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A Place for Conservatives

No, White supremacy is not a crisis.


It was Benjamin Franklin, a different kind of troublemaker, who wrote, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” He was right back then, at a time when many think pernicious attitudes and actions were vastly more pervasive than they are now, and he’s still right.

Hatched from the fertile brain of America's leading intellectual! Plant head firmly in sand. Crisis?? What crisis??

I have not watched it. Is it worth checking out? Zizek sounds like one strange man.


Zizek is both very strange, and a legitimate genius. Zizek is also not someone that remotely resembles the American political left as you understand it. The central theme of his work is the critique and deconstruction of ideology - the very thing that the political right believes it is demanding from the left.

The conversation between him and Peterson is worth your time. It's a true exercise in demonstrating how little someone like Peterson understands the ideas he constantly critiques.

Here's a little segment Zizek did for a documentary about ideology and film criticism, about the John Carpenter classic "They Live."

If you read my post, you'll see the person I mentioned proudly admitted he spreads propaganda for the Democrats. It has nothing to do with QAnon or Soros. Your daily routine is very similar to his, though he was less childish than you are.

Hilarious sounds about right. Not sure anyone would be "tasked" to Jazzfanz per se, but a group of them coordinate to cover Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and other message boards. I'd have to ask the guy I know who did it to get more details.


This is patently ludicrous. Your "friend" either doesn't exist or he lied to you to make his own political posting seem like it was part of something bigger than it is.

Anyone who's ever been to a meeting of Democrats would know that there's no possible way they could coordinate messages on this scale. I've organized meetings of Democrats and liberals before. It gets bogged down into an infinite number of small "niche interest" problems that slow everything down. You want to organize a speaking event? You're gonna have to deal with every accommodation request under the sun, and by God you better have thought about how you're doing the sign language interpretation of the event or you'll be told you're a bigot.

Democrats favorite thing to do in the world is to organize circular firing squads to critique our own messaging and ideas. We will knife fight each other about every conceivable marginal political difference. Just go on Twitter and look at how supporters of Beto O'Rourke talk about Pete Buttigieg. The difference between the 5th and 9th most popular Democratic candidate is hotly debated like it's Rockets/Jazz. It is literally impossible that such a leadership structure could emerge to coordinate a multi-platform effort like the one you're describing.


A dude who's involvement in politics goes beyond typing on keyboards.
Zizek’s film “The Pervert's Guide to Ideology” is awesome. Good enough (and so stuffed with info) that it warrants multiple viewings.

And Peterson is a ****ing hack.

This is patently ludicrous. Your "friend" either doesn't exist or he lied to you to make his own political posting seem like it was part of something bigger than it is.

Anyone who's ever been to a meeting of Democrats would know that there's no possible way they could coordinate messages on this scale. I've organized meetings of Democrats and liberals before. It gets bogged down into an infinite number of small "niche interest" problems that slow everything down. You want to organize a speaking event? You're gonna have to deal with every accommodation request under the sun, and by God you better have thought about how you're doing the sign language interpretation of the event or you'll be told you're a bigot.

Democrats favorite thing to do in the world is to organize circular firing squads to critique our own messaging and ideas. We will knife fight each other about every conceivable marginal political difference. Just go on Twitter and look at how supporters of Beto O'Rourke talk about Pete Buttigieg. The difference between the 5th and 9th most popular Democratic candidate is hotly debated like it's Rockets/Jazz. It is literally impossible that such a leadership structure could emerge to coordinate a multi-platform effort like the one you're describing.


A dude who's involvement in politics goes beyond typing on keyboards.

This is fake news. Totally fake. I hope that true believers of Q and true supporters of President Donald Trump don’t fall for this. Kicky, if memory serves, went to a liberal institution in Arizona. Didn’t he work for the ACLU? He’s a SJW wimp. A total liberal.

None of his meetings were organized with George Soros money.

Unlike the meetings I’ve help organize here in Utah. We successfully protested Jason chaffetz’s town hall near my home at Brighton High School. George paid us bigtime there. Hillary Clinton has promised me my own pizza parlor if I continue to protest on message boards. Also, it’s very important to debate the differences between mayor Pete and Beto. So I don’t want to hear how disorganized we are.

This is patently ludicrous. Your "friend" either doesn't exist or he lied to you to make his own political posting seem like it was part of something bigger than it is.

I can assure you that this person does exist and isn't lying about it. He was (and may still be) part of a team tasked with monitoring social media sites and systematically pushing Democratic talking points on a daily basis, with the stated goal of affecting public opinion and potentially isolating or disparaging opposing viewpoints. He made no apology for it and was proud of it. How big an organization he was a part of, and how well coordinated this effort was, I don't know. At the time, his group was connected with Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign as something of a task force based in Northern California.

The point is that there are a few people on this message board who are behaving much the same as he did, carrying out what appears to be an agenda to post the daily talking points and spin on news events, almost by the hour. I'm just calling them out on it. I don't have a problem with it, necessarily. Mainstream media and a number of liberal politicians have all but killed their credibility using tactics like these. Nothing galvanizes conservatives more than hearing arrogant pundits and third-rate demagogues who posture as important thought leaders.
I can assure you that this person does exist and isn't lying about it. He was (and may still be) part of a team tasked with monitoring social media sites and systematically pushing Democratic talking points on a daily basis, with the stated goal of affecting public opinion and potentially isolating or disparaging opposing viewpoints. He made no apology for it and was proud of it. How big an organization he was a part of, and how well coordinated this effort was, I don't know. At the time, his group was connected with Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign as something of a task force based in Northern California.

The point is that there are a few people on this message board who are behaving much the same as he did, carrying out what appears to be an agenda to post the daily talking points and spin on news events, almost by the hour. I'm just calling them out on it. I don't have a problem with it, necessarily. Mainstream media and a number of liberal politicians have all but killed their credibility using tactics like these. Nothing galvanizes conservatives more than hearing arrogant pundits and third-rate demagogues who posture as important thought leaders.
I agree with you, heathme seems to be one of these people you speak of

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I can assure you that this person does exist and isn't lying about it. He was (and may still be) part of a team tasked with monitoring social media sites and systematically pushing Democratic talking points on a daily basis, with the stated goal of affecting public opinion and potentially isolating or disparaging opposing viewpoints. He made no apology for it and was proud of it. How big an organization he was a part of, and how well coordinated this effort was, I don't know. At the time, his group was connected with Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign as something of a task force based in Northern California.

The point is that there are a few people on this message board who are behaving much the same as he did, carrying out what appears to be an agenda to post the daily talking points and spin on news events, almost by the hour. I'm just calling them out on it. I don't have a problem with it, necessarily. Mainstream media and a number of liberal politicians have all but killed their credibility using tactics like these. Nothing galvanizes conservatives more than hearing arrogant pundits and third-rate demagogues who posture as important thought leaders.

I believe that you believe this.

But, and I mean this very sincerely, that is truly moronic and has a 0% chance of being true.
I believe that you believe this.

But, and I mean this very sincerely, that is truly moronic and has a 0% chance of being true.
Is it possible that his friend was simply a volunteer for Hillary's election campaign working in social media and Catchall is misunderstanding what he was involved in?

Because that's what it sounds like to me.
I believe that you believe this.

But, and I mean this very sincerely, that is truly moronic and has a 0% chance of being true.

I don't know who you are Mr. Kickyass, or who you're affiliated with, but Internet censorship is a real thing, and propaganda isn't something that's limited to just the Russians. If you don't think political campaigns have a list of daily talking points and news spins, or that they would engage their campaign staff to disseminate information online, that's on you.

This guy treated it as a part-time job and monitored several social media web sites, posting with multiple identities, to push stories for Hillary and other Democrats during the 2016 election cycle. He's a really sharp guy with a solid career, not some dufus posting random opinions on politics.

Not to say there aren't other people like this out there. Every time a significant politician posts on Twitter, there are a number of people rushing in to reply with their contrarian views or to push their own agenda. Think of this as playing out in an organized fashion.

I'm sure Thriller and others believe in the information they're posting, or in the candidates or policies they're lobbying for, as did the person I'm referring to. They've just chosen to use a sports message board as their venue to push their content out, with the zeal and regularity of a campaign staffer or dedicated lobbyist.
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I don't know who you are Mr. Kickyass, or who you're affiliated with, but Internet censorship is a real thing, and propaganda isn't something that's limited to just the Russians. If you don't think political campaigns have a list of daily talking points and news spins, or that they would engage their campaign workers to disseminate information online, that's on you.
Sounds like you are trying to make volunteering for a campaign into a much more nefarious thing than it actually is.

Do you have a problem with people canvassing neighborhoods to meet with voters and talk about political issues and candidates as well?
Sounds like you are trying to make volunteering for a campaign into a much more nefarious thing than it actually is.

Do you have a problem with people canvassing neighborhoods to meet with voters and talk about political issues and candidates as well?

This is what I’m thinking. Like, they’re paid to raise topics and keep them in the public’s eye.

Ok, and?
Sounds like you are trying to make volunteering for a campaign into a much more nefarious thing than it actually is.

Do you have a problem with people canvassing neighborhoods to meet with voters and talk about political issues and candidates as well?

I'm just calling it what it is. It's political lobbying with a clear bias and agenda, probably with some level of planning and organization. If that's allowed within the rules of this web site, then so be it. I'll just continue to laugh at it.
I don't know who you are Mr. Kickyass, or who you're affiliated with, but Internet censorship is a real thing, and propaganda isn't something that's limited to just the Russians. If you don't think political campaigns have a list of daily talking points and news spins, or that they would engage their campaign staff to disseminate information online, that's on you.

This guy treated it as a part-time job and monitored several social media web sites, posting with multiple identities, to push stories for Hillary and other Democrats during the 2016 election cycle. He's a really sharp guy with a solid career, not some dufus posting random opinions on politics.

Not to say there aren't other people like this out there. Every time a significant politician posts on Twitter, there are a number of people rushing in to reply with their contrarian views or to push their own agenda. Think of this as playing out in an organized fashion.

I'm sure Thriller and others believe in the information they're posting, or in the candidates or policies they're lobbying for, as did the person I'm referring to. They've just chosen to use a sports message board as their venue to push their content out, with the zeal and regularity of a campaign staffer or dedicated lobbyist.
So, what's the problem here exactly? People who are civilly minded and interested in politics are spending their time... Talking about issues they care about?

I don't geddit.
I'm just calling it what it is. It's political lobbying with a clear bias and agenda, probably with some level of planning and organization. If that's allowed within the rules of this web site, then so be it. I'll just continue to laugh at it.
I promise we're no more organized than the pro/anti Exum stans on the main forum here. Some of us just share a lot of the same views, and come here to talk about them. I think you're letting your paranoia get the better of you on this.
I promise we're no more organized than the pro/anti Exum stans on the main forum here. Some of us just share a lot of the same views, and come here to talk about them.

So Thriller has made 186 posts so far in the last 7 days, and you've made 173. What percentage of these 359 posts would you say are related to the Utah Jazz, and what percentage would you say are related to promoting your political views?
So Thriller has made 186 posts so far in the last 7 days, and you've made 173. What percentage of these 359 posts would you say are related to the Utah Jazz, and what percentage would you say are related to promoting your political views?
Not sure what this has to do with whether our posting here is coordinated or managed in some way, but you're aware it's the offseason right lol? Not a whole lot to talk about at this point. I don't know if I've posted there at all this week, but I'm pretty active in game chats and other threads when there's actual basketball to discuss.

As for whether we're "lobbying" or not, I don't think there's anything wrong with individuals lobbying for things they support. That doesn't make us stooges or hacks.
So Thriller has made 186 posts so far in the last 7 days, and you've made 173. What percentage of these 359 posts would you say are related to the Utah Jazz, and what percentage would you say are related to promoting your political views?
Oh cool, now do heathme!

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