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I tend to agree with this more.
“Such ignorant comparisons trivialize the Holocaust and thereby undermine the lessons of history we must learn,” Abe Foxman, director of the Center for the Study of Antisemitism at the Museum of Jewish Heritage, told Jewish Insider.

Bye, boy.
Concentration camps have a history that predates the Holocaust and have been used in this country before. Calling something by what it clearly is doesn't diminish the atrocities that took place under Nazi Germany.

I think I'll take the word of a man who spent time in them, in our own country.
Concentration camps have a history that predates the Holocaust and have been used in this country before. Calling something by what it clearly is doesn't diminish the atrocities that took place under Nazi Germany.

I think I'll take the word of a man who spent time in them, in our own country.

This should trigger a few of you.

Oh wow, he's so clever. He's utilizing the same tactic kids use when they put their hand an inch away from their sisters face and chant "I'm not touching you!"

Anyone with a modicum of common sense can see through that. But, go on, trigger the libs lol.
Oh wow, he's so clever. He's utilizing the same tactic kids use when they put their hand an inch away from their sisters face and chant "I'm not touching you!"

Anyone with a modicum of common sense can see through that. But, go on, trigger the libs lol.

He is clever. The dude has 4 million subscribers.

He's using this tactic because of people who trigger easily.

Steven Crowder sells a shirt with a design that includes Che Guevera, a stereotypically gay "limp wrist pose", and the text "SOCIALISM IS FOR F*GS" with the * replaced by a very small fig leaf design. Ostensibly, the shirt is meant to say "SOCIALISM IS FOR FIGS", representing the fact Che Guevera was captured in La Higuera, which means "the fig tree".

Practically speaking, almost anybody who encounters the shirt is going to read F*GS as the slur. "Socialism is for figs" is a nonsense phrase outside of maybe Crowder's fandom, where its resemblance to a homophobic slur is part of the appeal. Further, the "limp wrist" pose put on the T-shirt obviously carries the implication that Che Guevera is gay and takes up much of the T-shirt, while the fig-leaf asterisk is very small and hard to notice at a distance.

The shirt allows people to communicate a hostile message with some very small amount of plausible deniability it's actually just a nonsense comment about history; that is, one of the goals of the shirt is to get people to say "your shirt is homophobic", so the wearer can respond "no, my shirt is about figs. You're homophobic for immediately assuming it was a slur against gay people for no reason. I didn't even realize the shirt could be read that way." This is in spite of the fact that they know very well it will be read that way, because it's gonna happen every time they wear the shirt.
He is clever. The dude has 4 million subscribers.

He's using this tactic because of people who trigger easily.
4 million drooling morons, sure. Hate sells, it seems.

I mean pew die pie has like 90 million subs and I don't think anyone would accuse him of being particularly clever.

Anyway it's not hard to trigger people when you pull a move like using slurs to make money. Maybe that sort of thing impresses you, if so I feel bad for you man.
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4 million drooling morons, sure. It's not hard to trigger people when you pull a move like using slurs to make money. Maybe that sort of thing impresses you, if so I feel bad for you man.

Some of his videos make me laugh, I'm not going to lie. He used to bug me, but he's grown on me. He's a comedian and people like you, take his satire way too far. Let me guess, Daniel Tosh triggers you too?

But yeah, must only be drooling morons that listen to him.

Predictable, dude. Predictable.
Some of his videos make me laugh, I'm not going to lie. He used to bug me, but he's grown on me.

But yeah, must only be drooling morons that listen to him.

Predictable, dude. Predictable.
Yeah, sorry I'm not carried away with a guy who stoops to that level of disgusting behavior. You're telling on yourself with this **** man.
Yeah, sorry I'm not carried away with a guy who stoops to that level of disgusting behavior. You're telling on yourself with this **** man.


Get over your self, man...

I bet if you actually listened to Crowder rather than read your far left ****, you'd clearly see he's not a hateful person.

Get over your self, man...

I bet if you actually listened to Crowder rather than read your far left ****, you'd clearly see he's not a hateful person.
Lmao, dude there's nothing he can say that will convince me of something I can see with my own two eyes. That shirt is despicable, and he's proud of it. If you think it's totally cool, then you do you, but I'm not about that ****.
Lmao, dude there's nothing he can say that will convince me of something I can see with my own two eyes. That shirt is despicable, and he's proud of it. If you think it's totally cool, then you do you, but I'm not about that ****.

His shirt doesn't offend me. I certainly wouldn't have made it though. I do think it's in bad taste.

He's a comedian and trolling. I laugh at some of the things he does just like I laugh at Daniel Tosh or SNL.

I'm sorry he hurt your feelings and you're not about that ****.
His shirt doesn't offend me. I certainly wouldn't have made it though.

He's a comedian and trolling. I laugh at some of the things he does just like I laugh at Daniel Tosh or SNL.

I'm sorry he hurt your feelings and you're not about that ****.
Speaks volumes. Have a good night.
Just that you are totally cool with casual homophobia, so long as it comes from people you agree with, and "triggers" those you don't.
There's plenty I disagree with Crowder on.

I'm not for casual homophobia. I just know the context of the whole thing and it doesn't bother me.

I must be a terrible person.
For those of you that don't know anything about this, this summarizes it pretty good.


Basically Steven Crowder does videos critical of Maza and will sometimes include some roast style gay jokes. Maza is an out gay man and roasts himself for being gay.

Maza turns around and pretends he is being bullied by Crowder so that YouTube will shut down his channel. Literally the most disgusting use of the gay card imaginable.

Please message YouTube and tell them you are gay and not offended at all by the occasional gay joke. When you watch a the jokes they are clearly not mean spirited. Maza is being an absolute manipulator and slime ball. And a total coward for not answering the criticisms like a man.

I will play the identity card here: as a gay man this pisses me off to no end. Lowest of the low.