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2020 Presidential election

I’m just glad Bernie was there. I don’t know if many who could’ve had a heart attack and looked as good as he did. I thought Bernie did his thing. He always makes a lot of sense and stays on message. He’s very disciplined and articulates well his message. If he were to be the nominee I’d enthusiastically vote for him. I just don’t think he’s got enough support to be electable. Hope I’m wrong, I really like him and I thought he looked good last night.

He had enough support the last time around but, superdelegates...
You know what all this virtue signaling and promoting socialism is right? You arent just anti-Trump. You are....you guessed it, a - EL I Bee E ARE A EL. Lmao. Busted

So your logic is that because I don't think all poor people are lazy, that makes me a liberal. Check the "most idiotic thing said on the internet box" -- you win again!!

It really doesn't bother me that you call me a liberal, since I like many liberals and they are good and fine people. It just makes you look dumber all the time, since you never have any evidence to back up your claim.

You really need to stop shadow boxing, lying about what people have said and framing them into your argument.
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You know what all this virtue signaling and promoting socialism is right?

Yes, but apparently you don't.

Virtue signaling is the conspicuous expression of moral values.

For example, if someone were to say "If you cant afford a baby, why are you having one?" that person would be conspicuously expressing their moral value that only rich people should have children and poor people who have children are morally deficient.

On the other hand, someone who posts that wealth does not necessarily signal that a person works harder would be the opposite of virtue signaling, especially if it came from someone who is not poor.

Your notion that conservatives do not virtue signal is simply hilarious.
So you are lazy? You told me once you pay more in taxes than I make.

It was in response to you telling me that I always had my hand out and was living off the government like all liberals do. I couldn't resist the temptation to again expose your foolishness, although I do regret posting that since the amount of money people make is completely irrelevant to their worth as a human being, as I tell my kids all the time. You probably think that is a liberal idea, so go on and spout further nonsense.
He had enough support the last time around but, superdelegates...

People really need to stop using Donald Trump’s talking points. Trump made this claim too. It’s false:

Trump tweeted, "An analysis showed that Bernie Sanders would have won the Democratic nomination if it were not for the Super Delegates."

This does not check out. Sanders would have still lost without superdelegates in the mix, because Clinton won a majority of the popular vote and pledged delegates

Bernie needs to become more popular if he wants to be the nominee. He didn’t do it in 2016 and he doesn’t appear to be doing it now. Was he a pleasant surprise in 2016? Absolutely. Has he won the messaging war? Yes, he’s clearly moved the party to the left. But he’s never been the most popular candidate; which is necessary to become the party’s nominee.

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People really need to stop using Donald Trump’s talking points. Trump made this claim too. It’s false:

Bernie needs to become more popular if he wants to be the nominee. He didn’t do it in 2016 and he doesn’t appear to be doing it now. Was he a pleasant surprise in 2016? Absolutely. Has he won the messaging war? Yes, he’s clearly moved the party to the left. But he’s never been the most popular candidate; which is necessary to become the party’s nominee.


Again this isn’t a popularity contest, we’re not in High School. This is, or should be anyway, a policy contest. Also it is solely a Trump talking point, riiiiiight. Try harder man.
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Again this isn’t a popularity contest, we’re not in High School. This is, or should be anyway, a policy contest. Also it is solely a Trump talking point, riiiiiight. Try harder man.

I don’t make the rules.

In order to get the party’s nomination you need to win the popularity contest. Bernie didn’t get that in 2016 and blaming it on “superdelegates” is false.
If this doesn't get liberals' riled up, I'm not sure what will...

Hey nice to see ya bud! Thought you deplorable quit Jazzfanz after seeing your buddy’s approval ratings go into the crapper.

This aged well:

Senator Johnson tells us that Donald denied that Ukrainian aid was held up to pursue an investigation into the Bidens.

Today, Mulvaney admits that Ukrainian aid was held up to pursue an investigation into the Bidens:

I love how you have gone silent these days. Just shows how bad you know it is for your boy. Sorry if this post triggers you
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Why you gotta be a dick Log? Does it earn you brownie points with the mob?
Even that little bit was enough to feed the troll. Wow.

You are exactly the same kind of troll as thriller. 2 sides of the same coin.
Hey nice to see ya bud! Thought you deplorable quit Jazzfanz after seeing your buddy’s approval ratings go into the crapper.

This aged well:

Senator Johnson tells us that Donald denied that Ukrainian aid was held up to pursue an investigation into the Bidens.

Today, Mulvaney admits that Ukrainian aid was held up to pursue an investigation into the Bidens:

Squirm @Catchall squirm. I love how you have gone silent these days. Just shows how bad you know it is for your boy. Sorry if this post triggers you

Let's talk about Biden's quid pro quo instead.

Why do you look the other way for Democrats? Weird

When do the trumpy sycophants learn? They march out, carry the flag, then run away red faced when the lie is revealed. Must be the most humiliating experience. It reminds me of when Clinton sent his staff out to deny the lewinski affair. Here we have Clinton slime on speed, steroids and meth.
Even that little bit was enough to feed the troll. Wow.

You are exactly the same kind of troll as thriller. 2 sides of the same coin.

Thriller is not a troll. He's just trying to keep up with Trump and it's nearly impossible.
How about the New York Times and CNN(who sponsor the Democratic debates) smearing Tulsi Gabbard as working with Russia.

Lmao. Oh my god. What a ****ing joke.

Also smearing her having support from "white nationalists"

Does this this sound familiar? Really, how retarded are the people the left are targeting? They actually think they can just push the exact same nonsense they are doing to Trump.

I am just amazed at how gullible so many people are. Absolutely astounding.

This is just embarrassing. I am so embarrassed for the human race. I always wondered how Hitler convinced so many people to do such despicable things. Now I know. Its extremely easy to use propaganda and have it be effective. Just a bunch of mindless zombies running around parroting what they are told. I also wonder how is it that so many of these scam phone calls just keep coming. How do they stay in business. Now I know why. While I am shaking my head wondering who the hell is falling for this stuff, apparently a lot of people are.

So many people out there cant spot the BS. Sad
I’ve never seen such persecution complex. Poor Johnson. He stuck his neck out, he knows because trump vehemently denies it, then trumps chief of staff confesses. Ouchy ouch ouch.