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2024-2025 Tank Race

You write like a young attention-seeking college student who wants to be seen as an intellectual. The overly convoluted language isn’t impressive, especially when you aren’t really saying anything of substance.

It wasn't that convoluted IMO. Not enough to bust his balls. Then again I just got here.
Bitch, I wasn't even talking about you. I saw the opportunity to dig at Tremendous Upside and I took it. To be honest, I got half a sentence in to your erudite ******** and didn't read the rest of your posts. Given your desire of replacing him as the most irritating member of this forum, I'll talk to you now.

Most of the people on this forum have been around for a decade. Sometimes, new members join and are awesome. The Frenchies who loved Gobert, the Scandos who love Lauri. And sometimes, new members join and are irritating as ****, generally because they think they're smarter and have more basketball knowledge than they actually do.

A lot of the time, this is merely a ONELOVE alt account trolling, but those are generally easy to spot because they radiate with the plasticy blow-up doll scent of virginity, an anime addiction and FunkoPop dolls.

But not you. Your scent is entirely different. It's equally irritating, but stems from a different place. Regardless, quit being a jackass especially when you're so confidently wrong. Much like Talen Horton Tucker, your basketball IQ is not high enough to survive here, so you better make some friends.

"they radiate with the plasticy blow-up doll scent of virginity, an anime addiction and FunkoPop dolls."

I'm merely saying that once the pingpong balls are drawn, we may end up ruing that we followed this strategy IF the lottery winner is, similar to Atlanta in 2024, a team with lower to significantly lower odds of winning.
This is a purely after-the-fact scenario, but one, if it occurs, there's most definitely the possibility that we wish we had won more games.
Wow…this is one of the dumbest things I have ever read on here. Like, I had to actually close my eyes and rub the bridge of my nose to try and understand how something this stupid could be written.

So, you’re saying that if we lose the lottery, we will then regret not winning more in order to be in the spot that does win?? Seriously, do you not read what you write before posting? J/k, I totally agree. Let’s give ourselves lower odds of getting a good pick. That makes total sense. Actually, why don’t we win enough games to be in the 14th spot? I mean can you imagine if we’re in any other spot and the 14th wins? I would REALLY regret not winning more. Ok, so you seem to be in the know, but how many games should the Jazz win to get the number one pick? We should probably contact the Jazz front office so we can tell them to win more games to make sure we get the number one pick because dumbass gerbil knows exactly how many we will need? WE DO NOT WANT TO REGRET IT! But it’s ok, because we can just win more and get the prized pick. Oh **** ☹️ I just thought of something terrible. What if a team ahead of the Jazz wins it??? Should I…..regret not losing more or not winning more? This is so confusing. At least, I know one thing for sure that may help us solve this conundrum. Teams above the Jazz could win it… Teams below the Jazz could win it… The Jazz could win it… But what do we do with this information because I definitely don’t want to regret it.

Everyone knows it is extremely unlikely for the Jazz to win the lottery. Somebody behind them even might *GASP* win instead. However, it’s ok to hope the Jazz win it by putting themselves in the best odds position. That is just common sense. But guess what. The Jazz also understand the small odds too and they aren’t solely tanking for Flagg. There are other really good players that would be great on the Jazz and obviously the more losses we have gives us a better chance of getting one. Why do you think the thread on 2025 draftees hardly talks about Flagg recently and focuses on players that would be picked after him? Because people aren’t stupid and understand we will probably get one of those players.

So shut the **** up and stop posting stupid ****.
Wow…this is one of the dumbest things I have ever read on here. Like, I had to actually close my eyes and rub the bridge of my nose to try and understand how something this stupid could be written.

So, you’re saying that if we lose the lottery, we will then regret not winning more in order to be in the spot that does win?? Seriously, do you not read what you write before posting? J/k, I totally agree. Let’s give ourselves lower odds of getting a good pick. That makes total sense. Actually, why don’t we win enough games to be in the 14th spot? I mean can you imagine if we’re in any other spot and the 14th wins? I would REALLY regret not winning more. Ok, so you seem to be in the know, but how many games should the Jazz win to get the number one pick? We should probably contact the Jazz front office so we can tell them to win more games to make sure we get the number one pick because dumbass gerbil knows exactly how many we will need? WE DO NOT WANT TO REGRET IT! But it’s ok, because we can just win more and get the prized pick. Oh **** ☹️ I just thought of something terrible. What if a team ahead of the Jazz wins it??? Should I…..regret not losing more or not winning more? This is so confusing. At least, I know one thing for sure that may help us solve this conundrum. Teams above the Jazz could win it… Teams below the Jazz could win it… The Jazz could win it… But what do we do with this information because I definitely don’t want to regret it.

Everyone knows it is extremely unlikely for the Jazz to win the lottery. Somebody behind them even might *GASP* win instead. However, it’s ok to hope the Jazz win it by putting themselves in the best odds position. That is just common sense. But guess what. The Jazz also understand the small odds too and they aren’t solely tanking for Flagg. There are other really good players that would be great on the Jazz and obviously the more losses we have gives us a better chance of getting one. Why do you think the thread on 2025 draftees hardly talks about Flagg recently and focuses on players that would be picked after him? Because people aren’t stupid and understand we will probably get one of those players.

So shut the **** up and stop posting stupid ****.
So, you’re saying that if we lose the lottery, we will then regret not winning more in order to be in the spot that does win?? Seriously, do you not read what you write before posting?

Yes, and Yes. (Or is that Yes, and No as in No, I do not not read what I write before posting?) This strikes me as eminently reasonable and nearly self-evidently accurate. It’s quite a normal and common human reaction that, on deciding on a course of action, and then on learning that another course of action achieved a better result, to wish, retrospectively, that we would have taken the other course than what we did.

J/k, I totally agree. Let’s give ourselves lower odds of getting a good pick. That makes total sense.
This is not remotely what I said or what I meant to say. I’ve said repeatedly that, since we’re tanking, we might as well go all in.

Do you not read what others write before posting?

Actually, why don’t we win enough games to be in the 14th spot? I mean can you imagine if we’re in any other spot and the 14th wins? I would REALLY regret not winning more.
See above.

Ok, so you seem to be in the know, but how many games should the Jazz win to get the number one pick?
I’ve no idea, but this is totally irrelevant to anything I’ve said (see above).

I’ve clearly stated, which you’ve evidently overlooked or ignored, that my post assumes a retrospective perspective. That is, looking back in hindsight. I neither state explicitly nor imply that the Jazz ought to try to calibrate their wins/losses based on some prediction of the lottery outcomes. Rather, I’ve stated time and time again that the Jazz ought to lose as many games as possible this year to maximize their odds in the lottery. The ONLY thing I’ve said referencing any prediction about lottery outcomes is that I’m highly confident that the Jazz won’t win the #1 pick regardless how much we lose.

We should probably contact the Jazz front office so we can tell them to win more games to make sure we get the number one pick because dumbass gerbil knows exactly how many we will need? WE DO NOT WANT TO REGRET IT! But it’s ok, because we can just win more and get the prized pick. Oh ****
See above (sigh).

This is a classic straw man argument, i.e., attacking an argument I’ve never made. If I had made the argument you impute to me, then, OK, what you’re saying makes sense. But, I didn’t, so you’re just mouth farting into the wind, my friend.

I just thought of something terrible. What if a team ahead of the Jazz wins it??? Should I…..regret not losing more or not winning more? This is so confusing. At least, I know one thing for sure that may help us solve this conundrum. Teams above the Jazz could win it… Teams below the Jazz could win it… The Jazz could win it… But what do we do with this information because I definitely don’t want to regret it.
See above.

This is getting tedious. I clearly touched a nerve. Or I should say you’ve touched your own nerve, as you’re getting all hot and lathered over a grievance of your own creation.
Might I humbly suggest that next time you invest what appears to be a non-trivial amount of time composing a ranting reply that you take the time to understand what the other person is saying?

Everyone knows it is extremely unlikely for the Jazz to win the lottery. Somebody behind them even might *GASP* win instead. However, it’s ok to hope the Jazz win it by putting themselves in the best odds position.
Something I’ve said repeatedly. So just what the hell are you arguing about?

That is just common sense.
See above.

But guess what. The Jazz also understand the small odds too and they aren’t solely tanking for Flagg. There are other really good players that would be great on the Jazz and obviously the more losses we have gives us a better chance of getting one. Why do you think the thread on 2025 draftees hardly talks about Flagg recently and focuses on players that would be picked after him? Because people aren’t stupid and understand we will probably get one of those players.
To claim that a significant amount of discussion on this board about the tank hasn’t centered around hopes of getting Flagg is gaslighting. That said, I don’t disagree, and as such, have never advanced an argument that you are now attempting to rebut. To repeat yet again just to make sure you get this point this time, I’ve repeatedly advocated losing as many games as possible this year for the precise reason you describe above.

This takes us back to where we began: Do you not read what others write before posting?

So shut the **** up and stop posting stupid ****.
LOL, trigger much?

Since you’ve completely invented an argument that I never made, if anyone is posting stupid ****, it’s you, not me. So…, maybe YOU shut up, then?

(Actually, unlike you, I feel people should be free to post opinions at will here, provided they don’t cross lines of civility. The stakes are very low and don’t merit such a level of outrage. Personal insults are rarely appropriate, regardless how much you disagree.)
I’ve clearly stated, which you’ve evidently overlooked or ignored, that my post assumes a retrospective perspective. That is, looking back in hindsight. I neither state explicitly nor imply that the Jazz ought to try to calibrate their wins/losses based on some prediction of the lottery outcomes. Rather, I’ve stated time and time again that the Jazz ought to lose as many games as possible this year to maximize their odds in the lottery. The ONLY thing I’ve said referencing any prediction about lottery outcomes is that I’m highly confident that the Jazz won’t win the #1 pick regardless how much we lose.
If you’re gonna repeat what you just wrote, you don’t need to respond. I can go back and re-read your Dunning-Kruger post again if I want to punish myself. Yes, you did touch a nerve, obviously. Who wants to keep reading dumb stuff over and over again from the same poster (Exhibit A - everyone who responds to your posts). Literally, nothing of substance. Yes, there is nothing wrong with posting your opinion if it is even close to relevant and contributes to an actual intelligent conversation. You’re posts are like watching a monkey throwing its poop.

You keep mentioning retrospective “wishing” in the context of not winning enough. If you don’t know what is wrong with that, I don’t what to tell you. I feel like I am taking crazy pills, because a troll isn’t going to say something that stupid. I can confidently say that 100% of teams and any fan with even a monkey brain have never ever looked back and thought they should have won more to get a better pick. It’s asinine and you still thought it up and then posted it.

I have to give it to you. If I kept posting over and over and everyone that responded to my posts was insulting me and my opinion , my self awareness would kick in and I’d say maybe this isn’t for me. Does that ever happen to you or is this just a prime example of a continuous Dunning-Kruger effect?
If you’re gonna repeat what you just wrote, you don’t need to respond. I can go back and re-read your Dunning-Kruger post again if I want to punish myself. Yes, you did touch a nerve, obviously. Who wants to keep reading dumb stuff over and over again from the same poster (Exhibit A - everyone who responds to your posts). Literally, nothing of substance. Yes, there is nothing wrong with posting your opinion if it is even close to relevant and contributes to an actual intelligent conversation. You’re posts are like watching a monkey throwing its poop.

You keep mentioning retrospective “wishing” in the context of not winning enough. If you don’t know what is wrong with that, I don’t what to tell you. I feel like I am taking crazy pills, because a troll isn’t going to say something that stupid. I can confidently say that 100% of teams and any fan with even a monkey brain have never ever looked back and thought they should have won more to get a better pick. It’s asinine and you still thought it up and then posted it.

I have to give it to you. If I kept posting over and over and everyone that responded to my posts was insulting me and my opinion , my self awareness would kick in and I’d say maybe this isn’t for me. Does that ever happen to you or is this just a prime example of a continuous Dunning-Kruger effect?
Tanking properly has drawn out all sorts of justice league fighters from whatever rocks they were hiding under. They all feel like they are standing on the high ground because their cause is just, but fact is they werent here when they didnt have anything to whine about, which absolutely destroys any moral ground they think they are standing on.
Wow…this is one of the dumbest things I have ever read on here. Like, I had to actually close my eyes and rub the bridge of my nose to try and understand how something this stupid could be written.

So, you’re saying that if we lose the lottery, we will then regret not winning more in order to be in the spot that does win?? Seriously, do you not read what you write before posting? J/k, I totally agree. Let’s give ourselves lower odds of getting a good pick. That makes total sense. Actually, why don’t we win enough games to be in the 14th spot? I mean can you imagine if we’re in any other spot and the 14th wins? I would REALLY regret not winning more. Ok, so you seem to be in the know, but how many games should the Jazz win to get the number one pick? We should probably contact the Jazz front office so we can tell them to win more games to make sure we get the number one pick because dumbass gerbil knows exactly how many we will need? WE DO NOT WANT TO REGRET IT! But it’s ok, because we can just win more and get the prized pick. Oh **** ☹️ I just thought of something terrible. What if a team ahead of the Jazz wins it??? Should I…..regret not losing more or not winning more? This is so confusing. At least, I know one thing for sure that may help us solve this conundrum. Teams above the Jazz could win it… Teams below the Jazz could win it… The Jazz could win it… But what do we do with this information because I definitely don’t want to regret it.

Everyone knows it is extremely unlikely for the Jazz to win the lottery. Somebody behind them even might *GASP* win instead. However, it’s ok to hope the Jazz win it by putting themselves in the best odds position. That is just common sense. But guess what. The Jazz also understand the small odds too and they aren’t solely tanking for Flagg. There are other really good players that would be great on the Jazz and obviously the more losses we have gives us a better chance of getting one. Why do you think the thread on 2025 draftees hardly talks about Flagg recently and focuses on players that would be picked after him? Because people aren’t stupid and understand we will probably get one of those players.

So shut the **** up and stop posting stupid ****.
This is gold
(Actually, unlike you, I feel people should be free to post opinions at will here, provided they don’t cross lines of civility. The stakes are very low and don’t merit such a level of outrage. Personal insults are rarely appropriate, regardless how much you disagree.)

You remind me of the wheelchair kid in Glee.
We all knew this already but the 76ers have entered the 2025 and probably the 2026 tank race. Paul George is now looking for doctors for possible surgery to his knees.
Tanking properly has drawn out all sorts of justice league fighters from whatever rocks they were hiding under. They all feel like they are standing on the high ground because their cause is just, but fact is they werent here when they didnt have anything to whine about, which absolutely destroys any moral ground they think they are standing on.
I hope my rock doesn't offend you. I don't know if it's a justice league thing or not. I find it offensive that everyone in the NBA seems to think it's great to throw games. I come from an era that trying your best to win was what was expected. I know that sounds pretty old fashioned, but then I am old so that's OK. I have hidden under no rocks, I have stated from the start of this thing that I find it apprehensible and it makes me ashamed that MY JAZZ are participating in it. The sorry state of the NBA practically makes it mandatory.
Even college sports are crumbling faster than I ever imagined it could because players move around to whichever school will pay the most. I guess I'm just getting too old for this ****. GET OFF OF MY LAWN!
Wow…this is one of the dumbest things I have ever read on here. Like, I had to actually close my eyes and rub the bridge of my nose to try and understand how something this stupid could be written.

So, you’re saying that if we lose the lottery, we will then regret not winning more in order to be in the spot that does win?? Seriously, do you not read what you write before posting? J/k, I totally agree. Let’s give ourselves lower odds of getting a good pick. That makes total sense. Actually, why don’t we win enough games to be in the 14th spot? I mean can you imagine if we’re in any other spot and the 14th wins? I would REALLY regret not winning more. Ok, so you seem to be in the know, but how many games should the Jazz win to get the number one pick? We should probably contact the Jazz front office so we can tell them to win more games to make sure we get the number one pick because dumbass gerbil knows exactly how many we will need? WE DO NOT WANT TO REGRET IT! But it’s ok, because we can just win more and get the prized pick. Oh **** ☹️ I just thought of something terrible. What if a team ahead of the Jazz wins it??? Should I…..regret not losing more or not winning more? This is so confusing. At least, I know one thing for sure that may help us solve this conundrum. Teams above the Jazz could win it… Teams below the Jazz could win it… The Jazz could win it… But what do we do with this information because I definitely don’t want to regret it.

Everyone knows it is extremely unlikely for the Jazz to win the lottery. Somebody behind them even might *GASP* win instead. However, it’s ok to hope the Jazz win it by putting themselves in the best odds position. That is just common sense. But guess what. The Jazz also understand the small odds too and they aren’t solely tanking for Flagg. There are other really good players that would be great on the Jazz and obviously the more losses we have gives us a better chance of getting one. Why do you think the thread on 2025 draftees hardly talks about Flagg recently and focuses on players that would be picked after him? Because people aren’t stupid and understand we will probably get one of those players.

So shut the **** up and stop posting stupid ****.
I wish I had posted this. This was fantastic.