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Breaking Bad (thread will have *spoilers*)

He didn't say that they are the same character

what i meant is
well walt has become evil.
dexter is trying to be good and feels conflicted about killing an incocent life back in season 2 or 3.
dextrer lives by a code so you cans till root for him.
walt does not. walt is/has Become evil.
greedy for HIS money.
so what i was saying but too lazy to explain is they are not comparable. in other words it is totaally fine to root for dexter. but wrong to root for walt.
yet we still root for walt because he started out with "good" intentions. but allong the way he lost it(killing jane and poisoning brock)
what i meant is
well walt has become evil.
dexter is trying to be good and feels conflicted about killing an incocent life back in season 2 or 3.
dextrer lives by a code so you cans till root for him.
walt does not. walt is/has Become evil.
greedy for HIS money.
so what i was saying but too lazy to explain is they are not comparable. in other words it is totaally fine to root for dexter. but wrong to root for walt.
yet we still root for walt because he started out with "good" intentions. but allong the way he lost it(killing jane and poisoning brock)

I see.
Good explanation
Here are some of my top TV series to watch
Dexter, Breaking Bad, Hell on Wheels, Walking Dead (yeah AMC rocks),Justified. Dexter and Breaking Bad are so well written.
Here are some of my top TV series to watch
Dexter, Breaking Bad, Hell on Wheels, Walking Dead (yeah AMC rocks),Justified. Dexter and Breaking Bad are so well written.

I don't know about dexter anymore. I'm over it. Seems like it went downhill fast once Deb found out. Maybe earlier...

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I never got into Dexter. I watched the first 4-5 episodes and couldn't take one more "I do not feel emotions like the HU-MANS" speech.
what i meant is
well walt has become evil.
.....yet we still root for walt because he started out with "good" intentions. but allong the way he lost it(killing jane and poisoning brock)

What the hell. Brock is fine. Don't you know Walt by now? He measured the dose exactly.

and Jane? Walt didn't shoot the drugs into her that killed her.
Here are some of my top TV series to watch
Dexter, Breaking Bad, Hell on Wheels, Walking Dead (yeah AMC rocks),Justified. Dexter and Breaking Bad are so well written.

Throw in Sons of Anarchy, Ray Donovan, Boardwalk Empire, Game of Thrones, and Shameless and this is me. Except for the "Dexter is so well written" part. This season is a model version of "Why you end a series while it's good". I'm only hanging on because it's the end, ala "Breaking Bad."
Does Jesse blame himself for Jane's death? He should. Maybe that is why he is so screwed up.
He hasn't come to terms with this. His anger towards Walt is really anger towards himself that has been misplaced because he hasn't come to terms with taking responsibility for his own actions.

Of course.
Does Jesse blame himself for Jane's death? He should. Maybe that is why he is so screwed up.
He hasn't come to terms with this. His anger towards Walt is really anger towards himself that has been misplaced because he hasn't come to terms with taking responsibility for his own actions.

Yes he blames himself..... this is obvious.
Um, everyone talks about Hank dying in the last episode and if he does or not.

No one is talking about how those guys were there to kill Jesse, and they want Jesse dead to force Walt to cook for them again. This is "that" moment. Jesse dies. Hank may or may not die, but it is now irrelevant. Hank's partner probably dies because someone else has to die in all of that.

You now have Walt left, forced to cook for the Nazi's, and realizing that this will never end. He goes on the lam, only to show up where the second half of season 5 picks up. With a beard, a gun, and intent on killing the Nazi's.
Walt looks like he knows things are spinning out of his control.

No way. I think he has things right where he wants them, as caught in the middle of a gunfight between DEA agents and white supremacists, as he's handcuffed in the backseat of a DEA vehicle.
What the hell. Brock is fine. Don't you know Walt by now? He measured the dose exactly.

and Jane? Walt didn't shoot the drugs into her that killed her.

walt KILLED jane

OFCOURSE you would know that if you actually watch every episode.

but no you are so inteligent you know everything