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2023 NBA Draft Megathread

This GG convo is cringe. GG's mom is his agent, he's living with his dad and trainer right now. Some parents are tiger parents and some are just good people involved in their parents lives. Please do not project your personal family situation onto him sheesh.The respect GG has for his mom and the relationship he has with his parents has nothing to do with anyone here. No one here has a clue if his mom is a disciplinarian or not.

Get that Jordan B Peterson **** out of here. This is like drafting Jabari bc of the shape of his head.
This GG convo is cringe. GG's mom is his agent, he's living with his dad and trainer right now. Some parents are tiger parents and some are just good people involved in their parents lives. Please do not project your personal family situation onto him sheesh.The respect GG has for his mom and the relationship he has with his parents has nothing to do with anyone here. No one here has a clue if his mom is a disciplinarian or not.

Get that Jordan B Peterson **** out of here. This is like drafting Jabari bc of the shape of his head.
Lol… parent can be super involved. Having your parent operate as your agent is rough if they aren’t an attorney or have no experience. At very least the connections are valuable. Maybe they are supplementing her deficiencies by having an agent.

A kid like GG really needs someone in the room telling him what he doesn’t want to hear sometimes. His mom may be fully capable of that.
This GG convo is cringe. GG's mom is his agent, he's living with his dad and trainer right now. Some parents are tiger parents and some are just good people involved in their parents lives. Please do not project your personal family situation onto him sheesh.The respect GG has for his mom and the relationship he has with his parents has nothing to do with anyone here. No one here has a clue if his mom is a disciplinarian or not.

Get that Jordan B Peterson **** out of here. This is like drafting Jabari bc of the shape of his head.
It's more that you just have an inexperienced agent. But I like I said he is training with a good trainer in Dallas (he's doing runs with Rupert from what I can tell, there is an IG video of him dropping Rupert off), so they at least are doing that part professionally.

My main worry with these situations is just that the player is going to go 100% through family for everything, like training (that's what ****ed up Markelle Fultz supposedly), but that doesnt seem to be the case.
There is a reason the saying “a face only a mother could love” exists. If I was 18 I’d want my mom involved in the decisions but I’d also want outside counsel… maybe they are getting that.
It's more that you just have an inexperienced agent. But I like I said he is training with a good trainer in Dallas (he's doing runs with Rupert from what I can tell, there is an IG video of him dropping Rupert off), so they at least are doing that part professionally.

My main worry with these situations is just that the player is going to go 100% through family for everything, like training (that's what ****ed up Markelle Fultz supposedly), but that doesnt seem to be the case.
Inexperienced and biased… you have an agent to help with the contract stuff… but also to sell you to teams that are the right situation and act as a PR firm to sell the kid. Maybe a team meeting his mom is sold on the real GG cuz they think agents full of ****. If they are going solo there I think it’s a mistake.
Lol… parent can be super involved. Having your parent operate as your agent is rough if they aren’t an attorney or have no experience. At very least the connections are valuable. Maybe they are supplementing her deficiencies by having an agent.

A kid like GG really needs someone in the room telling him what he doesn’t want to hear sometimes. His mom may be fully capable of that.

It's one thing to say it's a bad idea to have your parent as your agent. I agree with that. It's another thing to say it's bad because she's a woman and kids don't respect their mom's like they would a man. GTFO with that ****.
It's more that you just have an inexperienced agent. But I like I said he is training with a good trainer in Dallas (he's doing runs with Rupert from what I can tell, there is an IG video of him dropping Rupert off), so they at least are doing that part professionally.

My main worry with these situations is just that the player is going to go 100% through family for everything, like training (that's what ****ed up Markelle Fultz supposedly), but that doesnt seem to be the case.

He's also living with his dad. Yeah....GG might be a spoiled, immature kid. But the assumption that it's because his mother is in his life and lacking a father or uncle is uncomfortable on sooooo many levels.

It is indeed the whitest **** ever. We disagree on GG as prospect, but at least the suburban victim of divorce court mentality isn't causing that disagreement. Sheeesh.
It's one thing to say it's a bad idea to have your parent as your agent. I agree with that. It's another thing to say it's bad because she's a woman and kids don't respect their mom's like they would a man. GTFO with that ****.
That’s not what I said my dude… I’m saying he walks over her cuz he’s a teenager and he can get what I want. She removes the friction because she loves him and sees the consequence as suffering. It’s just ****ing biology… I hat if Trey Burkes mom was his agent… he gonna get unbiased unfiltered advice that he needs or is she gonna blame the coach or org?

It was never about man woman or otherwise it’s about ****ing science… many mothers are going to have extreme bias when viewing their kids. It’s not about respect or any of that **** dude.
He's also living with his dad. Yeah....GG might be a spoiled, immature kid. But the assumption that it's because his mother is in his life and lacking a father or uncle is uncomfortable on sooooo many levels.

It is indeed the whitest **** ever. We disagree on GG as prospect, but at least the suburban victim of divorce court mentality isn't causing that disagreement. Sheeesh.
Holy **** dude are you serious. I didn’t say she couldn’t be involved and it’s not about race… you are projecting all that ****.

A mother can be involved in her sons healthcare but if she is not an experienced surgeon I don’t think we want her removing his appendix. Even if it’s a pretty simple procedure. See the difference.
That’s not what I said my dude… I’m saying he walks over her cuz he’s a teenager and he can get what I want. She removes the friction because she loves him and sees the consequence as suffering. It’s just ****ing biology… I hat if Trey Burkes mom was his agent… he gonna get unbiased unfiltered advice that he needs or is she gonna blame the coach or org?

It was never about man woman or otherwise it’s about ****ing science… many mothers are going to have extreme bias when viewing their kids. It’s not about respect or any of that **** dude.

It's called being parent. You made it to a mother thing and said it would be different if it was a man. It's ****ed up to peddle this idea that he doesn't have a male figure in his life (he's literally living with his dad) and that his mom cannot be stern enough for him.

Parent being an agent is a problem. It is not a mother/father thing and it's ****ed up to get into people's business like that.
Also happily married for 18 years so divorce court? Sure guy… I’ve got 4 kids and there are times when we disagree with parenting and work through the struggles.
Holy **** dude are you serious. I didn’t say she couldn’t be involved and it’s not about race… you are projecting all that ****.

A mother can be involved in her sons healthcare but if she is not an experienced surgeon I don’t think we want her removing his appendix. Even if it’s a pretty simple procedure. See the difference.

It's your assertion that it's a problem because it's a mother and not a male figure that is problematic.
It's called being parent. You made it to a mother thing and said it would be different if it was a man. It's ****ed up to peddle this idea that he doesn't have a male figure in his life (he's literally living with his dad) and that his mom cannot be stern enough for him.

Parent being an agent is a problem. It is not a mother/father thing and it's ****ed up to get into people's business like that.
What no… go back and read. I literally said that is a piece of her walking around… it’s ****ing biology. But yes claiming a mother could be biased about her son makes me a sexist and a racist. I wouldn’t like it if it was uncle dad or otherwise but mothers have a special genetic biological connection to offspring.
It's your assertion that it's a problem because it's a mother and not a male figure that is problematic.
That’s an assertion you assumed by my example in my household. If it was his dad I’d have an issue with it… an Uncle or Aunt with some experience… sure Kyries step mom who is an attorney… sure.

You are creating a potential echo chamber with thee person who is the most biased person (genetically) that there is. I would have to meet them to make a fair assessment but as an outsider that raises my eyebrow a bit.
What no… go back and read. I literally said that is a piece of her walking around… it’s ****ing biology. But yes claiming a mother could be biased about her son makes me a sexist and a racist. I wouldn’t like it if it was uncle dad or otherwise but mothers have a special genetic biological connection to offspring.

You verbatim said it's different being an father or uncle.

A kid like GG needs another voice… I’m guessing you don’t have a son or a baby momma… cuz if you did you’d know that relationship is different than an Uncle or even dad. My son is 15 and constantly walks all over his mom cuz she doesn’t have it in her to follow through on consequences… it’s not unique to our family either. I’ve seen it many times where moms in an effort to love and protect their sons… are unwilling to correct them when need be or allow them to feel the consequences of their actions. Maybe she’s the tough love type but GGs immaturity and attitude very much need a voice in the room telling him to change some things. I will add that to the pile of red flags homeboy has accumulated.

The impaction that GG's mom cannot be stern/real whatever with him because she is a woman is ****ed up man. Having a parent as an agent is bad. It is not bad or worse simply because she is a woman. Get that **** out of here.
It's called being parent. You made it to a mother thing and said it would be different if it was a man. It's ****ed up to peddle this idea that he doesn't have a male figure in his life (he's literally living with his dad) and that his mom cannot be stern enough for him.

Parent being an agent is a problem. It is not a mother/father thing and it's ****ed up to get into people's business like that.
You are weird. How did I peddle the idea he doesn’t have a father figure… Jesus man you are setting up a hundred straw men that don’t exist. I didn’t say it would be different if it was a man. You assumed that… I simply said there is some biology where mothers care different for their kids… I’ve witnessed it first hand. Dads are also very capable of extreme bias. I wouldn’t want either as the agent unless they are exceptionally sharp or experienced. It might work out.

I suppose momma bear and face only a mother could love were phrases made up by white dudes who were racist and sexist.
. I didn’t say it would be different if it was a man. … I simply said there is some biology where mothers care different for their kids… ..
You seem to be confusing yourself.

It's very clear you believe in a certain set of gender and family dynamic norms that agree with your experience as a white male.