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2020 Presidential election

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Pete strikes me as extremely opportunistic/phony though, probably bottom of the current top 4 for me.

This. 100 times.

Also, homosexuality is a huge anchor on anyone’s campaign. For all the focus that Harris’s campaign received for being a black woman, it’s interesting how little attention mayor Pete’s electability is receiving. IMHO, being a black woman is a smaller obstacle to overcome than being a married gay man. Although, I haven’t conducted nor seen any Recent polling on this. I’m just going with history. Yet we never hear about how Pete’s homosexuality plays among key demographics like blacks, high school educated whites, and suburban women.

My take:
1. Is Pete talented and intelligent person? Yes.
2. Does he have a future in politics? Probably.
3. Does he have the credentials to be president? He’s one of the least qualified and least experienced candidates out there. Biden was a Senator and VP. Booker, Harris, Klobachar, Sanders, and Warren are all senators. Several others have been representatives and governors. Pete was a mayor of a tiny town.
4. Is he mostly an opportunist attempting to scoop up moderates from Biden? What’s his vision for the future? No clue. He seems to be merely an opportunist who’s trying to scoop up Biden’s supporters if/when he drops out.

IMHO, Booker and Klobachar are better moderates and are much more electable. Klobachar might actually be a top 2-3 politician yet for whatever reason doesn’t get the attention that she deserves. It’s too bad, I really like her. I wish she could catch fire. Klobachar with a young likable VP candidate who appeals to minorities would be an unstoppable ticket.

Team Klobachar with Stacey Abrams (she seems busy in Georgia) or Andrew Gilliam and you’re looking at a landslide election for Dems. Klobachar brings back the upper Midwest. Dems win both coasts. VP candidate brings out enough minorities to win a few western/southern states, and Trump is routed like we were against Philly.
I love Peter Buttigieg. I think he would make a great president. He is handsome, and so nice and has great manners. He dresses really good too. He is the opposite of Trump. This is what we need right now.
I love Peter Buttigieg. I think he would make a great president. He is handsome, and so nice and has great manners. He dresses really good too. He is the opposite of Trump. This is what we need right now.
Being nice and having manners is definitely a plus.
They all dress the same (suits and ties) Trump included. I don't think I have ever been critical of how trump dresses.

Anywho, he is definitely better than Trump. Like everyone.

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Will he? Maybe amongst the far left. The far left is the minority in the party though.
It's not just the left side of the D party he's struggling with. He's got serious issues with black voters as well.

On the policy front he's basically Biden, but he has none of Biden's strengths.
This. 100 times.

Also, homosexuality is a huge anchor on anyone’s campaign. For all the focus that Harris’s campaign received for being a black woman, it’s interesting how little attention mayor Pete’s electability is receiving. IMHO, being a black woman is a smaller obstacle to overcome than being a married gay man. Although, I haven’t conducted nor seen any Recent polling on this. I’m just going with history. Yet we never hear about how Pete’s homosexuality plays among key demographics like blacks, high school educated whites, and suburban women.

My take:
1. Is Pete talented and intelligent person? Yes.
2. Does he have a future in politics? Probably.
3. Does he have the credentials to be president? He’s one of the least qualified and least experienced candidates out there. Biden was a Senator and VP. Booker, Harris, Klobachar, Sanders, and Warren are all senators. Several others have been representatives and governors. Pete was a mayor of a tiny town.
4. Is he mostly an opportunist attempting to scoop up moderates from Biden? What’s his vision for the future? No clue. He seems to be merely an opportunist who’s trying to scoop up Biden’s supporters if/when he drops out.

IMHO, Booker and Klobachar are better moderates and are much more electable. Klobachar might actually be a top 2-3 politician yet for whatever reason doesn’t get the attention that she deserves. It’s too bad, I really like her. I wish she could catch fire. Klobachar with a young likable VP candidate who appeals to minorities would be an unstoppable ticket.

Team Klobachar with Stacey Abrams (she seems busy in Georgia) or Andrew Gilliam and you’re looking at a landslide election for Dems. Klobachar brings back the upper Midwest. Dems win both coasts. VP candidate brings out enough minorities to win a few western/southern states, and Trump is routed like we were against Philly.

I dont like how you said homosexuality is an anchor.
I think the Republicans are going to win this impeachment via obstruction (that is to say they are going to be able to successfully obstruct the impeachment investigation) and Trump is going to get a second term.

Good times.
I think the Republicans are going to win this impeachment via obstruction (that is to say they are going to be able to successfully obstruct the impeachment investigation) and Trump is going to get a second term.

Good times.

Eh, i think he has Lots more ****ing up to do before the next election. And i still believe in the american people to be better than that.

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I think the Republicans are going to win this impeachment via obstruction (that is to say they are going to be able to successfully obstruct the impeachment investigation) and Trump is going to get a second term.

Good times.

I think you’re right about impeachment. Republicans aren’t taking it seriously at all. I’ve read articles hinting that Moscow Mitch might not even call any witnesses. They’ll just hurry and vote to acquit Trump, and be on to other things.

If the American people don’t award this type of corruption by sending Moscow Mitch, Leningrad Lindsey, Billy the Bull Barr, and Dirty Donald out of town, then we probably don’t deserve democracy. Even Putin would make more of an effort to hide his corruption by mysteriously killing a journalist or poisoning a critic abroad with radioactive material. But our Republican party’s corruption? Is done is broad daylight.

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WITH HELP FROM A COMPLIANT PRESS: How Joe Biden Gets Away With Calling A Voter A Fat, Dumb, Liar. “Much of the political Twitterati responded with praise because Biden was ‘feisty’.”

Tellingly, one of Biden’s more brazen insults produced almost no reaction: Biden said, “I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you do, I suspect,” and challenged the voter to an IQ test.

Perhaps this wouldn’t have largely have escaped notice if Sen. Elizabeth Warren or Mayor Pete Buttigieg decided to employ a similar insult. She’s a Harvard prof and he’s a Rhodes scholar, so maybe people would consider it unforgivably patronizing if they lorded their credentials over a normal voter.

But I think it’s fair to say Biden’s intellectual reputation is such that most people would think publicly offering to take an IQ test would be inadvisable. Yet he seems to skate whenever he says outrageous things that question his competence, such as when he plays into racial stereotypes or encourages people to brandish shotguns. It gets laughed off as Uncle Joe’s monkeyshines or whatever.

Biden punches down, way down, and gets praised for being “feisty.” That doesn’t bode well for how Biden would behave as POTUS, or the press during a Biden Administration, either.
Where's the outrage over his obstruction?

you sound like you’re a cuck liberal coastal elitist who doesn’t like reel amerikans and who’s still butt hurt over Hitlery losing in 2016...

it’s amazing how republicans are overlooking blatant disregard for law and order (as you alluded to) in order to wage a culture war against the libs.
WITH HELP FROM A COMPLIANT PRESS: How Joe Biden Gets Away With Calling A Voter A Fat, Dumb, Liar. “Much of the political Twitterati responded with praise because Biden was ‘feisty’.”


Biden punches down, way down, and gets praised for being “feisty.” That doesn’t bode well for how Biden would behave as POTUS, or the press during a Biden Administration, either.

It also helps that the the voter in question was insulting Biden based on his age, saying that Biden was not in good enough health for the Presidency. So, it was more like "punching back".