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Game Thread Nov 23, 2022 07:00PM MT: Jazz vs. Pistons

Added to Calendar: 11-23-22

We had too many dumb turnovers and left too many wide open 3s this game. Overall poor decision making towards the end of the game. There were some rough calls but that isnt the reason we lost. After that no call elbow we got the ball back and we needed to get a basket. We needed to a basket in the final minutes from Clarksons layup to cut it to 3 we made 0 baskets for 3 minutes until the game was over and then we hit a couple shots that didnt matter. You cant win games having 3+ min scoring droughts in the final of a close game.
Pretty stoked for this loss. Hopefully we are seeing the beginning of a nice backslide.
We had too many dumb turnovers and left too many wide open 3s this game. Overall poor decision making towards the end of the game. There were some rough calls but that isnt the reason we lost. After that no call elbow we got the ball back and we needed to get a basket. We needed to a basket in the final minutes from Clarksons layup to cut it to 3 we made 0 baskets for 3 minutes until the game was over and then we hit a couple shots that didnt matter. You cant win games having 3+ min scoring droughts in the final of a close game.

We took bad shots down the stretch. Had 15 turnovers to their 7 and they scored 26 points off of our turnovers. Hard to overcome that. Plus they had ****ing bums like Kevin Knox hitting 6 threes which he’s literally never done in his career.
We took bad shots down the stretch. Had 15 turnovers to their 7 and they scored 26 points off of our turnovers. Hard to overcome that. Plus they had ****ing bums like Kevin Knox hitting 6 threes which he’s literally never done in his career.
Even bums left wide open in the NBA will hit their shots. Thats on us not him getting lucky.
We took bad shots down the stretch. Had 15 turnovers to their 7 and they scored 26 points off of our turnovers. Hard to overcome that. Plus they had ****ing bums like Kevin Knox hitting 6 threes which he’s literally never done in his career.
It's funny, for how badly we played I felt like we were still on a winning trajectory up until the joke officiating went up an extra notch.

When was our first FT attempt again? 3rd quarter?
Well the pistons record is bad but they were missing Burks for most of the season. Since he has returned from injury they have been much better. Hard to expect the jazz, or any team, to beat a Burks led team.
Knox had a career night. Livers, Bogey, Burks, Bagley too.They all played great but still wouldn’t have beat us if the refs hadn’t created such a disparity in calls.
I blame the refs so rarely (hell I was defending them last game).

The refs took us out of this game.
It was so inconsistent. Hardy needs to get a tech… he should have challenged the KO block out of spite. They don’t reverse it and we send a side by side with the THT one to the league.
Some of the disorganization is Mike not playing but man Lauri really should have been able to eat… get Bogey or Bagley on him and it should be BBQ chicken.
It was so inconsistent. Hardy needs to get a tech… he should have challenged the KO block out of spite. They don’t reverse it and we send a side by side with the THT one to the league.
KO got charged over like a rag doll. Lauri got elbowed in the face. Really infuriating.

Yes the turnovers and bad shot selection down the stretch also killed them too.
Even bums left wide open in the NBA will hit their shots. Thats on us not him getting lucky.
FWIW I see guys miss wide open threes literally every game. Hell, Malike Beasley had one tonight with no one near him and missed. Knox could be left wide open all game in the next game the pistons played and he likely doesn't shoot as well as he did tonight. It was bad defense and also a guy shooting better than he normally does even when open.
We've now lost 5 of our last 7 games. Is the magic over?
No, but we are slumping a little bit. All of those 5 losses were very close, which gives me more hope that the team is okay. We are also missing one of our best players in Conley. We have 2 more rough road games. But after that we have a long home stand were I think this team will get more practice time and rest. Hopefully we get a decent record during that and get back on track. If not we might need to think about roster adjustments and trajectory for winning.