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"Better Call Saul" Premiere This Sunday!

Sooooooo spoilers ahead

Does anyone else think He's going to lose this case on a screw up by his brother or on a technicality and then will turn to working for criminals instead of helping out the underdog? Thats the vibe I'm getting.
I don't think we know the end of BCS. Vince Gilligan has said the BCS timeline is pre, present, and post Breaking Bad. I'm pretty sure the show doesn't end with Saul in Omaha.

NOTE: The following contains major Breaking Bad SPOILERS. If you haven't seen the show, you are encouraged to watch before reading further.

I think the opening scene of BCS with Saul at the Cinnabon takes place either while Walt is still hiding in New Hampshire or possibly just before Walt kills all the neo-Nazis and dies on the floor of Todd's meth lab. Saul went into hiding out of fear for his life, Huell was missing and he thought he was next. When Saul finds out Walt is dead along with the neo-Nazis he will no longer fear for his life and will return to Albequerque and deal with whatever legal issues remain. He will also return to provide some assistance to Brock, Andrea's son, for whom he helped pay rent and living expenses. Where it goes from there, who knows? Of course, this is all just speculation, but I don't think we can say with any assurance exactly how or during what timeframe BCS will end.

I was under the impression that Saul went into hiding because the police would come after him, too, for helping one of the biggest drug kingpins in the world run his business?

But yeah, we definitely don't know the definitive ending for BCS. We do know a basic idea of where the prequel part of the timeline ends up, but we don't know the how or why, which is where the basic intrigue of the show derives.
Sooooooo spoilers ahead

Does anyone else think He's going to lose this case on a screw up by his brother or on a technicality and then will turn to working for criminals instead of helping out the underdog? Thats the vibe I'm getting.

Going to say lose case to HHM. The scene where his brother doesn't give him a job is kind of foreshadowing. Chuck is 1/3 of the company and probably could have given Jimmy the job if he wanted to. Chuck makes it seem like Hamlin is the one that says no, but in reality it was probably Chuck. Jimmy is going to realize this when he loses the case and that is what makes him change his name, because he doesn't want to share his name with his brother anymore.
It seems like there are only two things keeping Jimmy on the more noble path: the need to impress Chuck and the need to impress Kim. When those things leave he will become Saul Goodman.
It seems like there are only two things keeping Jimmy on the more noble path: the need to impress Chuck and the need to impress Kim. When those things leave he will become Saul Goodman.

I wonder wtf Chuck and those guys are doing during BB?

I think Chuck ends up in the psyche ward eventually. Maybe Kim is killed somehow.
It seems like there are only two things keeping Jimmy on the more noble path: the need to impress Chuck and the need to impress Kim. When those things leave he will become Saul Goodman.

He certainly has a strong strange desire for his brother to be proud of him.
I think it's a pretty common thing to seek approval from the people you look up to, especially when they are your family members.

Seems like he's got some daddy issues. I wonder if that will ever be brought up.
So what's going to happen with this big case?

Jimmy ****s it up by doing something illegal?

Chucks ****s it up because of his condition?

Jimmy loses the case to HHM because the clause doesn't cover class action cases?

I just got a feeling this case isn't going to go Jimmy's way at all.

Now Mike is getting back into the doing illegal **** business too. That should make for some interesting episodes.

I think in the last scene from last week's show Chuck realizes he can be outside without adverse consequence to his health and can now return to working at HHM. Chuck will argue that Jimmy doesn't have the resources to handle a federal class action lawsuit by himself and that if he wants justice for his clients he should give up the case. Chuck and HHM then take over the case leaving Jimmy with a token finders fee and a feeling he was betrayed by his brother.
What's Jimmy next move though?

I guess he goes through with giving up teh case and uses the money for a new office.... but then what?

I'm guessing next episode will have more Nacho in it.
**** Chuck doe. I hope he dies because he can't go outside. That's some ****ed up ish to do to your brother who has been keeping your crazy *** alive for the last year.
I wonder if Jimmy was the more likeable one growing up and this caused Chuck to be jealous. When he said "You think you can just make everyone laugh...." kind of points to the fact that growing up he was more well liked.

Also wonder if Chuck was actually scared Jimmy might be a better lawyer. He seemed to be upset that Jimmy could just take an online class and pass the bar when Chuck had to go to a big name school and such. Also Chuck seemed to be annoyed when Jimmy initially found the case when Chuck didn't even see the pattern of overcharging when he looked through teh documents earlier.
Will Jimmy try to commit Chuck now and cash out on HHM?

Will HHM lower the finders fees now that the truth is out?

Will Chuck's condition get worse or better now? Was his condition brought on from the guilt of secretly holding his brother down, which will now be relieved since there is nothing to hide now? Or was it just from the guilt, which will now worsen since the truth it out?
It was a good episode. What a sucker punch. And the Mike stuff with the two others mercs was hilarious. Can't wait to see the finale.