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America is great and everything is NOT Pres. Trump's fault thread

This will lead to a CIVIL war.

let me give you an example of the netherlands.
in the netherlands we have this holiday 5th of december. where a guy dresses up as a saint. and has these people called black pete following him around
these people are in blackface. i know offensive. do i agree with the holidaty, i dont know.
because opponents say those people in blackface are supposed to be slaves. proponents say no those people help the saint deliver present through a chimney so that is why they are covered in soot. i dont know the TRUE REAL HISTORY of it. because either side could be lying. anyway lets assume the worse it is a celebration of slavery old rich white man having these slaves! SO THIS IS WRONG to celebrate. (my personal opinion even if it is wrong to celebrate THEY HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO DO SO).

so now for years the debate has been ban the blackface part. and they kinda did. at least government sponsored celebrations have now called them roughly translated "colourfull pete" so instead of blackface these guys now have different color faces except balck. some with decorations


so there you have it. the dutch have been welcoming to different cultures now they have to give up a part of their tradition!

then now look at it from the other side,. the dutch have different rules and laws for slaughter and raising of farm animals! by law. ritual slaughter is actually forbidden. because according to dutch law the animal has to be slaughtered humanly. that involves if i am not mistaken anesthetics(painkiller or sleeping thingy) and the animal is supposed to be killed with a bolt to the brain.I honestly dont know the exact law, but what i do know the way islamic/halal slaughter goes it is against that law. yet the islamic people claim it is their culture so **** your law, and the law agrees. it is your culture so **** us!
wether you agree with the law or not! but there are 2 different laws. the law is supposed to be equal wether you a dutchie or a islamist! cant have different sets of laws.

another example is you can blaspheme of christianity and judaism, but dont you dare blaspheme against islam you will litterally get fined and in some cases jailed

this keeps escalating. the local population and culture needs to sacrifice more and more and more and more and more and more
while the visitors, get to lsowly turn the host ocountry into their own old country which they fled from, which they made into a ********.

either the host country becomes like the country these refugees flee from, or people get tired of getting told **** you culture, and this inferiour culture keeps creeping and creeping until there is nothing left anymore!

or the more likely thing which is happening more and more is that people get tired of being told your culture needs to die, this inferior culture gets to do as they please. and then they stand up and vote! and if that wont work their will be a civil war. dmecoracy is accepting the outcome of an election. but with brexit sometimes people fail to accept the outcome1 when that happens even though people vote agains *** and it keeps getting pushed their will be civil war, it will spread across the world!

what is happening in france now. is exactly what i mean. extreme left, left cent right extreme right everyone is protesting. because the government decides so much for the wholepopulation that 1 catalyst explodes everything! high diesel prices. and suddenly everyone is protesting. medics joined in and polcie is in verge of joining in

this is what happens when leftist piece of ***** take over.

note marine le penn was gonna win the elleciotn but 1 week before the UN, USA and globalist decided to censor marine le pen! so she lost.

the german ******** is further down the road, but those people have been broken because of the historical stuff that they did. so they think they need to be punished and stfu. but other european countries are awakening

meanwhile in poland not a single allah has been akhbarred
Not surprising to me. Since most tax revenue comes from the rich, they'd benefit the most from tax cuts.

That's not remotely true as stated. There are plenty of ways to structure tax cuts so that the benefits accrue to groups other than the most wealthy. To begin with, cutting the marginal rates borne by middle to lower income earners, while leaving the marginal rates for upper income earners the same. Or, by adding/increasing deductions targeted to middle or lower classes. It might even be possible to achieve net tax reductions while cutting the rates for middle/lower class and eliminating or reducing deductions for most wealth, etc. The Republican tax bill disproportionately benefited the wealthiest because that's precisely what they were intended to do. It was a payoff to the Republican donor class and by no means intended to benefit middle/lower classes in any way proportionately.
That's not remotely true as stated. There are plenty of ways to structure tax cuts so that the benefits accrue to groups other than the most wealthy. To begin with, cutting the marginal rates borne by middle to lower income earners, while leaving the marginal rates for upper income earners the same. Or, by adding/increasing deductions targeted to middle or lower classes. It might even be possible to achieve net tax reductions while cutting the rates for middle/lower class and eliminating or reducing deductions for most wealth, etc. The Republican tax bill disproportionately benefited the wealthiest because that's precisely what they were intended to do. It was a payoff to the Republican donor class and by no means intended to benefit middle/lower classes in any way proportionately.

Another was would be to have financial institutions offer deals with more favorable terms at lower amounts. For example lots of IRAs require several thousand as an initial deposit.

I’m sure those with much deeper financial,, economic and bank knowledge could come up with better plans. But there was to be ways to allow more investment from the poor. A chance to grow.
It took Trump just two years to solve the trade imbalance with China. The swamp has been avoiding it, lying to us about it (Obama), or chattering to it. Not Trump.

That's what I call winning and wonder how many votes he'll pick up from this victory. Gotta be a 5-10% swing to be had here.
It took Trump just two years to solve the trade imbalance with China. The swamp has been avoiding it, lying to us about it (Obama), or chattering to it. Not Trump.

That's what I call winning and wonder how many votes he'll pick up from this victory. Gotta be a 5-10% swing to be had here.
So, it's the exact opposite of what Toilet Boy said?
It took Trump just two years to solve the trade imbalance with China. The swamp has been avoiding it, lying to us about it (Obama), or chattering to it. Not Trump.

That's what I call winning and wonder how many votes he'll pick up from this victory. Gotta be a 5-10% swing to be had here.

It's at an all time high.


This is some link I found when I types trade deficit in Google. Kato institute or some ****. But it mentions the report by China of record deficit in their favor.

Well you know the Chinese built a wall and as far as i know it worked, there aren't that many Mexican's in China, well except for Ron...

It's late and I've had a few. I originally read your post as "It's an alt-right high."

Here ya go

Post again when the deal is done.

I'm not saying it won't be, but it hasn't been.

Feel free to go back and see where I have posted that China is being hurt more in this trade war than the U.S.. But in some ways that's like grabbing someone and dragging them into a fire while you're wearing wet clothes. Yeah, they're going to get burned more than you at first, but you just put yourself in a fire. It's a bold move Cotton, let's see how it works out.

Interesting that more isnt being said about this. It's a pretty big deal, especially since China is the one offering it up, not Trump demanding it.

They're probably busy yammering on about how tariffs hurt the poor and Trump is playing with fire. It would be a different tune if Obama kept good on his word and their media told them the history of government action to reverse massive current account imbalances. They can't go on enlarging indefinitely and something had to be done but Trump, Trump, Trump, fire, fire, fire! SMH at those fake news repeating sheep. They should put down fake news and go read about the Great Depression or the Plaza Accords, or the numerous ones not involving USA.
Interesting that more isnt being said about this. It's a pretty big deal, especially since China is the one offering it up, not Trump demanding it.

They're probably busy yammering on about how tariffs hurt the poor and Trump is playing with fire. It would be a different tune if Obama kept good on his word and their media told them the history of government action to reverse massive current account imbalances. They can't go on enlarging indefinitely and something had to be done but Trump, Trump, Trump, fire, fire, fire! SMH at those fake news repeating sheep. They should put down fake news and go read about the Great Depression or the Plaza Accords, or the numerous ones not involving USA.
You think more should be being reported about a potential deal? But we're all too busy with our fake news to notice?

Jesus, what the **** happened to you?

Go back to 4chan and get the latest scoops and report back, okay you super bad *** you.
Anyone really interested in current account details should read Michsel Pettis. He is by far the best on this, especially with his insight on China (he's a professor in Peking). You'll notice his name shows up a lot in articles from major newspapers. His blogging in 2007-2009 on his page China Financial Markets was golden but I havent been able to find them since Carnegie Endowment picked him up. There is plenty of good stuff on there though. Fair warning, he is thick reading and it might take some time to get used to terms and visualize capital flows as he explains them. Much of thus is often counter-intuitive.

Anyone really interested in current account details should read Michsel Pettis. He is by far the best on this, especially with his insight on China (he's a professor in Peking). You'll notice his name shows up a lot in articles from major newspapers. His blogging in 2007-2009 on his page China Financial Markets was golden but I havent been able to find them since Carnegie Endowment picked him up. There is plenty of good stuff on there though. Fair warning, he is thick reading and it might take some time to get used to terms and visualize capital flows as he explains them. Much of thus is often counter-intuitive.


Anything in particular to read, or do we have to read everything he's written to be as smart independent thinkers as you?
Hey guys, I read so many amazing economists and ****. I don't need to post anything of substance due to my obvious superiority. You should try to read amazing thinkers, like I do all the time, instead of being CNN sheep.

I'm really smart, btw. Thought you should know.
Hey guys, I read so many amazing economists and ****. I don't need to post anything of substance due to my obvious superiority. You should try to read amazing thinkers, like I do all the time, instead of being CNN sheep.

I'm really smart, btw. Thought you should know.
Nah, I will stick to Stephen King books and trashy television thank you very much. Oh and I like my dumb shallow thoughts

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That's okay. As long as you're not getting your info from The Man, you're good. Trash TV is what makes you a real American. Just like Trump.
The Man is the same thing as the lefty media, right?

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