poor this year, but I still think that he can contribute AND, ULTIMATELY, SCORE MORE POINTS THAN THE NUMBER OF SHOTS HE TAKES.

*Everything I just wrote reminds me so painfully of the hatchet job that Corbin & Co did in the evolution of Burks. ****.

Solid post. I'll add a couple thoughts. Parker's always had solid form on his shot. Exum's is shaky. Quite shaky. The flip/toss form without having his feet set real well is disconcerting. However, the flip/toss release action reminds me a bit of Kawhi Leonard. Kawhi is much more deliberate and set when he shoots but this leaves me hopeful. Additionally, Parker, as you mentioned, goes north/south so damn quickly in the half court offense. I haven't seen this from Exum. He goes around guys but not so much north/south. He goes more a wider angle, often from one side, not in the middle of the court or close to the middle, that is inline with the hoop. That said, for a guy who just turned 19, I'm nit-picking here and have patience and am hopeful that Exum's drive and foundation will be the determining factors in his high level of success.
[size/HUGE] fixed [/size];875903 said:
*Everything I just wrote reminds me so painfully of the hatchet job that Corbin & Co did in the evolution of Burks. ****.

The more I see from these players during SL, the more hat the Corbin era. He honestly set this team back a few years and might have even prevented some players from reaching their full potential.
I think Exum's worst moments have been in 3d and 4th quarters, and his best moments have been in the first quarter. I think this is worth pointing out in light of his obviously bad conditioning and how it correlates to his level of performance. This is the easiest thing to work on and is fixable in a single pre-season training camp. His strength is another thing he needs to work on. In some moments he seemed like a kid among men trying to fight screens. His shot need serious work, as well as his left hand handle, but all those are fixable if he has the determination and will to excel and succeed(something we've heard he's actually exceptional at).

What worries me, though, is his lack of aggression. I think he was somewhat scared to get physical and he was hesitant to attack the rim. At first I thought it was unselfishness when instead of attacking he would just dish to a teammate, but in the last several games it looks more and more like he's actually avoiding the aggressive plays. I don't know if this is fixable or if he adds some strength to his frame would make him more comfortable attacking the rim and getting into the paint.
The more I see from these players during SL, the more hat the Corbin era. He honestly set this team back a few years and might have even prevented some players from reaching their full potential.

I think it's a clean slate for Favors, Kanter, Hayward, Burks, Burke and Gobert. He held them back for sure, but there's no reason they can't all embrace what Quin Snyder brings to the table and improve leaps and bounds moving forward.
I think it's a clean slate for Favors, Kanter, Hayward, Burks, Burke and Gobert. He held them back for sure, but there's no reason they can't all embrace what Quin Snyder brings to the table and improve leaps and bounds moving forward.

Will they grow by leaps and bounds? I certainly believe that. I still wonder if Corbin has permanently hurt some of these players. Only time will tell.
People see the warts in Exum's game in this year's Las Vegas Summer League, but seem to forget how horrible Trey was in last year's Orlando Summer League yet it had almost no bearing on how he played in the regular season.

I disagree. Burke's inability to get to the FT line and poor shooting absolutely translated to the regular season.

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To quote Homer Simpson, it's just a bunch of stuff that happened.