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Bill Murray in Zombieland

I've seen that argument before, and I disagree. Largely on the basis that his segment of the film is simply too long to qualify as a real cameo. At some point he's a real character and I think the 10+ minutes of screen time qualifies.

Just among more recent movies, I preferred cameos (and they were true cameos) from:

David Bowie in Zoolander
Bruce Campbell's Cameos in the various Spider-man movies
Tarantino on Desperado

If you take more classic films into the discussion I'd be obviously remiss if I didn't mention Alfred Hitchcock in pretty much everything. At screenings of his films in many locations, it's customary for the audience to immediately applaud when he is spotted.

For obvious reasons I have a soft spot for Vonnegut showing up in Back to School, which itself has classic cameos from Sam Kinison and Danny Elfman.

And who could forget this classic Marshall McLuhan appearance in Annie Hall:

Bob Barker in "Happy Gilmore".

The thread is over, Bitch.

When I was in law school I irresponsibly flew to LA during the semester to go to a Price is Right taping. During filming in the "commercial breaks" Bob took questions from the audience.

One of my proudest moments as a human being was watching him do the Happy Gilmore line live upon request.

EDIT: Along the same lines as YB's: Bob Saget in Half Baked.
When I was in law school I irresponsibly flew to LA during the semester to go to a Price is Right taping. During filming in the "commercial breaks" Bob took questions from the audience.

One of my proudest moments as a human being was watching him do the Happy Gilmore line live upon request.

EDIT: Along the same lines as YB's: Bob Saget in Half Baked.

You lost me here.
Another good cameo was Tom Cruise in "Tropic Thunder". Easily the best thing in that movie.
Another good cameo was Tom Cruise in "Tropic Thunder". Easily the best thing in that movie.

Now that I wouldn't call a cameo. He was a full-blown character in that movie.
They could have shown paint drying and it would have been the best thing in Tropic Thunder.

Congratulations on your post, Marcus, especially considering how the Academy feels about posters who go full-retard.